You're wrong....a Paraffin test needs to be taken ASAP....and the DPD took the tests at about 4:30.....and it takes about five minutes to determine if there are nitrates present....
when do you think the list that lists only TWO spent shells (item # 9) was typed up?
You are full of shyte!
W.E. Barnes took the paraffin casts of LHO's hands and cheek.
He started sometime after 6pm on 11/22/63.
He finished about 9pm. on 11/22/63.
The casts were stored in a locked evidence room on the 4th floor at DPD until the following morning.
At that time, SaPersonay morning, they went to a police labratory at Parkland Hospital for analysis.
So the earliest they would have known the results would have been SaPersonay morning.
The earliest that evidence list could have been typed is therefore SaPersonay morning 11/23/63.
You need to learn the evidence you're talking about before inserting your foot in mouth.
TESTIMONY OF W. E. BARNESThe testimony of W. E. Barnes was taken at 9:15 a.m., on April 7, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. David W. Belin, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. BARNES. Later we went to the third floor, to the office of Captain Fritz.
Mr. BELIN. What did you go to Captain Fritz' office for?
Mr. BARNES. To make a paraffin test of Lee Harvey Oswald's hand.
Mr. BELIN. About when would this have been, approximately, if you know?
Mr. BARNES. I tell you, the time didn't mean anything there, and it was after I returned to the city hall, and after 6 o'clock.
Mr. BELIN. Sometime after 6 o'clock?
Mr. BARNES. I walked out of Captain Fritz' office, and I had a couple of patrolmen trying to weed their way through the news media so that I could have walking room to get to the elevator to get back to the fourth floor, the ID bureau.
Mr. BELIN. The news media had the third floor pretty well jammed at that time?
Mr. BARNES. I would say it was pretty well Jammed.
Mr. BELIN. About what time of the night was this?
Mr. BARNES. Approximately 9 o'clock, I would say, approximately.
Mr. BELIN. You then went up to the fourth floor to the lab, is that correct?
Mr. BARNES. That is true.
Mr. BELIN. What did you do then?
Mr. BARNES. I initialed the cast, sealed them, and placed them in our locked evidence room.
Mr. BELIN. Where did they go after that?
Mr. BARNES. They go to our city-county laboratory for analysis.
Mr. BELIN. Where is that city-county laboratory?
Mr. BARNES. At Parkland Hospital.
Mr. BELIN. Do you know when they went there?
Mr. BARNES. The following morning.