No , But thank you for your effort.... I hope someone who is a crackerjack whiz kid at enlarging a portion of a photo, can enlarge the front part of the rifle so the screw slots are visible.
Not enough resolution. Google for pics of the MC at max res (pixel width x height), download, open it in your image viewer and magnify (+) the screws. If you can see the angle of the slots then press the
Print Screen button on your keyboard, open the MS Paint program, paste in the screen shot (Ctrl-v), drag the pasted image of the screws to the upper-left section of your screen,
Resize the resolution of your image to isolate the screws (hgt x wid), save the image as a JPG file (mc_screws.jpg) to your Images folder, email the file to a buddy who will post it on this site, or do it yourself.
I doubt there are any hi-res images out there to pull this off, but it's not a bad idea, Walt. Good luck!