April 10, 1963: Oswald tries to shoot General. Walker
Tom Scully April 11, 2014 at 1:51 pm
Mr. McAdams particularly, as well as others who practice such vigorous political partisanship cannot have it both ways. They cannot assert as if it was proven fact Oswald shot at Edwin Walker and the DeMohrenschildts soon met with Oswald and left him and Dallas with awareness of his crime and not demand a frank public accounting today from living persons of their knowledge of what happened just days later. DeMohrenschiltd arrived in New York City and on April 25 met along with Clemard Charles, a CIA associate, Thomas J. Devine. CIA documents inform that after the first meeting DeMohrenschildt was clearly the priority of interest of Devine and his CIA superior, C. Frank Stone III. Three subsequent meetings or encounters between DeMohrenschildt and Devine were described in CIA documents by May 19,1963. Last fall I discovered Devine had attended Rochester, NY area Allendale-Columbia school from grades K-12 and that his father Adrian was that school board’s chairman. There were 20 in Devine’s class and newspapers of the time reported that Peter Dryer was one of them. When I questioned Joan Mellen about this, she shared that Dryer’s brother Joseph told her that Devine had been his best friend in Rochester. I documented it here.:
This same individual, Joseph F. Dryer, Jr. also met with DeMohrenschildt and Charles on April 25, the same days as the pair’s first meeting with the Thomas J.Devine. It would seem consistent for Mr. McAams to use his pulpit and any other influence he could exert to call for Mr. Bush to ask Devine and Joseph Dryer what the two friends discussed with DeMohrenschildt on April 25, 1963, so soon after DeMohrenschildt allegedly learned of Oswald’s alleged crime against Walker. Especially if I held McAdams’s convictions of Oswald’s guilt and DeMohrenschildt’s knowledge, I would thirst for an accounting from Devine and Dryer in order to be able to judge whether the timing of these two Rochester friends was simply an amazing coincidence or co-ordinated and for what reasons, and whether DeMohrenschildt spoke to either of Oswald or of Walker. Devine and Dryer need to explain what they communicated about those meetings, following the JFK assassination, and to whom they communicated it to.
The China Diary of George H. W. Bush: The Making of a Global ...
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Jeffrey A. Engel - 2011 - History
Bemis, Lias and Devine had a meeting regarding my political future—very thoughtful of them.5 All I know now is to do the best job one can here. There is no ...
Billy Joe Lord describes "Bemis" to President Carter:

Henry Hurt, fresh outta Kennebunkport, Pop. 3,000, summer home of Bush 'n Bemiss, marrying Bemiss's cousin, Freeport Sulphur President, Langbourne Williams's

Busy "Loan Nut" backstory? Did DeMohrenschildt inform Devine, in NYC, just two weeks after the Walker shooting, of anything related to his and his wife's
knowledge of Oswald and his rifle?

Support for my acquaintance with author Joan Mellen, credits page of her book, "Our Man in Haiti":

Clumsy CIA "insertion" of Dryer, Jr. by Cogswell's aunt.:
https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=55062&relPageId=54&Cogswell was associated with Veciana and fellow Scarsdale, NY resident and Phillips Exeter schoolmate, Richard Ober.
Page 1: Ober's brother's wedding.:
http://jfkforum.com/images/CogswellGuestAtNathanOber1950Wed1of2.jpgPage 2:

Cogswell was involved in anti Castro fundraising with Empire Trust's Dean Mathey "wunderkind" Leslie Rice. Mathey, Empire president Henry Brunie, best man of John McCloy, played tennis together.

Interlock: Art, Conspiracy, and the Shadow Worlds of Mark Lombardi
By Patricia Goldstone