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Author Topic: A Better Sequence (TM DVP)  (Read 72925 times)

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: A Better Sequence (TM DVP)
« Reply #152 on: October 11, 2019, 09:51:50 PM »
Let it go, Captain Obsession. Betzner-blob isn’t Calvery just because you want it to be.

Nobody really cares who you want your blobs to be.


How could you have been so convinced that the gal in the Betzner-3 blow-up you posted, above, is wearing glasses that you actually referred to her as "Glasses Woman"?  (No doubt because, out of sheer obstinacy, you didn't want to agree with my labeling her "black-blouse-and-black-headscarf-wearing woman," or some-such thing. LOL)

And how do you explain the fact that you stopped calling her that as soon as you realized (or maybe even remembered) that Gloria Calvery always wore big, black-framed glasses?

Answer: "Simple: I kept zooming farther and farther in until the resolution was so poor that all I could see were blobs."

-- MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: October 11, 2019, 10:18:30 PM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A Better Sequence (TM DVP)
« Reply #152 on: October 11, 2019, 09:51:50 PM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: A Better Sequence (TM DVP)
« Reply #153 on: October 11, 2019, 10:35:25 PM »
As I never got an answer to my question from Jack, I'll give it a second try.

BRW was on the floor until he went to join Jarman and Norman. He just was never in the SN. That is  Colin's hopeful addition.

Brennan, Euins, Fischer, Edwards, Unknown person talking to detective Herbert Sawyer (basically who told him about the Winchester 30-30 rifle?)

BRW was on the floor until he went to join Jarman and Norman. He just was never in the SN.

And how exactly do you know for sure he was never in the SN?

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: A Better Sequence (TM DVP)
« Reply #154 on: October 12, 2019, 02:06:22 AM »
As I never got an answer to my question from Jack, I'll give it a second try.

BRW was on the floor until he went to join Jarman and Norman. He just was never in the SN.

And how exactly do you know for sure he was never in the SN?

Martin, Williams failed to mention his chicken lunch to authorities until Dec 2. It was widely reported in the media within hours of the assassination that the assassin was in position for some time and had eaten a chicken lunch while waiting for the motorcade to arrive. Oswald was dead by the early afternoon of the 24th. Lt Day had visited the TSBD on the 25th and spoken to the workers about the lunch and this is when it was discovered that it was tied to Williams.

The overwhelming evidence places the lunch remnants in the SN when first discovered. The overwhelming evidence shows that Williams did not join Jarman and Norman until minutes before the shooting. Willliams' various statements show obvious signs of deception regarding his movements after the elevator race. Prior to their appearance before the WC, Jarman and Norman invariably claimed he ascended with them to the 5th floor to watch the motorcade that day.

Jack, for what ever reason, doesn’t want to address these facts. Presumably it does not align with his "belief" of events. At least he is attempting to debate at some level.

Other members of the LN clan presumably would rather just ignore the consolidated statements that were collected and available to the WC investigators. Only they can explain the reason for their absence from this thread and others that have attempted to make sense of what has been presented.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A Better Sequence (TM DVP)
« Reply #154 on: October 12, 2019, 02:06:22 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: A Better Sequence (TM DVP)
« Reply #155 on: October 12, 2019, 02:19:26 AM »
Exaggerator maybe, fabricator definitely.

The WC was convinced he was making it up. I don't know how you could read his testimony and not see all the inconsistencies in it. Specter completely exposed him during his testimony as did his wife.  Until Arnold attempted to put another person in the SN his fabrication was somewhat harmless because for real there was a man with a rifle on the 6th floor. Attempting to place another person in the SN took the whole fabrication to a new level. People who want to desperately believe there was conspiracy and what Rowland stated, regardless of whether it was factual or not, are not convinced and never will be.

The WC was convinced he was making it up.

Of course the WC wanted to discredit Rowland....   Is the reason they wanted to discredit him, a mystery to you?

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: A Better Sequence (TM DVP)
« Reply #156 on: October 12, 2019, 02:23:40 AM »
The WC was convinced he was making it up.

Of course the WC wanted to discredit Rowland....   Is the reason they wanted to discredit him, a mystery to you?

Walt, you just need to see the significance 12.15pm plays in Williams' previous statements to know that his presence was dynamite to the offical "story".

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A Better Sequence (TM DVP)
« Reply #156 on: October 12, 2019, 02:23:40 AM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: A Better Sequence (TM DVP)
« Reply #157 on: October 12, 2019, 02:24:35 AM »
Martin, Williams failed to mention his chicken lunch to authorities until Dec 2. It was widely reported in the media within hours of the assassination that the assassin was in position for some time and had eaten a chicken lunch while waiting for the motorcade to arrive. Oswald was dead by the early afternoon of the 24th. Lt Day had visited the TSBD on the 25th and spoken to the workers about the lunch and this is when it was discovered that it was tied to Williams.

The overwhelming evidence places the lunch remnants in the SN when first discovered. The overwhelming evidence shows that Williams did not join Jarman and Norman until minutes before the shooting. Willliams' various statements show obvious signs of deception regarding his movements after the elevator race. Prior to their appearance before the WC, Jarman and Norman invariably claimed he ascended with them to the 5th floor to watch the motorcade that day.

Jack, for what ever reason, doesn’t want to address these facts. Presumably it does not align with his "belief" of events. At least he is attempting to debate at some level.

Other members of the LN clan presumably would rather just ignore the consolidated statements that were collected and available to the WC investigators. Only they can explain the reason for their absence from this thread and others that have attempted to make sense of what has been presented.

Other members of the LN clan presumably would rather just ignore the consolidated statements that were collected and available to the WC investigators. Only they can explain the reason for their absence from this thread and others that have attempted to make sense of what has been presented.

Indeed, when LNs run from, or simply ignore, posts containing evidence they can not explain, it's the best indicator of just how weak their case really is.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: A Better Sequence (TM DVP)
« Reply #158 on: October 12, 2019, 02:55:09 PM »
How could you have been so convinced that the gal in the Betzner-3 blow-up you posted, above, is wearing glasses that you actually referred to her as "Glasses Woman"?

Who said I was convinced? Oh yeah, that’s just another thing you made up.

But let’s say that Betzner-blob is actually wearing glasses. How does that prove it’s Calvery? Just because you want it to be?

And how do you know that Calvery “always wore big black-framed glasses”? Oh yeah, you made that up too.

Answer: "Simple: I kept zooming farther and farther in until the resolution was so poor that all I could see were blobs."

Feel free to post Betzner-3 in whatever resolution you think will unequivocally identify glasses being present. Oh yeah, you can’t. All you can do is flap your gums.

Offline John Agee

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Re: A Better Sequence (TM DVP)
« Reply #159 on: October 13, 2019, 02:24:08 PM »

Martin, Williams failed to mention his chicken lunch to authorities until Dec 2. It was widely reported in the media within hours of the assassination that the assassin was in position for some time and had eaten a chicken lunch while waiting for the motorcade to arrive. Oswald was dead by the early afternoon of the 24th. Lt Day had visited the TSBD on the 25th and spoken to the workers about the lunch and this is when it was discovered that it was tied to Williams.

The overwhelming evidence places the lunch remnants in the SN when first discovered. The overwhelming evidence shows that Williams did not join Jarman and Norman until minutes before the shooting. Willliams' various statements show obvious signs of deception regarding his movements after the elevator race. Prior to their appearance before the WC, Jarman and Norman invariably claimed he ascended with them to the 5th floor to watch the motorcade that day.

Jack, for what ever reason, doesn’t want to address these facts. Presumably it does not align with his "belief" of events. At least he is attempting to debate at some level.

Other members of the LN clan presumably would rather just ignore the consolidated statements that were collected and available to the WC investigators. Only they can explain the reason for their absence from this thread and others that have attempted to make sense of what has been presented.

Other members of the LN clan presumably would rather just ignore the consolidated statements that were collected and available to the WC investigators. Only they can explain the reason for their absence from this thread and others that have attempted to make sense of what has been presented.

Indeed, when LNs run from, or simply ignore, posts containing evidence they can not explain, it's the best indicator of just how weak their case really is.

I'll take a whack at it. Williams ate his lunch in the sniper's nest while he was having a friendly conversation with the assassin who has the rifle ready to assassinate the president (likely Oswald, possibly somebody else, let's say Oswald). Willams, at about 12:25 PM (Williams must have seen the assassin's rifle at this late time), said bye bye to Oswald and inexplicably left the remnants of his lunch right on the boxes in the sniper's nest (evidence that he could be named a suspect or an accessory to murdering the president). The lunch remains are in the assassin's way but Oswald smartly leaves the lunch on the boxes, shoots the president and tries to hide the rifle. Oswald now hopes the authorities think Williams shot the president as Williams idiodically left his lunch in the sniper's nest (people do dumb things sometimes).

How's that sound guys?


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A Better Sequence (TM DVP)
« Reply #159 on: October 13, 2019, 02:24:08 PM »