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Author Topic: False Witness  (Read 18876 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2019, 05:27:23 PM »
Tom: These "connections" are potentially interesting but Lambert's claims in her book stand or fall based on the evidence she presents and not whether she had some sort of relationship with "X" or "Y."

I think your theory that, if I understand it, Garrison's investigation was some sort of deliberate "sham" meant to distract or divert attention from the real murderers and/or a real investigation is incredibly weak.

Assuming for the sake of your argument that it WAS intended to divert attention away from a followup investigation to the WC how is Lambert exposing Garrison's investigation as a fraud more than 30 years later part of this, well, conspiracy? Doesn't her exposure support your theory that Garrison never intended to go after the "real murderers" of JFK? And exposing him three decades later? For what purpose? I don't see how her work supports your hypothesis.

As to Lambert: I believe she died last year from cancer. Or perhaps this year. Recently.

Sorry, Steve, considering my well documented research results, I do not know what else is to be made of this....for example, Shaw's silence in reaction to Baldwin's advice about Garrison's background, Baldwin's close friend, Jesse Core's counter advice to Garrison, Joan Mellen/Sklar & Stone lack of awareness the two Baldwin brothers were related to Garrison's wife, a fact disclosed to Shaw by Baldwin in the same week Shaw was arrested and charged...

….and Nicholas B Lemann's 1991 attack article published in GQ magazine. Lemann certainly did not disclose that the only paternal grandma he ever knew,
was David Baldwin's wife's mother, who was the step-sister of Lemann's father, Thomas, and Nicholas's uncle, Stephen, the alleged "CIA paymaster in NOLA" who
Jesse Core was urging in mid-1966 to be exposed on NBC by Garrison via the appeal to the FCC commissioner under the "equal time" doctrine.

This letter was published in the Times-Picayune before Jesse Core wrote the letter in the image below to Willard Robertson:
1of2 Pg. 20 Sec. 1 – Times Picayune New Orleans, LA
Garrison Files FCC Complaint Accusing NBC
2of2 Garrison 06/67 letter to FCC comm. Rosel H. Hyde
(Top of right side column)
…It should be added that the last described endeavor has been accomplished not by members
of the station (WDSU) itself, but by an attorney closely connected with the station who has previously
been known to disperse funds in the New Orleans area in behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency

Fresh out of Harvard in 1975, Nicholas B Lemann became the office mate and friend of Tom Bethel at the Washington Monthly!

Man of a Million Fragments: The True Story of Clay Shaw (Paperback)
by Donald H. Carpenter
Page 156 –
DiEugenio and Mellen have it wrong. Garrison deceived Mellen and Sklar. I have presented the proof meticulously supporting that conclusion, multiple times.

Baldwin was warning Shaw his prosecution by Garrison was a secret family matter of the Baldwin Ziegler Garrison Lemann family.
Baldwin's CIA buddy, Jesse Core (both hired by Shaw) was urging the opposite...telling Garrison through Willard  Robertson, to go on the offensive
against Shaw at the same time Baldwin was advising Shaw of his family ties to Garrison's wife.:

June 30, 1967:

« Last Edit: October 03, 2019, 05:39:17 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: False Witness
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2019, 05:27:23 PM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #33 on: October 03, 2019, 08:46:44 PM »
Colin, I am not in "monitor mode"....I was inclined to point out to you the fact Steve posted of. My comment to you
was a plea. Posters here willing to discuss the dubious (uncorroborated) claims of Patsy Ruth Billings Lambert....
(anyone ever seen a pic or vid of her or point me to any live presentation by this evidently highly regarded author?)

....but no discussion  ever ensues in reaction to what I actually have proven. In fact, DiEugenio, instead of arguing facts I unearthed, which are impossible to refute, instead associated me with Max Holland.

I genuinely seek your reaction to my facts suggesting Garrison and Shaw may have been on the same side!

I genuinely seek your reaction to my facts suggesting Garrison and Shaw may have been on the same side!

On the same side??!

Here is an excerpt from “False Witness:”

“...That job began the day Shaw’s attorneys made their last-ditch plea to federal court and it landed on Christenberry’s docket. Their request was unusual, for federal courts rarely intervene in ongoing state cases, and are barred from doing so by federal statute, except in certain “special circumstances.” Edward Wegmann, the only attorney on Shaw’s team whose practice was limited to civil law, conceived this creative strategy. He also penned the twenty-four-page complaint. That document, infused with Edward Wegmann’s indignation, smoldering since Shaw’s arrest, asserted in part that Garrison, acting in “bad faith,” had misused and abused his powers, particularly “in the prosecution of innocent citizens,” including Shaw. That he had conspired with members of Truth and Consequences “to accomplish his illegal purposes” and “harassed and intimidated” Shaw and others who incurred “his wrath.” That he had engaged in an “illegal and useless” investigation of the assassination for “his own personal aggrandizement.” Used the criminal courts of New Orleans “as a forum for his activities and as a shield” against those who disagreed. Unlawfully prosecuted Shaw for no “legitimate purposes.” Published a book that gave him “a financial interest” in Shaw’s continued prosecution. “Created an atmosphere of fear and terror in the community.” And violated Shaw’s rights to free speech, due process, and equal protection under the constitution. The longstanding allegations of wrongdoing by Garrison at long last had been expressed in a court of law. But Judge Christenberry first rejected the plea, partly because the perjury trial was so imminent. Shaw’s attorneys then appealed and won. That set the stage for the defining moment of this case, Judge Christenberry and his hearing, when all the chickens came home to roost. For some reason, this remarkable three-day proceeding has been virtually overlooked. Students of the case often have never heard of it. Even the transcript at first seemed to be unavailable. I traced it to a branch of the National Archives in Fort Worth, Texas, and in 1995 obtained a copy.”

The same side my foot!!!

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2019, 03:00:53 AM »
I genuinely seek your reaction to my facts suggesting Garrison and Shaw may have been on the same side!

On the same side??!

Here is an excerpt from “False Witness:”


The same side my foot!!!

I guess the way this actually smelled is unfamiliar to you? Reread what covert CIA agent, David Baldwin wrote to Shaw in March, 1967, displayed in an image in my earlier post....IOW, Shaw literally kept Garrison's secret, a secret not even shared with Garrison autobiography editor and "JFK, the Movie," co-screenplay writer (with Stone) Zachary Sklar.

by Jerry D. Rose

This article originally published in The Fourth Decade Vol. 4, #3, Mar. 1997.

.....For all these and other instances of Garrison-bashing by INCA, there is nothing in the published record (that I know of) to indicate that Garrison ever did contemplate prosecution and/or public vilification of INCA. In neither of Garrison's two books on the assassination is there any mention of INCA, Butler or Ochsner (and even the name Bringuier does not appear in the index to the second book). (22) Are we dealing, then, with a case of severe paranoia (or a guilty conscience) on the part of INCA; or, perhaps, with an actual co-optation of the Garrison investigation by INCA? Let us explore for a bit this second possibility.

My comments in this direction revolve largely around the unusual composition of the group of New Orleans "citizens" who, in early 1967, formed a group called Truth and Consequences (T&C) which would provide private funding for Garrison in his investigation. (23) Peter Dale Scott long ago pointed out the anomaly that two of the three leaders of T&C, Willard Robertson and Cecil Shilstone, were in fact founding members of INCA. (24) Robertson was an especially active member. When INCA opened its 'truth tapes" operation in 1961, Robertson was prominent in the dedication ceremonies and had donated, for INCA's use in local fund-raising, a "bright red, sound-equipped station wagon." (25) (presumably a Volkswagen, since Robertson had the VW dealership in the New Orleans area). For this generosity (and, no doubt for other services rendered), he was given an INCA Fighter for Freedom Award at an INCA ceremony on December 11, 1963. (26) Actually, the INCA ties to T&C (and to Jim Garrison) go considerably beyond the Robertson/Shilstone connection noted by Scott. The third (and usually considered the leading) founder of T&C, oil tycoon Joseph Rault, Jr., arguably had ties to INCA as well ... he certainly was close to Ochsner. Although I have not found that Rault was an INCA member, there is a letter in the Ochsner papers soliciting Rault for a contribution. (27) In 1965, when Ochsner was chairman of the New Orleans Inter-American Municipal Organization, he brought in Rault as a temporary director. (28) The man who ultimately replaced Rault was a Bay of Pigs veteran, Cuban exile Alberto Fowler, has been described as a sometime investigator for Jim Garrison. (29) Finally, Rault was, in one account, (30) present with Senator Russell Long when the idea was planted in Garrison's mind that the Warren Commission had done a faulty investigation. The Long connection to Garrison and Ochsner is an interesting one. A biography of Ochsner shows a surprising friendship between Ochsner and Long - surprising considering that, early in Ochsner's career in the Tulane Medical School (around 1930), Ochsner had a bitter confrontation with Long's father Huey Long over questions of leadership at the Charity Hospital in New Orleans. (31) Surprising, then, that Russell Long once praised Ochsner in noting a controversy about Huey's medical treatment at the time of his assassination, saying to Ochsner "You know, if my father had had you to take care of him, he would be alive today." To this, Ochsner "modestly" replied "I didn't know Russell realized this." (32)

Beyond the T&C connections to INCA represented by Robertson, Shilstone and Raul, there is at least one other likely connection. In reporting the formation of T&C, James and Wardlaw mention a few additional members, namely Eberhard Deutsch, John Mmahat, Edmond G. Miranne, Harold Cook and Lawrence Merrigan. (33) The name of Deutsch jumps out of that list, since he is an attorney whose name appears on the letterhead of the Directors of INCA. (34) Deutsch has been described by Scott (who was probably unaware of his T&C connection) as the General Counsel of Standard Fruit and as "Jim Garrison's former law partner and political mentor." (35)

Do we start to get the picture? INCA, which was supposedly in mortal combat with the Garrison investigation, has at least 4 of its associates among the leaders of Truth and Consequences, the money bag outfit for the Garrison investigation. Did T&C "get" what it may have been "paying" for? - i.e., immunity for INCA from Garrison prosecution? Certainly those INCA people who were T&C-involved were not ostracized by INCA for "sleeping with the enemy." In fact, two of them - Robertson and Shilstone - were re-elected as INCA directors in September, 1968, after T&C had been operating for a year and a half. (36) Certainly, I haven't proven that the Garrison investigation was INCA co-opted, but there seems to be quite a bit pointing in that direction.

*Revision of a paper delivered at the First Research Conference of the Fourth Decade at Fredonia, New York, June, 1996.


Charles, I began my inquiry in fall, 2015, originally looking only into Ed Butler. I shared my research as i went, in posts in comments at, where I had just assumed responsibilities of comments editor on that website. i stumbled onto the fact that David Baldwin and his brother Edward were first cousins of Garrison's wife, via a 1968 obit of Herbert Ziegler, naming his surviving siblings, sister, "Adele Raworth". I have the kind of memory that caused that name to ring a bell....where had I seen it before? It was the name of Badwin's mother in his 1945 wedding announcement. I then confirmed that Joan Mellen was unaware of this....and off I went!

Unredacted Episode 1: Transcript of Interview with Joan Mellen
This interview was conducted on 22 Feb 2006. …. and the interview was conducted by Rex Bradford.
JOAN: – when Baldwin was present, he was a CIA asset, his brother worked for the International Trade Mart and Clay Shaw, David Baldwin, and these, these are CIA people.…

The NOLA CIA/DCO included four CIA names, William Burke retired in 1962, turning management of that office to Ray.
Both of their obits include their membership in the New Orleans Country Club, managed by Willard Robertson's father-in-law
and business partner, Ernest Gossom, from 1925 to the mid-1960s
Leake and Shilstone were friends, with same best man, William P. Hagerty,
in their respective weddings, an exceeding popular fellow. Dorothy Brandao of that office;

.....….and there were three CIA officers in the NOLA domestic contacts office. One was Dorothy Brandao. She went to college in Garrison's home town, Des Moines.
She married once, in 1939, later divorcing. :

This is her husband John Miceli's brother, teamed with former Garrison law partner/mentor.:
STANDARD FRUIT and STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Appellant, v. … Deutsch, Kerrigan Stiles, New Orleans, La., Eberhard P. Deutsch, Augusto P. Miceli,…..
Tom S. 2016/06/06 at 10:45 pm
Beyond the T&C connections to INCA represented by Robertson, Shilstone and Rault, there is at least one other likely connection. In reporting the formation of T&C, James and Wardlaw mention a few additional members, namely Eberhard Deutsch,…. (33) The name of Deutsch jumps out of that list, since he is an attorney whose name appears on the letterhead of the Directors of INCA. (34) Deutsch has been described by Scott… as the General Counsel of Standard Fruit and as “Jim Garrison’s former law partner and political mentor.” (35)..

Garrison beat all criminal charges and his career was not markedly impeded, in the long run, by any of the controversies....

How do you explain New Hampshire native, Willard E Robertson's transformation from a 36 year old, New Haven, CT, defense plant woodworker in 1944 with a wife and two kids, to President of soon bankrupt Steelcraft boats of the South, to tycoon kingmaker of Louisiana governor and DA Garrison by the early 60s, flying the new governor around in his private plane?
I believe the explanation/funding/an outsider navigating of Louisiana politics centers around Ernest Gossom and Robertson's relationship with Shaw from late 1940's. Dulles classmate, Jack Churchward took woodworker Willard off the production line of his defense plant and made him his special assistant, and dispatched him to NOLA.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2019, 03:34:32 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: False Witness
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2019, 03:00:53 AM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #35 on: October 04, 2019, 11:41:00 AM »
I guess the way this actually smelled is unfamiliar to you? Reread what covert CIA agent, David Baldwin wrote to Shaw in March, 1967, displayed in an image in my earlier post....IOW, Shaw literally kept Garrison's secret, a secret not even shared with Garrison autobiography editor and "JFK, the Movie," co-screenplay writer (with Stone) Zachary Sklar.

Charles, I began my inquiry in fall, 2015, originally looking only into Ed Butler. I shared my research as i went, in posts in comments at, where I had just assumed responsibilities of comments editor on that website. i stumbled onto the fact that David Baldwin and his brother Edward were first cousins of Garrison's wife, via a 1968 obit of Herbert Ziegler, naming his surviving siblings, sister, "Adele Raworth". I have the kind of memory that caused that name to ring a bell....where had I seen it before? It was the name of Badwin's mother in his 1945 wedding announcement. I then confirmed that Joan Mellen was unaware of this....and off I went!

The NOLA CIA/DCO included four CIA names, William Burke retired in 1962, turning management of that office to Ray.
Both of their obits include their membership in the New Orleans Country Club, managed by Willard Robertson's father-in-law
and business partner, Ernest Gossom, from 1925 to the mid-1960s
Leake and Shilstone were friends, with same best man, William P. Hagerty,
in their respective weddings, an exceeding popular fellow. Dorothy Brandao of that office;

Garrison beat all criminal charges and his career was not markedly impeded, in the long run, by any of the controversies....

How do you explain New Hampshire native, Willard E Robertson's transformation from a 36 year old, New Haven, CT, defense plant woodworker in 1944 with a wife and two kids, to President of soon bankrupt Steelcraft boats of the South, to tycoon kingmaker of Louisiana governor and DA Garrison by the early 60s, flying the new governor around in his private plane?
I believe the explanation/funding/an outsider navigating of Louisiana politics centers around Ernest Gossom and Robertson's relationship with Shaw from late 1940's. Dulles classmate, Jack Churchward took woodworker Willard off the production line of his defense plant and made him his special assistant, and dispatched him to NOLA.

I have a late great aunt that used to cook for the Kennedys. She had residences in Massachusetts and West Palm Beach. She would migrate between her houses each year to stay close to her clients. She used to tell us kids that the super rich people were not the happiest of people. She left her two nephews (my father and uncle) a considerable sum of money and nothing much  to her immediate family.

Maybe you can find out if there was something sinister about that mystery.

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #36 on: October 05, 2019, 07:28:31 AM »
Charles, your response (Mark Knight redux) is beneath what I expected from you. Consider how similar your shallow ridicule today is, compared to Mark Knight's, seven years ago. IOW, your discouraging words are the rule rather than the exception. You, as do authors Janney and DiEugenio actually appreciate not knowing!

The story I related is true. I am showing that it is often feasible to find some innocent relationship between people. However, it usually doesn’t mean that something sinister is afoot.

Sure... but please try to appreciate the difference between sharing the story you related, with me, vs using it on me....
Where is the wedding announcement circa 1950 that confirms that Ruth Paine once lived next door to someone who was related to an individual who once was the best man at the wedding of someone who went to school with someone who once knew the son of Allen Dulles?  Thereby somehow proving that Paine was the master spy/suburban housewife behind the assassination of JFK.  I can just imagine old Ruth baking up some brownies while on the phone to J. Edgar plotting the sinister deed.

The mad charade by Garrison in New Orleans never made any sense to me. I just finished reading an eye opening book by Patricia Lambert: “False Witness” that tells the real story of Jim Garrison’s investigation and Oliver Stone’s film “JFK.”

If you have read this book, I would be interested in your thoughts about it. If not, I highly recommend this book.

FALSE WITNESS: The Real Story of Jim Garrison's Investigation and Oliver Stone's Film JFK. Patricia Lambert. M. Evans. $24.95. 352 pp.

As New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison's biographer, I confess to an interest in Patricia Lambert's False Witness. Jim Garrison, who in 1969 prosecuted Clay Shaw unsuccessfully for conspiracy to murder President Kennedy, was a complex man and no saint.

False Witness, alas, is little more than an unpleasant one-sided diatribe, a belated, curious valentine to the elusive Shaw. Lambert's named sources (most are unidentified) are primarily Shaw's own lawyers. Her tone is venomous, the word "fraud" a verbal tic. "Reportedly" is a constant adverb....

.....Shaw declared emphatically that he did not. Recognizing that researchers now know that Shaw was a member of a CIA operation titled QK/ENCHANT, Lambert preposterously argues, using "one unofficial account" as her source, that QK/ENCHANT was "nothing more than a program for routine debriefing of individuals involved in international trade." Yet, interestingly, Watergate mastermind and CIA spook E. Howard Hunt (Guatemala, the Bay of Pigs) was also approved for QK/ENCHANT, and he was no businessman.

Ever more shrill, Lambert accuses film director Oliver Stone of being no better than "a believer in Hitler."

The author description on the book jacket and press release describes Lambert, cryptically, as a "writer/editor." Yet no book that she ever wrote is mentioned. Not a single magazine or newspaper article is cited. Her book twists the facts, suppresses an enormous amount of material, and offers so distorted a picture as to render it of scant historical merit.
Has Everyone Sold Out? More Questions than Answers About George White and James Phelan, et al

Submitted by Tom Scully on Sun, 01/17/2016 - 02:19
James Phelan; Investigative Reporter, Author
September 10, 1997
"He was a dying breed," writer Patricia Lambert, a close friend, ... "The world is a sadder, barren place" without him.

cia documents released on april 26, 2018/
pdfPDF version: 942KNARA Record Number: 104-10122-10141

In the death of Doctor Mary Sherman, strange myths pale next to stranger facts | The Times-Picayune JUL 19, 2014 - 2:30 AM

...His (Garrison's) theory connects Sherman to Lee Harvey Oswald's alleged associate David Ferrie and a vast government cover-up, but ends with a theory on the advent of the AIDS virus.

In August 1964, investigators systematically dismantled Sherman's apartment. They took note of the black-and-white dotted dress she had laid out before her murder, and pulled aside objects they wanted to put into evidence. But not before a thorough walkthrough by the executor of Sherman's estate, described in the report as attorney John L. Glover, who worked for the New Orleans' firm Monroe & Lemann. Partner Stephen B. Lemann has been alleged by JFK theorists to have been chief over all New Orleans-based CIA operatives.....

Full text of “Courtbouillon Vol 23 No 1” – Internet Archive*He+married+a+second+time%3B+Mildred+Lyons%2C+Oc-+tober+11%2C+1947.%22…/courtbouillon_vol23_no1031_djv…
Internet Archive
MONTE M. LEMANN … Children by his first mar- riage were Thomas Berthelot and Stephen Berthelot. He married a second time; Mildred Lyons, Oc- tober 11, 1947.
003004 Lemann – Mildred Crumb Lyons Lemann, A Homemaker, Died Friday At Her Home In New Orleans. She
Was 94. Mrs. Lemann Was A Lifelong Resident Of New Orleans. … In 1929, She Worked At Metairie Park
Country Day School, Where She Coordinated The School’s Non-Academic Activities. Survivors Include A Daughter,
Mildred Lyons Baldwin;
A Sister, Ethel Crumb Brett; Two Stepsons, Thomas B. Lemann, And Stephen B. Lemann; …. Times Picayune 01-14-1990

Sooooo.... Mildred Crumb Lyons Lemann just happened (and of course, those belittling my methodology see no reason to point this out...) just happened to be step-mother of Stephen and Thomas Lemann, mother of their step-sister, Mildred Lyons Baldwin, (wife of Garrison's wife's godfather/first cousin David G Baldwin) mother-in-law of David G Baldwin, and step-grandmother of Nicholas B Lemann, Dean Emeritus of Columbia Graduate School of Journalism.
The Rise and Fall of Big Jim G.
By Nicholas Lemann, February 6, 1974 ....
Windmills, Revisited
by Nicholas Lemann  November 1, 2009
I reported for duty at the Washington Monthly on July 1, 1976. ....The Monthly, methodologically, was
always reportorial, and it was never conservativebut, when I joined the magazine, the other editorial employee besides me and Charlie was Tom Bethell, an actual conservative, and it seemed as if the magazine devoted its main energies to attacking conventional liberal positions....
20 Years After Dallas - The Washington Post
Nov 20, 1983 - By Nicholas Lemann; Nicholas Lemann is a national correspondent of .... Jim Garrison, announced that he was investigating the question of ...

New Orleans, Mon Amour - AEI

Mar 23, 2007 - Tom Bethell, dismayed by media coverage, traveled back to the beautiful and ....Later, I would go uptown to see Brown, who is a part-owner of the Maple Leaf Bar, a prominent venue for live music. But as a preliminary step I paid a call on an old acquaintance, Thomas B. Lemann , a lawyer well known to the city’s establishment. . ... the consumption ofoystersnow requires a trek into the French Quarter.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 10:08:57 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: False Witness
« Reply #36 on: October 05, 2019, 07:28:31 AM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #37 on: October 05, 2019, 12:24:47 PM »
Sure... but please try to appreciate the difference between sharing the story you related, with me, vs using it on me....

Sooooo.... Mildred Crumb Lyons Lemann just happened (and of course, those belittling my methodology see no reason to point this out...) just happened to be step-mother of Stephen and Thomas Lemann, mother of their step-sister, Mildred Lyons Baldwin, (wife of Garrison's wife's godfather/first cousin David G Baldwin) mother-in-law of David G Baldwin, and step-grandmother of Nicholas B Lemann, Dean Emeritus of Columbia Graduate School of Journalism.

Recognizing that researchers now know that Shaw was a member of a CIA operation titled QK/ENCHANT, Lambert preposterously argues, using "one unofficial account" as her source, that QK/ENCHANT was "nothing more than a program for routine debriefing of individuals involved in international trade." Yet, interestingly, Watergate mastermind and CIA spook E. Howard Hunt (Guatemala, the Bay of Pigs) was also approved for QK/ENCHANT, and he was no businessman.

So the above is the closest thing (that I saw in your post) to a claim by Joan that there is something incorrect in “False Witness.” Yet it’s only innuendo.
I grew tired of conjecture and innuendo years ago after reading the umpteenth conspiracy book. I think that it isn’t that some of us “don’t want to know.” But rather we recognize it for what it is: innuendo. And we are not interested in innuendo.

By the way, I failed to mention that my great aunt’s brother was a federal marshal and his wife worked for the FBI. Coincidentally, I am planning a trip to D.C. soon and will be seeing their daughter for the first time since childhood. We plan to visit their gravesites along with the unknown soldier’s and JFK’s all in Arlington National Cemetery.

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #38 on: October 05, 2019, 03:08:12 PM »
Recognizing that researchers now know that Shaw was a member of a CIA operation titled QK/ENCHANT, Lambert preposterously argues, using "one unofficial account" as her source, that QK/ENCHANT was "nothing more than a program for routine debriefing of individuals involved in international trade." Yet, interestingly, Watergate mastermind and CIA spook E. Howard Hunt (Guatemala, the Bay of Pigs) was also approved for QK/ENCHANT, and he was no businessman.

So, the above is the closest thing (that I saw in your post) to a claim by Joan that there is something incorrect in “False Witness.” Yet it’s only innuendo.
I grew tired of conjecture and innuendo years ago after reading the umpteenth conspiracy book. I think that it isn’t that some of us “don’t want to know.” But rather we recognize it for what it is: innuendo. And we are not interested in innuendo.


One can only wonder what else Evert was approved for that Clay wasn't.
(Guatemala, the Bay of Pigs, etc, etc ...)

-- MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 03:10:56 PM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #39 on: October 05, 2019, 04:28:36 PM »
Recognizing that researchers now know that Shaw was a member of a CIA operation titled QK/ENCHANT, Lambert preposterously argues, using "one unofficial account" as her source, that QK/ENCHANT was "nothing more than a program for routine debriefing of individuals involved in international trade." Yet, interestingly, Watergate mastermind and CIA spook E. Howard Hunt (Guatemala, the Bay of Pigs) was also approved for QK/ENCHANT, and he was no businessman.

So the above is the closest thing (that I saw in your post) to a claim by Joan that there is something incorrect in “False Witness.” Yet it’s only innuendo.
I grew tired of conjecture and innuendo years ago after reading the umpteenth conspiracy book. I think that it isn’t that some of us “don’t want to know.” But rather we recognize it for what it is: innuendo. And we are not interested in innuendo.

By the way, I failed to mention that my great aunt’s brother was a federal marshal and his wife worked for the FBI. Coincidentally, I am planning a trip to D.C. soon and will be seeing their daughter for the first time since childhood. We plan to visit their gravesites along with the unknown soldier’s and JFK’s all in Arlington National Cemetery.

Charles, resorting to tactics of a scoundrel is also an indication no reader will actually learn anything from your posts, in this thread, anyway! IOW, it is your prerogative to attempt to diminish me, if you actually have nothing else to present, but you will not diminish the facts I am presenting. Author Lambert does mention Nicholas Lemann in her poorly researched book, but nothing connecting him to his actual, conflicted, non-disclosed, ethics issues.

I freely share my research and the predictable reactions of disdain laced with impatience almost always accompanies the ridicule.... IOW, you do not actually want to know what you were sure you knew, but actually did not know, and now, almost seem to resent being informed of....

P.D. Scott had it right, but he certainly did not dive deep enough. There were four CIA officers in the NOLA DCO until William P Burke retired in 1962. Burke's boss was Edwin "Squirrel" Ashcraft, DCO/CIA chief. I have linked Ashcraft to his Princeton '29 classmate, Herbert Seay, and to a fellow Princeton Triangle Player associated with the wife of William P Burke. Herbert Seay's Princeton roommate was Tilbury O. "Buck" Freeman. Freeman's signature appears on the Naturalization paper of Elsa Bouhe, because Freeman was married to Elsa's daughter, Irina. Buck Freeman and his wife, Irina, lived in Plainfield, NJ, the town the SS Death Index indicates Irina's brother, George Bouhe received his final SS monthly retirement benefit in, circa 1980. Buck Freeman and Squirrel Ashcraft were still attending Princeton class of '29 reunions into the 1960's. You couldn't miss Squirrel, as he entertained his fellow alumni as the piano player and most prominent member of the jazz band, members of which had played together from their days at Princeton. (Supporting Details at bottom of this post)

Despite all of the detail above, and the fact that William P Hagerty was best man in the weddings of both of the two other male officers in Burke's CIA DCO, Lloyd Ray and Hunter Leake, II, and also an usher in the wedding party of Cecil Shilstone, the existing CIA documents "scream" an impression that the CIA did not know what "rogue" NOLA D.A. was actually up to, or what the implications/consequences of his investigation and his prosecution of Clay Shaw, would be!

Besides Shilstone, Ray, Leake, and Hagerty, the group of pals consistently included Mac (Michael Whittington) Burke, (no direct relation to William P Burke)

Willard E Robertson, New England defense plant woodworker in 1944, NOLA tycoon, political king maker by 1961!

by Jerry D. Rose

This article originally published in The Fourth Decade Vol. 4, #3, Mar. 1997.

.....For all these and other instances of Garrison-bashing by INCA, there is nothing in the published record (that I know of) to indicate that Garrison ever did contemplate prosecution and/or public vilification of INCA. In neither of Garrison's two books on the assassination is there any mention of INCA, Butler or Ochsner (and even the name Bringuier does not appear in the index to the second book). (22) Are we dealing, then, with a case of severe paranoia (or a guilty conscience) on the part of INCA; or, perhaps, with an actual co-optation of the Garrison investigation by INCA? Let us explore for a bit this second possibility.

My comments in this direction revolve largely around the unusual composition of the group of New Orleans "citizens" who, in early 1967, formed a group called Truth and Consequences (T&C) which would provide private funding for Garrison in his investigation. (23) Peter Dale Scott long ago pointed out the anomaly that two of the three leaders of T&C, Willard Robertson and Cecil Shilstone, were in fact founding members of INCA. (24) Robertson was an especially active member. When INCA opened its 'truth tapes" operation in 1961, Robertson was prominent in the dedication ceremonies and had donated, for INCA's use in local fund-raising, a "bright red, sound-equipped station wagon." (25) (presumably a Volkswagen, since Robertson had the VW dealership in the New Orleans area). For this generosity (and, no doubt for other services rendered), he was given an INCA Fighter for Freedom Award at an INCA ceremony on December 11, 1963. (26) Actually, the INCA ties to T&C (and to Jim Garrison) go considerably beyond the Robertson/Shilstone connection noted by Scott.

The third (and usually considered the leading) founder of T&C, oil tycoon Joseph Rault, Jr., arguably had ties to INCA as well ... he certainly was close to Ochsner. Although I have not found that Rault was an INCA member, there is a letter in the Ochsner papers soliciting Rault for a contribution. (27) In 1965, when Ochsner was chairman of the New Orleans Inter-American Municipal Organization, he brought in Rault as a temporary director. (28) The man who ultimately replaced Rault was a Bay of Pigs veteran, Cuban exile Alberto Fowler, has been described as a sometime investigator for Jim Garrison. (29) Finally, Rault was, in one account, (30) present with Senator Russell Long when the idea was planted in Garrison's mind that the Warren Commission had done a faulty investigation. The Long connection to Garrison and Ochsner is an interesting one. A biography of Ochsner shows a surprising friendship between Ochsner and Long - surprising considering that, early in Ochsner's career in the Tulane Medical School (around 1930), Ochsner had a bitter confrontation with Long's father Huey Long over questions of leadership at the Charity Hospital in New Orleans. (31) Surprising, then, that Russell Long once praised Ochsner in noting a controversy about Huey's medical treatment at the time of his assassination, saying to Ochsner "You know, if my father had had you to take care of him, he would be alive today." To this, Ochsner "modestly" replied "I didn't know Russell realized this." (32)

Beyond the T&C connections to INCA represented by Robertson, Shilstone and Raul, there is at least one other likely connection. In reporting the formation of T&C, James and Wardlaw mention a few additional members, namely Eberhard Deutsch, John Mmahat, Edmond G. Miranne, Harold Cook and Lawrence Merrigan. (33) The name of Deutsch jumps out of that list, since he is an attorney whose name appears on the letterhead of the Directors of INCA. (34) Deutsch has been described by Scott (who was probably unaware of his T&C connection) as the General Counsel of Standard Fruit and as "Jim Garrison's former law partner and political mentor." (35)

Do we start to get the picture? INCA, which was supposedly in mortal combat with the Garrison investigation, has at least 4 of its associates among the leaders of Truth and Consequences, the money bag outfit for the Garrison investigation. Did T&C "get" what it may have been "paying" for? - i.e., immunity for INCA from Garrison prosecution? Certainly those INCA people who were T&C-involved were not ostracized by INCA for "sleeping with the enemy." In fact, two of them - Robertson and Shilstone - were re-elected as INCA directors in September, 1968, after T&C had been operating for a year and a half. (36) Certainly, I haven't proven that the Garrison investigation was INCA co-opted, but there seems to be quite a bit pointing in that direction.

*Revision of a paper delivered at the First Research Conference of the Fourth Decade at Fredonia, New York, June, 1996.


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General Discussion & Debate / Re: CT's, in court how would you defend Oswald?
« by Tom Scully on July 11, 2019, 11:40:49 PM »
......  Seay's, and Freeman's class of 1929 was Squiirrel Ashcraft, William Burke's and Lloyd Ray's longtime boss at  ............  Stewart ’32 was an early vocalist), "Squirrel" Ashcraft ’29 and Bill Priestley ’29, as well as Ron  ............ (Freeman's roommate Burt Seay likely knew Squirrel Ashcraft well, in 1928) with CIA's Chief of Domestic  ............ , Edwin Squirrel Ashcraft, may lie in the keepsakes or memories of this man, ............ -friendship-kindnesses-hank-oneal-recalls-squirrel-ashcraft-nov-2-2018/  HOT MUSIC, GOOD STORIES, LASTING  ............ , KINDNESSES: HANK O’NEAL RECALLS SQUIRREL ASHCRAFT (Nov. 2, 2018) Posted on January 28, 2019 | 3  ............  they don’t wilt with a second telling:  SQUIRREL ASHCRAFT September 20, 1905 – January 18, 1981  Edwin  ............  Ashcraft III, better known as “Squirrel”, is the least  ............  to the CIA’s Office of Operations, where Squirrel Ashcraft was the Director.......  .....World War II closed  ............ , or anything else....    Quote  Edwin "Squirrel" Ashcraft was head of CIA Domestic Contacts, his deputy  ............  and fellow Triangle Club member of Edwin Squirrel Ashcraft, Herbert Seay, and John Coxe, was briefly first  ............  both members of Princeton Glee Club. Squirrel Ashcraft was Triangle Club V.P. and credited withmoving  ............ . As recently as the 45th reunion of class of '29, Ashcraft was leading a jazz ensemble as reunion musical  ............  a Princeton classmate of Burke's boss, Squirrel Ashcraft, and both were classmates of George W. Dodge, or  ......
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 05:02:19 PM by Tom Scully »

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #39 on: October 05, 2019, 04:28:36 PM »