See---- even you guys can't agree on a time
Oh by the way...that Tippit death certificate?---Wasn't he pronounced dead at 1:15?
See---- even you guys can't agree on a time
No kidding Einstein, we're discussing an era when the way to set your watch was from other inaccurate sources so clearly from all this vague information there is no way to get the exact minute and second of Tippit's murder.
But we do have a ton of eyewitnesses who positively Identified Oswald in the bright outdoors, walking away from the Tippit murder scene with a revolver.
A revolver was sent to Oswald's PO Box and the same revolver was with Oswald at the theater.
The shells dropped at the scene were a precise match to Oswald's revolver.
Joseph Nicol provided photographic evidence that one bullet in Tippit was found to be an exclusive match to Oswald's revolver.
Oswald's jacket was recovered in a car park that Oswald was seen entering.
Oswald was arrested without his jacket.
Oswald resisted arrest and pulled out his revolver to kill more cops.
Case Closed!