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Author Topic: False Witness  (Read 18885 times)

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #40 on: October 05, 2019, 05:28:38 PM »
Here is what Lambert wrote in her book about Shaw and QK/ENCHANT. She qualifies her statements with an acknowledgement that the "full extent" of Shaw's involvement in/with the CIA was "unclear." I see no dishonesty or inaccuracy in this at all.

"His" is referring to Shaw.

« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 06:00:46 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: False Witness
« Reply #40 on: October 05, 2019, 05:28:38 PM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #41 on: October 05, 2019, 06:11:49 PM »
Here is what Lambert wrote in her book about Shaw and QK/ENCHANT. "His" is referring to Shaw.


Steve, not trying to do anything to you or Charles other than to encourage a frank discussion from either or, even better,
from both of you. I have presented facts and I seek analysis that actually takes the facts I share, into account.

(BTW, was Kerry Thornley an intel Op? See bottom of this post.)

I readily concede Ms. Mellen, critic of Ms. Lambert's book, did no real service to this controversy, other than to divert. I hope you
will consider the facts I presented and offer a similar conclusion about Ms. Lambert's effort; that she may have also done more harm than good. Both authors, actual facts indicate, missed the forest, for the trees.

I'm coming back to support these points, but I want to get this out. Recently I posted some of this on Dr. McAdams' google news group. The only "taker" was Marsh, and he quickly withdrew. Dr. McAdams had no response, despite literally looking over my shoulder, and I uncovered the bulk of these facts and posted them in real time, hoping as always for collaboration.

Shaw hired both Baldwin and Core. (I did not watch "JFK the Movie" until 2013). Garrison hired Jesse Core as his NODA campaign comms director. Harold Weissberg developed a "man crush" on Core.

Ms. Mellen first met Jim Garrison just after the Shaw trial and was acquainted with him from then on, yet she wrote.:
Unredacted Episode 1: Transcript of Interview with Joan Mellen
Joan Mellen is the author of A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK’s Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History. This interview was conducted on 22 Feb 2006. Tyler Weaver provided the introduction, and the interview was conducted by Rex Bradford.
REX: I – I think –

JOAN: – when Baldwin was present, he was a CIA asset, his brother worked for the International Trade Mart and Clay Shaw, David Baldwin, and these, these are CIA people….

However, David Baldwin, his brother, Edward, Clay Shaw, and Jim Garrison knew this. Ms. Mellen, Zachary Sklar, and Oliver Stone, did not!

Tom S.  April 12, 2016 at 1:25 pm

.....Using only internet resources and in the course of a couple of weeks of part time research I shared in comments on this website, (see- )
I found these details, not published or mentioned, ever, by Joan Mellen.

In the course of attempting to determine if my new fact checked research details were actually original, I found identical details, by author of a biography of Clay Shaw, Donald H Carpenter.

The best face I can put on this is that Garrison misled and failed to disclose to his friend, Joan Mellen, and editor of his own book, the co-writer of the JFK the movie screenplay, Zachary Sklar.

The most troubling thing I’ve learned is that almost no one seems to appreciate being exposed to this new information. They already knew what they knew and indicate a preference of not having to consider Garrison’s actual proximity to those even he described as CIA sponsored adversaries.

Garrison’s silence on this also provided an opening (unanswered by Garrison) for the belligerent nephew of Stepen B. Lemann who is also the step-nephew of wife of Lee Garrison’s first cousin and godfather David Baldwin.:


From Ms. Mellen's book....

You really need to work on your overabundance of shallowness!
Thornley mentor, Clint Bolton had worked for AP in India, Core and Baldwin, India, the two men associated with Core's wife, Pearson and Rosenfield= India.

Approved For Release %W/PB/3%$CIA-RDP70-00058ROO01001 WASTUNCIldft STAX M MNJMTs in India NEW DELHI. India, Sept. 13 ).'1').-A11en W. Dulles ...

My posts are well documented, well supported, reliable reference actual forum resource.
Was Garrison's actual purpose to make the prospects of renewed
federal JFK Assassination investigation look ridiculous? The demands for renewed federal investigation of 1966-67
were neutralized until the Senate Church Committee, more than seven years later.

Kerry Thornley, under oath, in his own words.:
Page 68 of 96 :

Kerry Thornley claimed Clint Bolton changed his life, in the spring of 1963.:
Page 16 of 51:

Mardi Gras Memories - Ann Cavitt Fisher
......This is the third of three posts concerning Clint Bolton. He was a journalist who lived in New Orleans from the early 1950’s until his death in April of 1980. He was born James Clinton Bolton in New Jersey in 1908. He lived a full and interesting life: acting in summerstock plays with Humphrey Bogart, running away from Princeton to work on a tramp steamer to India, cutting his journalism chops in India to become an writer for the Associated Press, interviewing Gandhi during one of his early hunger strikes, working in New York as a journalist, serving in the Coast Guard in World War II. And finally, taking me under his wing in his last year.

(wife of) Jesse CORE was one of a suspect political group, Dallas County Volunteers for RAINEY, which was of interest to the Security Office in 1956-1957 because
Jesse CORE, then Lucy RUGGLES, the daughter of William RUGGLES, an editorial writer on the Dallas Morning News, was particularly active) is said to have ....CIA employee Michael Charles Pearson #62901 and his friend, John Max Rosenfield, #21044 , a former OSS man... (Scully sez.. my research indicates Rosenfield was the son of the DMN music columnist...)

Tom S.  January 31, 2016 at 5:39 pm
August 10, 2002
Michael Charles Pearson
CIA Analyst

Michael Charles Pearson, 79, a Mideast and Far East specialist who retired in 1978 as a senior analyst at the…
Aug. 6 at the Cameron Glen Care Center in Reston….
Dr. Pearson, …. began his intelligence career in 1949. He was posted by the CIA
to India, Iraq and Libya. Earlier, he taught history and political science at Williams College in Massachusetts.
He was a native of Dallas and a graduate of the University of Texas.

….and the former O.S.S. man named in the page linked in the link above Pearson’s obit.:
John Max Rosenfield of Cambridge, Massachusetts,.. died …on December 16, 2013. He served at Harvard University for more than twenty-five years as professor and curator… In 1971 he was appointed Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Professor of East Asian Art. With special interest in Buddhist arts, he traveled frequently in India,…..

And the then 36 year old, Willard E Robertson rose from defense plant "woodworker" in 1944. to assistant to the President of that company, Jack Churchward, who dispatched Willard to NOLA, in 1948.
Dulles attended Princeton from 1910 to 1914, graduating with a B.A. in philosophy; after teaching in India for a year, he returned to Princeton, and in 1916 he received an M.A. in international law...
Willard E. Robertson SHREVEPORT Private Kimilv services (or Willord E. Robertson, a recent resident o Shreveport, were held at 11 a m, on Mondav October 31, at the tomilv home Grevstone on Beaver Lake near Rogers, Ark. Mr Robertson died at Ochsner Foundation Hosoitol in New Orleans ot 10 a m on SaPersonay, October 29. 1983, (oliowingashort Illness Interment will be in the family mausoleum. Mr. Robertson, born on May 16, 1908 in Conwov, NH, was a well-known business and civic leader in Shreveport as well as in Rogers, Ark. and New Orleans, La. He was educated in Exeter, N.H. and Northeast University of Low in Boston, Mass. Mr. Robertson wos assistant to the president ot Church, Ward & Co. in New Haven, Conn. In 1948.

he went to New Orleans with Church, Ward & Co., as marine engineer. In 1949, he entered the automobile business in New Orleans and for 22 vear s was a Volkswogen distributor, covering the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee, with 68 dealers. For 4 years he was the Porsche and Audi distributor for the some territory, with 14 dealers. In addition to business affiliations, he was involved in public and civic organizations, to list a few:....
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 07:43:24 PM by Tom Scully »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #42 on: October 06, 2019, 02:56:40 PM »
Steve, not trying to do anything to you or Charles other than to encourage a frank discussion from either or, even better,
from both of you. I have presented facts and I seek analysis that actually takes the facts I share, into account.

(BTW, was Kerry Thornley an intel Op? See bottom of this post.)

I readily concede Ms. Mellen, critic of Ms. Lambert's book, did no real service to this controversy, other than to divert. I hope you
will consider the facts I presented and offer a similar conclusion about Ms. Lambert's effort; that she may have also done more harm than good. Both authors, actual facts indicate, missed the forest, for the trees.

I'm coming back to support these points, but I want to get this out. Recently I posted some of this on Dr. McAdams' google news group. The only "taker" was Marsh, and he quickly withdrew. Dr. McAdams had no response, despite literally looking over my shoulder, and I uncovered the bulk of these facts and posted them in real time, hoping as always for collaboration.

Shaw hired both Baldwin and Core. (I did not watch "JFK the Movie" until 2013). Garrison hired Jesse Core as his NODA campaign comms director. Harold Weissberg developed a "man crush" on Core.

Ms. Mellen first met Jim Garrison just after the Shaw trial and was acquainted with him from then on, yet she wrote.:
However, David Baldwin, his brother, Edward, Clay Shaw, and Jim Garrison knew this. Ms. Mellen, Zachary Sklar, and Oliver Stone, did not!

From Ms. Mellen's book....

And the then 36 year old, Willard E Robertson rose from defense plant "woodworker" in 1944. to assistant to the President of that company, Jack Churchward, who dispatched Willard to NOLA, in 1948.
Tom: You are citing connections/associations - mostly of a social type, e.g., weddings - among people and then concluding solely from these connections that these same individuals conspired/worked together to do "X" or "Y".

Showing that person "A" knew person "B" does not prove that "A" and "B" got together to do "X". You just show they may have known one another.

In my view, you have presented no evidence that the Garrison investigation was a deliberate sham - done with Garrison's cooperation - designed to divert attention away from a serious followup investigation.

As to Lambert and QK/ENCHANT: I think her characterization of it and Shaw's role (if any) was fair and honest. Mellen's criticism - and she's a Garrisonite - was wrong. But in my view nearly everything Mellen says about the assassination is wrong (the Trade Mart was NOT, in my opinion, run by CIA operatives). She is right that JFK was killed in Dallas, though.

As to Lambert and her book on Garrison: She provides a great deal of documentation and sourcing for nearly all of her claims that Garrison was reckless in his investigation of Shaw. Conspiracy authors who worked with Garrison - Lifton and others - also said that they found Garrison to be reckless. I simply don't see where Lambert's work - done some 30 years later - can be some sort of deliberate effort directed by others to impeach Garrison's investigation. Why now? For what purpose?

« Last Edit: October 06, 2019, 05:56:49 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: False Witness
« Reply #42 on: October 06, 2019, 02:56:40 PM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #43 on: October 06, 2019, 05:53:46 PM »
Tom: You are citing connections/associations - mostly of a social type, e.g., weddings - among people and then concluding solely from these connections that these same individuals conspired/worked together to do "X" or "Y".

Showing that person "A" knew person "B" does not prove that "A" and "B" got together to do "X". You just show they may have known one another.

In my view, you have presented no evidence that the Garrison investigation was a deliberate sham - done with Garrison's cooperation - designed to divert attention away from a serious followup investigation.

As to Lambert and QK/ENCHANT: I think her characterization of it and Shaw's role (if any) was fair and honest. Mellen's criticism - and she's a Garrisonite - was wrong. But in my view nearly everything Mellen says about the assassination is wrong (the Trade Mart was NOT, in my opinion, run by CIA operatives). She is right that JFK was killed in Dallas, though.

Tom Purvis - Posted 20 July, 2005
....Of course, other Queens of COMUS include the daughter of General Robert E. Lee as well as the daughter of Jefferson Davis

Post #5:
Robert Howard: Would you care to elaborate?

Tom Purvis: Only the daughters of the uppermost "Southern Elite" secured such positions.
Steve, here is a much fairer response to your (unswayable) opinion than I think yours is to my presented facts.
I do not have a time machine or an outsized budget for this, such as the financial resources of a John Armstrong, but I believe I have achieved actual history altering results while, in reality, making very few conclusions about anything, save for the assertion, considering all of the known facts, no one has so far gotten this right, not Weissberg, Davy, Mellen, Stone, DiEugenio. Lambert, McAdams, Holland, Donald H Carpenter, Lesar, Morley, the extant released CIA records, or even the representations by Nicholas B. Lemann!

The Rise and Fall of Big Jim G. | News | The Harvard Crimson
Feb 6, 1974 - The Rise and Fall of Big Jim G. Politics. By Nicholas Lemann, February 6, 1974 ... Garrison became the district attorney in New Orleans in 1962, .

If you were to ask yourself, what has Scully presented and ACTUALLY CLAIMED that is impeachable? If you can answer that question and stop failing to weigh and then take into account what I have presented in this thread, (your responses indicate to me you have not; in fact you seem to cling to conclusions I believe I have impeached. Case in point is non-disclosure of exactly the same things by Shaw, Garrison, and by Nicholas B Lemann) your replies will strike me as much less "canned".

Perry Russo was ably represented in that his counsel must have demanded/conducted discovery, per Civil Procedure, considering that Russo was obviously deposed. Read the decision by Fed. Judge Charles Schwartz in Russo v. Conde Nast, and then weigh this.;

I made  smalll typo, I meant it to read, Liz Ziegler Garrison.:
Sept., 10, 2019
....When Russo was questioned in deposition as to whether he had any reason to believe that Lemann or any one at GQ harbored any animosity toward him, he essentially admitted that he had no reason to believe that either were out to hurt him, to wit:

Q. Do you have any reason to believe that Mr. Lemann has any animosity toward you or bad feelings toward you other than the fact, the mere fact of publication of the article?
A. As a personal thing, no, but I've always felt that those that were — that would purport to write stories of Garrison's case were after Garrison. And to be after Garrison meant to attack whatever Garrison based his case upon. And one of the witnesses in that case is myself — in that case was myself. And so to dismiss me as a grifter, he had no personal thing against me but he does intend to destroy Garrison's image or the legacy of Garrison. And so the best way would be to destroy me in the process.
Q. Well, do you have any facts upon which you base you suggestion that Mr. Lemann was out to destroy Garrison's image other than this article?
A. No.
Q. And how about G.Q. Magazine? Do you know or have you ever had any dealings with anybody connected with G.Q. Magazine or the people that publish G.Q. Magazine that would lead you to believe that they had anything in for you or that they had any reason to try to hurt you?
A. No.8.....

Steve, if after reading the rather brief Russo court decision material to my argument I linked to and excerpted of and still believe Russo would not have answered differently if "journalist" Nicholas Lemann had disclosed his conflict of interests at some point (at any point) before Russo was deposed, I anticipate we have nothing more to attempt agreement about. Consider, too if Lemann, with no post graduate degree and this ongoing disclosure "lapse", was a choice as Dean of CGSJ that is actually fair to those Columbia grad school students or to ethical journalism in the US, generally?

Addressing your reiterated point, I strive to take a reasonable approach. It seems fair to share with you that I counted 348 other students in that Princeton U. sophomore class aside from members Churchward and Dulles, BUT:

there must be some reasonable explanation for how New Hampshire born, New Haven, CT resident Willard E Robertson went from former men's attire salesclerk, to sandwich shop mgr, to small tavern mgr., to Jack Churchward's "woodworker" at age 36, in 1944, to multi-millionaire of 1961, in the 17 years between woodworker and foreign automobile S.E. US import/magnate, and kingmaker of Louisiana political contenders, including Mayor Schiro, Gov. McKeithen, NODA Garrison...

We are considering a New England guy with a wife, two kids, and an undercapitalized economic venture supporting his arrival in NOLA in 1948. Jack Churchward filed for bankruptcy later that same year and SteelCraft boats of the S.E. piloted by Willard Robertson never took off.

How does a middleaged man of limited means and resume, set back by very recent divorce involving children come to learn enough about Louisiana politics to both be quite effective at the same time he is also suddenly building a business empire, with no visible ties to the financing required... getting the financing, local political savvy, and the local connections and management organization to do, in 8 short years, by 1961, the factual details represent Willard Robertson as having done?

IOW, Robertson's gargantuan reversals, on all fronts, even as literally a stranger in a strange land, are less reasonable than my introduction of two of 350 Princeton sophomores, "into the mix"!

Willard....Willard, who?
All of the other Volkswagen regional distributors were, to say the least, a cut above Robertson, both in wealth and in imported automobile marketing and servicing.
Charles Urschel, Jr. was step-brother of Tom and Earl F Slick. Willard E Robertson, Jr. was the employee of failing Steelcraft Boats of West Haven, CT in 1952. He is buried in New Hampshire.
Getting the Bugs Out: The Rise, Fall, and Comeback of Volkswagen in ...
David Kiley - 2002 - ‎Business & Economics
... Luther Johnson (brothers) in Oakland, California; William Boeing, Jr. (aircraft ... and Indiana; Charles Urschel, Jr., in San Antonio, Texas; Willard Robertson in ... the Delta states and Tennessee; and Jack Pry in Washington, D.C.13 Van de ...

However, Robertson seperated and divorced from wife Sally and later court proceedings indicate also, from their two children, as well. Robertson and his office secretary at Steelcraft S.E., 17 years his junior, married in 1953. In 1959, Marie Gossom Robertson's death resulted in an auto accident riding in a vehicle driven by Willard Robertson.

This is a deliberative, thoughtful, methodical inquiry I stumbled into by accident in late fall, 2015. As long as it continues to bear fruit, why would I stop?

His daughter's death in a car driven by Robertson had no averse effect on the growing business ties with Gossom and his
two sons. Ernest Gossom had been manager of the NOLA CC since the early 1920s. Burke's golf tournament participation can be documented to 1925 and Burke's obit, as well as Lloyd Ray's include that club membership. Burke's daughter's findagrave entry documents her selection as Comus's queen in the 1950 carnival. Comus remains anonymous.

The 1949 host of Burke's daughters buffet, batchelor Spencer, was Burke's best man in 1927. Spencer and Burke demonstrate lasting friendship, and Spencer's Hill School (Pottstown, PA) classmate and Princeton roommate was, by 1954, Allen Dulles's Science Officer.

Constance Ivy Burke Fedoroff
...Daughter of Mrs. William P. Burke

Queen MKC 1950.
The Mistick Krewe of Comus, founded in 1856, is a New Orleans, Louisiana Carnival krewe. It is the oldest continuous organization of New Orleans Mardi Gras festivities.
Carnival secrecy and exclusivity
Comus has jealously guarded the identities of its membership and the privacy of its activities (other than its parade), perhaps even more than the other Carnival organizations subscribing to the traditional code of secrecy.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2019, 07:08:21 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #44 on: October 08, 2019, 09:44:28 AM »
Steve, here is a much fairer response to your (unswayable) opinion than I think yours is to my presented facts.
I do not have a time machine or an outsized budget for this, such as the financial resources of a John Armstrong, but I believe I have achieved actual history altering results while, in reality, making very few conclusions about anything, save for the assertion, considering all of the known facts, no one has so far gotten this right, not Weissberg, Davy, Mellen, Stone, DiEugenio. Lambert, McAdams, Holland, Donald H Carpenter, Lesar, Morley, the extant released CIA records, or even the representations by Nicholas B. Lemann!

If you were to ask yourself, what has Scully presented and ACTUALLY CLAIMED that is impeachable? If you can answer that question and stop failing to weigh and then take into account what I have presented in this thread, (your responses indicate to me you have not; in fact you seem to cling to conclusions I believe I have impeached. Case in point is non-disclosure of exactly the same things by Shaw, Garrison, and by Nicholas B Lemann) your replies will strike me as much less "canned".

Perry Russo was ably represented in that his counsel must have demanded/conducted discovery, per Civil Procedure, considering that Russo was obviously deposed. Read the decision by Fed. Judge Charles Schwartz in Russo v. Conde Nast, and then weigh this.;

I made  smalll typo, I meant it to read, Liz Ziegler Garrison.:
Sept., 10, 2019
....When Russo was questioned in deposition as to whether he had any reason to believe that Lemann or any one at GQ harbored any animosity toward him, he essentially admitted that he had no reason to believe that either were out to hurt him, to wit:

Steve, if after reading the rather brief Russo court decision material to my argument I linked to and excerpted of and still believe Russo would not have answered differently if "journalist" Nicholas Lemann had disclosed his conflict of interests at some point (at any point) before Russo was deposed, I anticipate we have nothing more to attempt agreement about. Consider, too if Lemann, with no post graduate degree and this ongoing disclosure "lapse", was a choice as Dean of CGSJ that is actually fair to those Columbia grad school students or to ethical journalism in the US, generally?

Addressing your reiterated point, I strive to take a reasonable approach. It seems fair to share with you that I counted 348 other students in that Princeton U. sophomore class aside from members Churchward and Dulles, BUT:

there must be some reasonable explanation for how New Hampshire born, New Haven, CT resident Willard E Robertson went from former men's attire salesclerk, to sandwich shop mgr, to small tavern mgr., to Jack Churchward's "woodworker" at age 36, in 1944, to multi-millionaire of 1961, in the 17 years between woodworker and foreign automobile S.E. US import/magnate, and kingmaker of Louisiana political contenders, including Mayor Schiro, Gov. McKeithen, NODA Garrison...

We are considering a New England guy with a wife, two kids, and an undercapitalized economic venture supporting his arrival in NOLA in 1948. Jack Churchward filed for bankruptcy later that same year and SteelCraft boats of the S.E. piloted by Willard Robertson never took off.

How does a middleaged man of limited means and resume, set back by very recent divorce involving children come to learn enough about Louisiana politics to both be quite effective at the same time he is also suddenly building a business empire, with no visible ties to the financing required... getting the financing, local political savvy, and the local connections and management organization to do, in 8 short years, by 1961, the factual details represent Willard Robertson as having done?

IOW, Robertson's gargantuan reversals, on all fronts, even as literally a stranger in a strange land, are less reasonable than my introduction of two of 350 Princeton sophomores, "into the mix"!

Willard....Willard, who?

However, Robertson seperated and divorced from wife Sally and later court proceedings indicate also, from their two children, as well. Robertson and his office secretary at Steelcraft S.E., 17 years his junior, married in 1953. In 1959, Marie Gossom Robertson's death resulted in an auto accident riding in a vehicle driven by Willard Robertson.

This is a deliberative, thoughtful, methodical inquiry I stumbled into by accident in late fall, 2015. As long as it continues to bear fruit, why would I stop?

His daughter's death in a car driven by Robertson had no averse effect on the growing business ties with Gossom and his
two sons. Ernest Gossom had been manager of the NOLA CC since the early 1920s. Burke's golf tournament participation can be documented to 1925 and Burke's obit, as well as Lloyd Ray's include that club membership. Burke's daughter's findagrave entry documents her selection as Comus's queen in the 1950 carnival. Comus remains anonymous.

The 1949 host of Burke's daughters buffet, batchelor Spencer, was Burke's best man in 1927. Spencer and Burke demonstrate lasting friendship, and Spencer's Hill School (Pottstown, PA) classmate and Princeton roommate was, by 1954, Allen Dulles's Science Officer.

"Club membership", indeed, Tom.  Thanks for all your digging.  You've been at this a while. As Einstein said, "Everything in the universe is subject to change.  And everything is on schediule".

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: False Witness
« Reply #44 on: October 08, 2019, 09:44:28 AM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #45 on: October 09, 2019, 07:04:19 PM »
"Club membership", indeed, Tom.  Thanks for all your digging.  You've been at this a while. As Einstein said, "Everything in the universe is subject to change.  And everything is on schediule".

Thank you, Mark. BTW aren't you being, "rather hard on the beaver" (aka "bertie" D.?) Ghost town here, owing possibly to the
irresistible "draw" of "Wipe that Rifle" and of course, TSBD threshhold "doings"...six years on, with no resolution and obviously no resolution even possicble?

In the, GEE, "this smells like horse poop," category.... Lloyd Ray convinces visiting CIA  Asst. Counsel that the "fifedom" of
Garrison Investigation Robertson/Gossom financiers is a more secure location to discuss classified matters than in the NOLA CIA DCO! I have a bridge to sell you if your rigidity of belief is not at least slightly thawed in reaction to presentation of facts.:
1965 Announcement:

Assistant General Counsel, John K Greaney memo, May 13, 1967:

FYI, I am awaiting Dr. John M.'s approval of this post to his google news group, earlier this A.M.:

(Steve, if you prefer, I will promptly remove this quote of your comment in our parallel discussion.)
Steve M. Galbraith - Posted October 6, 2019 @ alt.assassination.jfk

> How is Lemann's critical work about Garrison some 30 years *after* the
> investigation evidence of some collaboration *with* Garrison?
> Your claim is, I believe, that Garrison's investigation was a sham
> conducted - with Garrison's cooperation - to divert attention away from a
> real subsequent investigation to the WC. So Garrison was "hand waving"
> people to look at his little game and not to look at what really happened.
> So again what does Lemann have to do with this? How does what he wrote
> after Garrison's investigation - which he called a farce - help Garrison
> divert attention?
> If the Garrison/Shaw investigation was a diversion, isn't Lemann exposing
> it as a fraud undermining the diversion and not helping it?
> I can't see how you go from ushers and best men to woodworkers to cousins
> of inlaws
to this plot that Garrison went along with to conduct a farce to
> help the real killers of JFK escape.

My reply to Steve, earlier today.:

Steve, I lost my enthusiasm for debating my research results with you because you continue to ridicule the very means I employ to produce these research details... primarily details wedding and funeral announcements that provide material leads, and your transforming what I shared with you more than once, into what you described dismissively as "thirty years later". The fact I shared with you was that Nicholas Lemann began his Garrison bashing, which is just as likely a disinfo OP component, as soon after the Shaw trial as Lemann was able to project from a considerable pulpit, nearly 28 years earlier than you emphasized, and actually, just five years after the Shaw trial verdict.:

The Rise and Fall of Big Jim G. | News | The Harvard Crimson
Feb 6, 1974 - By Nicholas Lemann, February 6, 1974 ... to put together this mythical coalition, but Jim Garrison, the six-and-a-half foot tall New Orleans district ...
20 Years After Dallas - The Washington Post
By Nicholas Lemann; Nicholas Lemann is a national correspondent of The Atlantic and. author of "Out of the Forties." November 20, 1983 .... Jim Garrison, announced that he was investigating the question of who really had murdered
Kennedy ...
And, in Russo v. Conde Nast, Lemann deprived Perry Russo of candid discovery, i.e., that he was not simply a journalist, NOLA native who believed Garrison was an embarrassment to Lemann's city. In 1967, Garrison accused Lemann's uncle
of distributing CIA funds to pay lawyers shielding subject's of Garrison's investigatory interest, or that his father's and his uncle's step-sister was married to godfather/first cousin, David Baldwin, of Garrison's wife and that Baldwin was fired covert CIA hired by Shaw as trademart PR flack.

ONE MORE TIME: It defies credulity that Lemann was writing about Garrison for 28 years (correction, 17 years) by the time of Russo v. Conde Nast, had worked at Washington Monthly with Tom Bethell in 1976, served two terms as dean of a prestigious graduate school of journalism despite having no graduate level degree, himself, yet was not witting of his own family connections I described a few sentences above this sentence. As I have said before, Garrison and his wife's Baldwin/Lemann family relations could have resolved their differences after diiner at a family holiday table, IF THE GARRISON INVESTIGATION AND SHAW PROSECUTION WAS REALLY AS PRESENTED. NOLA CIA DCO officers were not actually in the dark, as CIA docs, famously the Rocca meeting. Ray, Leake, and Cecil Shilstone had common member in all of their wedding parties, William P Hagerty, (Lloyd Ray reported his link to Shilstone, (see doc image below this quote box...) but no record of Leake disclosure) and Dorothy Brandao had been married to United Fruit brother, John Miceli, of Garrison mentor, Deutsch's United Fruit co-counsel. Augusto Miceli =inside counsel, Deutsch =outside counsel. Brandao's 1939 wedding announcement image link.:

....And mob ties related to the Miceli siblings.:

June 3, 1976 :

« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 07:57:54 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #46 on: October 12, 2019, 02:25:38 AM »
« Last Edit: October 12, 2019, 02:26:38 AM by Colin Crow »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: False Witness
« Reply #47 on: October 12, 2019, 03:03:43 AM »

Funny, I thought he said, "You're the cop. You figure it out."

Or was that in the hallway?


-- MWT  ;)

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: False Witness
« Reply #47 on: October 12, 2019, 03:03:43 AM »