Mr. BRENNAN. I positively thought that the first shot was a backfire of a motorcycle. And then something made me think that someone was throwing firecrackers from the Texas Book Store, and a possibility it was the second shot. But I glanced up or looked up and I saw this man taking aim for his last shot. The first shot and last shot is my only positive recollection of two shots.
Mr. McCLOY. Did you see the rifle explode? Did you see the flash of what was either the second or the third shot?
Mr. McCLOY. Could you see that he had discharged the rifle?
Mr. BRENNAN. No. For some reason I did not get an echo at any time. The first shot was positive and clear and the last shot was positive and dear, with no echo on my part.
Mr. McCLOY. Yes. But you saw him aim?
Mr. McCLOY. Did you see the rifle discharge, did you see the recoil or the flash?
Mr. McCLOY. But you heard the last shot.
Mr. BRENNAN. The report; yes, sir.
Brennan is correct. There are videos of the carcano being fired from the front and there is no muzzle flash and very little recoil.
He stated he seen him fire the rifle at least three different times.
Dallas Morning News SaPersonay Nov 23, 1964 ---- The Assassin Crouched And Took Deadly Aim by Kent Biffle
"After the first shot, I looked up and saw him. The gun was sticking out of the window. I saw him fire a second time.
FBI Report 11/22
“…... He said the rifle was pointed in the direction of the President’s car when he saw it fired.”
FBI Report 1/7/64
“The car passed out of sight and shortly thereafter, he heard one shot, which he first believed to have been a firecracker, and he immediately looked toward the TSBD building and saw a man on the sixth floor in the same window, near the southeast corner of the building, and noticed that this man took deliberate aim and shot the rifle again.”