Recognizing that researchers now know that Shaw was a member of a CIA operation titled QK/ENCHANT, Lambert preposterously argues, using "one unofficial account" as her source, that QK/ENCHANT was "nothing more than a program for routine debriefing of individuals involved in international trade." Yet, interestingly, Watergate mastermind and CIA spook E. Howard Hunt (Guatemala, the Bay of Pigs) was also approved for QK/ENCHANT, and he was no businessman.
So the above is the closest thing (that I saw in your post) to a claim by Joan that there is something incorrect in “False Witness.” Yet it’s only innuendo.
I grew tired of conjecture and innuendo years ago after reading the umpteenth conspiracy book. I think that it isn’t that some of us “don’t want to know.” But rather we recognize it for what it is: innuendo. And we are not interested in innuendo.
By the way, I failed to mention that my great aunt’s brother was a federal marshal and his wife worked for the FBI. Coincidentally, I am planning a trip to D.C. soon and will be seeing their daughter for the first time since childhood. We plan to visit their gravesites along with the unknown soldier’s and JFK’s all in Arlington National Cemetery.
Charles, resorting to tactics of a scoundrel is also an indication no reader will actually learn anything from your posts, in this thread, anyway! IOW, it is your prerogative to attempt to diminish me, if you actually have nothing else to present, but you will not diminish the facts I am presenting. Author Lambert does mention Nicholas Lemann in her poorly researched book, but nothing connecting him to his actual, conflicted, non-disclosed, ethics issues.
I freely share my research and the predictable reactions of disdain laced with impatience almost always accompanies the ridicule.... IOW,
you do not actually want to know what you were sure you knew, but actually did not know, and now, almost seem to resent being informed of....
P.D. Scott had it right, but he certainly did not dive deep enough. There were four CIA officers in the NOLA DCO until William P Burke retired in 1962. Burke's boss was Edwin "Squirrel" Ashcraft, DCO/CIA chief. I have linked Ashcraft to his Princeton '29 classmate, Herbert Seay, and to a fellow Princeton Triangle Player associated with the wife of William P Burke. Herbert Seay's Princeton roommate was Tilbury O. "Buck" Freeman. Freeman's signature appears on the Naturalization paper of Elsa Bouhe, because Freeman was married to Elsa's daughter, Irina. Buck Freeman and his wife, Irina, lived in Plainfield, NJ, the town the SS Death Index indicates Irina's brother, George Bouhe received his final SS monthly retirement benefit in, circa 1980. Buck Freeman and Squirrel Ashcraft were still attending Princeton class of '29 reunions into the 1960's. You couldn't miss Squirrel, as he entertained his fellow alumni as the piano player and most prominent member of the jazz band, members of which had played together from their days at Princeton. (Supporting Details
at bottom of this post)
Despite all of the detail above, and the fact that
William P Hagerty was best man in the weddings of both of the two other male officers in Burke's CIA DCO, Lloyd Ray and Hunter Leake, II, and also an usher in the wedding party of Cecil Shilstone,
the existing CIA documents "scream" an impression that the CIA did not know what "rogue" NOLA D.A. was actually up to, or what the implications/consequences of his investigation and his prosecution of Clay Shaw, would be!
Besides Shilstone, Ray, Leake, and Hagerty, the group of pals consistently included Mac (Michael Whittington) Burke, (no direct relation to William P Burke)

Willard E Robertson, New England defense plant woodworker in 1944, NOLA tycoon, political king maker by 1961!
by Jerry D. Rose
This article originally published in The Fourth Decade Vol. 4, #3, Mar. 1997.
.....For all these and other instances of Garrison-bashing by INCA, there is nothing in the published record (that I know of) to indicate that Garrison ever did contemplate prosecution and/or public vilification of INCA. In neither of Garrison's two books on the assassination is there any mention of INCA, Butler or Ochsner (and even the name Bringuier does not appear in the index to the second book). (22) Are we dealing, then, with a case of severe paranoia (or a guilty conscience) on the part of INCA; or, perhaps, with an actual co-optation of the Garrison investigation by INCA? Let us explore for a bit this second possibility.
My comments in this direction revolve largely around the unusual composition of the group of New Orleans "citizens" who, in early 1967, formed a group called Truth and Consequences (T&C) which would provide private funding for Garrison in his investigation. (23) Peter Dale Scott long ago pointed out the anomaly that two of the three leaders of T&C, Willard Robertson and Cecil Shilstone, were in fact founding members of INCA. (24) Robertson was an especially active member. When INCA opened its 'truth tapes" operation in 1961, Robertson was prominent in the dedication ceremonies and had donated, for INCA's use in local fund-raising, a "bright red, sound-equipped station wagon." (25) (presumably a Volkswagen, since Robertson had the VW dealership in the New Orleans area). For this generosity (and, no doubt for other services rendered), he was given an INCA Fighter for Freedom Award at an INCA ceremony on December 11, 1963. (26) Actually, the INCA ties to T&C (and to Jim Garrison) go considerably beyond the Robertson/Shilstone connection noted by Scott.

The third (and usually considered the leading) founder of T&C, oil tycoon Joseph Rault, Jr., arguably had ties to INCA as well ... he certainly was close to Ochsner. Although I have not found that Rault was an INCA member, there is a letter in the Ochsner papers soliciting Rault for a contribution. (27) In 1965, when Ochsner was chairman of the New Orleans Inter-American Municipal Organization, he brought in Rault as a temporary director. (28) The man who ultimately replaced Rault was a Bay of Pigs veteran, Cuban exile Alberto Fowler, has been described as a sometime investigator for Jim Garrison. (29) Finally, Rault was, in one account, (30) present with Senator Russell Long when the idea was planted in Garrison's mind that the Warren Commission had done a faulty investigation. The Long connection to Garrison and Ochsner is an interesting one. A biography of Ochsner shows a surprising friendship between Ochsner and Long - surprising considering that, early in Ochsner's career in the Tulane Medical School (around 1930), Ochsner had a bitter confrontation with Long's father Huey Long over questions of leadership at the Charity Hospital in New Orleans. (31) Surprising, then, that Russell Long once praised Ochsner in noting a controversy about Huey's medical treatment at the time of his assassination, saying to Ochsner "You know, if my father had had you to take care of him, he would be alive today." To this, Ochsner "modestly" replied "I didn't know Russell realized this." (32)
Beyond the T&C connections to INCA represented by Robertson, Shilstone and Raul, there is at least one other likely connection. In reporting the formation of T&C, James and Wardlaw mention a few additional members, namely Eberhard Deutsch, John Mmahat, Edmond G. Miranne, Harold Cook and Lawrence Merrigan. (33) The name of Deutsch jumps out of that list, since he is an attorney whose name appears on the letterhead of the Directors of INCA. (34) Deutsch has been described by Scott (who was probably unaware of his T&C connection) as the General Counsel of Standard Fruit and as "Jim Garrison's former law partner and political mentor." (35)
Do we start to get the picture? INCA, which was supposedly in mortal combat with the Garrison investigation, has at least 4 of its associates among the leaders of Truth and Consequences, the money bag outfit for the Garrison investigation. Did T&C "get" what it may have been "paying" for? - i.e., immunity for INCA from Garrison prosecution? Certainly those INCA people who were T&C-involved were not ostracized by INCA for "sleeping with the enemy." In fact, two of them - Robertson and Shilstone - were re-elected as INCA directors in September, 1968, after T&C had been operating for a year and a half. (36) Certainly, I haven't proven that the Garrison investigation was INCA co-opted, but there seems to be quite a bit pointing in that direction.
*Revision of a paper delivered at the First Research Conference of the Fourth Decade at Fredonia, New York, June, 1996.
A summary.... full text is a click away....
General Discussion & Debate / Re: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?
« by Tom Scully on July 11, 2019, 11:40:49 PM »
...... Seay's, and Freeman's class of 1929 was Squiirrel Ashcraft, William Burke's and Lloyd Ray's longtime boss at ............ Stewart ’32 was an early vocalist), "Squirrel" Ashcraft ’29 and Bill Priestley ’29, as well as Ron ............ (Freeman's roommate Burt Seay likely knew Squirrel Ashcraft well, in 1928) with CIA's Chief of Domestic ............ , Edwin Squirrel Ashcraft, may lie in the keepsakes or memories of this man, ............ -friendship-kindnesses-hank-oneal-recalls-squirrel-ashcraft-nov-2-2018/ HOT MUSIC, GOOD STORIES, LASTING ............ , KINDNESSES: HANK O’NEAL RECALLS SQUIRREL ASHCRAFT (Nov. 2, 2018) Posted on January 28, 2019 | 3 ............ they don’t wilt with a second telling: SQUIRREL ASHCRAFT September 20, 1905 – January 18, 1981 Edwin ............ Ashcraft III, better known as “Squirrel”, is the least ............ to the CIA’s Office of Operations, where Squirrel Ashcraft was the Director....... .....World War II closed ............ , or anything else.... Quote Edwin "Squirrel" Ashcraft was head of CIA Domestic Contacts, his deputy ............ and fellow Triangle Club member of Edwin Squirrel Ashcraft, Herbert Seay, and John Coxe, was briefly first ............ both members of Princeton Glee Club. Squirrel Ashcraft was Triangle Club V.P. and credited withmoving ............ . As recently as the 45th reunion of class of '29, Ashcraft was leading a jazz ensemble as reunion musical ............ a Princeton classmate of Burke's boss, Squirrel Ashcraft, and both were classmates of George W. Dodge, or ......