The unintended hilarity of this post is off the charts! 
We all have our idea of what's humorous , but after watching RP stand in front of a "dumb appearing" ( lemmings) audience and spew her nonsense it makes me ill.
The faces of her audience reflect the majority of the few Americans who have any interest in the coup d e'tat in Dallas. They nod their heads as if they know the the truth but in reality they know the official fairy tale and they believe RP.
I would point out just a couple of falsehoods that RP stated ..... At the 26:00 point she is talking about Lee loading the personal belongings of the Oswald's into her Station Wagon in New Orleans in mid September of 63. She says that Lee had the rifle in one of the duffel bags..... Apparently she doesn't know that a duffel bag is not long enough to hold a 40 inch long rifle. And the official tale says that the rifle was wrapped in a blanket. Another point where RP stretches the truth occurs at the 28:00 point....She says that very early on the News reports a Reporter says that he saw a "pink cloud" ( brain matter and blood from JFK) There were no such reports on the news just minutes after the shooting.
I watched the entire video, and my impression is that RP is a bit of a busybody whacko.... She is a liar and a story teller.
PS Duffel bags measured 15 inches X 34 inches..... Even if the carcano had been disassembled It would NOT have fit in a duffel bag.