What's laughable is that you keep claiming that there's something in his background that would have made him a murder suspect. Being a Marxist or a defector (false or otherwise) doesn't make one a murderer. You need more than that to consider somebody a "suspect".
Forget the alleged wife-beating and shooting at General Walker, etc, what it boils down to whether or not the FBI and Secret Service knew before 11/22/63 that self-avowed Marxist and re-defector Oswald had (supposedly) been in contact in Mexico City with KGB officer Valiery Kostikov, believed at the time (probably mistakenly) to have been the head of KGB sabotage and assassination efforts in the Western Hemisphere.
If they weren't apprised of this by the CIA, then we must ask why not.
And if FBI
was notified but dropped the ball, then shouldn't we blame Hoover and/or Hosty for the assassination?
-- MWT

PS Or would you prefer to blame the evil, evil, evil Military Industrial Intelligence Community Complex?