Day wouldn't have said so because.....The so called palm print was just an unidentifiable smudge.... and they desperately needed the villain Lee Harrrrrvey Ossssswald's print on that rifle because Henry Wade had told reporters that they had found Oswald's prints on the gun. ( Wade was lying through his teeth) My God! John...Can't you open your eyes and SEE.... that the so called palm print story is a ridiculous lie. Simply LOOK at the exhibit CE 639 .... That smudge that the experts swore was Lee's Palm print was very obviously lifted from the WOODEN foregrip of a model 91/38 Mannlicher Carcano.... It was NOT lifted from a 5/8 " diameter metal barrel.... A 5/8 inch diameter barrel is not large enough to contain a man's palm print.
I agree that the magic partial palmprint is extremely dodgy. Even more so because it wasn’t turned over with the other evidence on 11/22.
No, the facts indicate that the magic partial palmprint showed up a week later on an index card, and that this is no “inventory list”.
Then how do you explain the evidence on that list being examined in the FBI Crime Lab in Wash. DC on 11/23/63?
Some of it was and some of it wasn’t.
Some of it was..... How do you explain the FBI having that evidence in their possession if they didn't sign a document that listed each item that they had taken from the Dallas Police?
Walt,Which FBI officer signed that document?Wasn't one of the major issues that whatever Drain took to Washington on 11/23/63 wasn't correctly documented, leaving the possibility that what was returned by the FBI to Dallas the next day actually wasn't what Drain was given?