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Author Topic: Tippit Shooting, 1:15  (Read 128857 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Tippit Shooting, 1:15
« Reply #624 on: November 26, 2019, 05:24:49 PM »
Anything wrong with this picture?

Helen Markham told WC her address was at 328 East Ninth.

Harry Olsen said he was guarding an "estate" on East Eighth, describing it in 1967 as a "ramshackle" house.

FBI received a tip Oswald was not the shooter. It simply is supported by,

Likely this was published late 1962 - early 1963

« Last Edit: November 26, 2019, 05:49:04 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tippit Shooting, 1:15
« Reply #624 on: November 26, 2019, 05:24:49 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Tippit Shooting, 1:15
« Reply #625 on: November 27, 2019, 12:36:15 AM »
Consider the source
Oh! that's right, you believe anything

The burning question is:.....   Was the murder of Tippit, plan "B" which was designed to get the Patsy ( Lee Oswald) shot and killed by an angry cop ???

OR ...Was the murder of Tippit merely co-incidental .... And Tippit just happened to stumble upon a desperate fugitive who was a cold blooded killer who was an expert with a revolver.   ????

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Tippit Shooting, 1:15
« Reply #626 on: November 27, 2019, 06:05:03 AM »
Alright, now this inquiry  I've only so far presented on this page, gets curiouser and curiouser.
How & Why? (Please do not post that William Arthur Smith is FNU Smith linked to 328-1/2 East Eighth of the FBI report I included in my last post.
is the same person as Wlliam Arthur Smith. I've already presented proof tending to contradict that assumption!)

Tippit shooting investigation witness Helen Markham, address 328-1/2 East Ninth Street,

Tippit shooting investigation witness William Arthur Smith, address 328-1/2 East Davis Street,

Tippit shooting investigation witness, FNU Smith, linked in mailed note to FBI, 11 December, 1963, with address 328-1/2 East Eighth Street
The testimony of William Arthur Smith was taken at 4:25 p.m., on April 2, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex. by Mr. Joseph A. Ball, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. BALL. Mr. Smith, stand up and raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear that the evidence you are about to give before the Commission shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. Sit down.
Mr. BALL. State your name, please.
Mr. SMITH. William Arthur Smith.
Mr. BALL. And where do you live?
Mr. SMITH. 328 1/2 East Davis.

Mr. BALL. What is your age?
Mr. SMITH. Twenty.
Mr. BALL. You live with whom? Whom do you live with?
Mr. SMITH. My mother.
Mr. BALL. At this address?
Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.....
Mr. BALL. What did you see?
Mr. SMITH. Saw the policeman lying on the ground. I mean on the street.
Mr. BALL. And did a crowd gather around there?
Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. How long did you stay there?
Mr. SMITH. About 45 minutes.
Mr. BALL. Did you give your name to the police?
Mr. SMITH. No, sir.
Mr. BALL. Why?
Mr. SMITH. Because I was on probation. I thought it might hurt my probation record.
Mr. BALL. All right; you did tell someone you had seen it, didn't you?
Mr. SMITH. Yes.
Mr. BALL. Who?
Mr. SMITH. This boy I ran around with.
Mr. BALL. What's his name?
Mr. SMITH. James Markham.
Mr. BALL. Is he the son of Helen Markham?
Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. Did you talk to her?
Mr. SMITH. No, sir; she talks to me.
Mr. BALL. Mrs. Markham talked to you?
Mr. SMITH. Yes.
Mr. BALL. And did you tell Mrs. Markham?
Mr. SMITH. I told her what I saw and that is the reason I am here, I a----
Mr. BALL. Did the police come out and see you?
Mr. BALL. The FBI did? Did you tell them the same story you told me?
Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.

Mr. BALL. Now, did you see Oswald on television?
Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. On the night of the shooting?
Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. Did it appear to you to be the same man you had seen?
Mr. SMITH. He had lighter hair than he did when I saw him.
Mr. BALL. Well, now, wait a minute. You mean the man you saw on television----
Mr. SMITH. Had lighter hair.
Mr. BALL. Mr. Smith--than the man you saw running away?
Mr. SMITH. Yes.
Mr. BALL. Is that right?
Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. What color hair did the man have that you saw running away?
Mr. SMITH. Brown, brownish-black. It was dark.
Mr. BALL. How did the hair appear on television?
Mr. SMITH. Looked blond.
Mr. BALL. Were you later shown a picture of Oswald?
Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.

Mr. BALL. By whom?
Mr. SMITH. FBI agent.
Mr. BALL. What was the color of the hair in the picture?
Mr. SMITH. Brown.
Mr. BALL. What did you see? What did you tell the FBI agent about the appearance of the man in the picture?
Mr. SMITH. I said it looked more like him than it did on television.
Mr. BALL. And did you think when he showed you the picture that it looked anything like the man you had seen running away?
Mr. SMITH. What I saw of him; yes.
Mr. BALL. First time you ever saw this man was after you heard these shots?
Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. Is that right? You had never seen him walking?
Mr. SMITH. No.
Mr. BALL. You hadn't seen him walking in front of the house?
Mr. SMITH. No, sir.
Mr. BALL. Where you were standing?
Mr. SMITH. No, sir.
Mr. BALL. What kind of clothes did he have on when he shot the officer?
Mr. SMITH. He had on dark pants--just a minute. He had on dark pants and a sport coat of some kind. I can't really remember very well.
Mr. BALL. I will show you a coat----
Mr. SMITH. This looks like it.
Mr. BALL. This is Commission's Exhibit 162, a grey, zippered jacket. Have you ever seen this before?
Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir; that looks like what he had on. A jacket.
Mr. BALL. That is the jacket he had on?
Mr. SMITH. Yes.
Mr. BALL. Now, when the deposition is completed it will be written up and you will have a right to look it over and sign it, or if you want to you can waive your signature. They will accept your waiver and send it on to the Commission without it. Do you have any choice on that?
Mr. SMITH. I will sign it. It don't make any difference to me.
Mr. BALL. Would you just as leave waive your signature?
« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 06:08:03 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tippit Shooting, 1:15
« Reply #626 on: November 27, 2019, 06:05:03 AM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Tippit Shooting, 1:15
« Reply #627 on: November 27, 2019, 06:44:52 AM »
Continued from my lasr post....this smells, it REEKS OF OFFICIAL OBSTRUCTION!

Confirmation of WR (on the record) "testimony" of Helen Markham's son's friend, William Arthur Davis (address is 328-1/2 East Davis, as in my last post)


2. Warren Commission Hearings, Volume VII, pg 82
Found in: Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits
That would be on district 97, and no one sent me, but when I heard all of this—so many squads getting called to report there, then I went. Mr. ELY.
TESTIMONY OF WILLIAM ARTHUR SMITH The testimony of William Arthur Smith was taken at 4:25 p.m., on April 2, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301
William Arthur Smith. Mr. BALL. And where do you live? Mr. SMITH. 328% East Davis. Mr. BALL. What is your age? Mr. SMITH. Twenty. Mr. BALL."william_arthur+smith"#relPageId=243&tab=page
VS FBI report of December, 12, 1963 of interview of "witness" Davis's alleged father, Arthur T Davis:

Rating aggravating circumstances that in the aggregate, indicated corrupted intent of WC, DPD, FBI in what officials stated and published, vs actual evidence.
One to Ten rating assigned to each step or development after DPD Officer JD Tippit was shot and killed within one hour of the Assassination of JFK.
Merely suspicious details not yet assigned severity rating.

10. Suspect Oswald shot and mortally wounded in DPD basement, surrounded by DPD officers and while handcuffed to one detective escorting him.
Jack Ruby, known to many DPD officers "escaped notice" as he entered the DPD basement, made his way to Oswald, pulled his revolver shooting Oswald at point blank range.

9. The FBI reported receiving anonymous letter in 2nd week of December, 1963, stating FNU Smith said  Oswald was not the shooter of JD Tippit and address 328-1/2 East Eighth St.
Harry Olsen, a DPD officer, whose fiance was employed by Ruby for 28 months, and another DPD officer he claimed not to remember identity of, were described
by Olsen providing 24 hour security at an "estate" at unstated East 8th St. address in close proximity to address of Tippit shooting witness William Arthur Smith.
No additional details were provided by Olsen, save for an admission he and his fiance spent some minutes conversing with Ruby about 12 hours after Tippit shot.
Smith was an admitted felon on probation and his friend observing the Tippit shooting with him was an AWOL US serviceman. Smith, a friend of son of Tippit shooting witness, Mrs. Markham, claimed he discussed the shooting with her very soon after.
Despite DPD's Olsen admitting spending that day in close proximity to the address included in the anonymous tip, save for naming FNU Smith with the address FBI  reported interviewing witness Smith's father, prompted by the identical address being described in the anonymous tip, witness Smith failing to come forward to report witnessing DPD's Tippit's shooting, Mrs. Markham failing to mention to investigators her post shooting conversation with Smith, and the FBI's own confusion about Smith and his family residing at 328-1/2 8th St., an unusual street address number identical to Mrs. Markham's address on East Ninth, the FBI seems to have conducted no further follow-up in reaction to the anonymous tip saying FNU Smith, 328-1/2 East 8th, influenced the letter writer to share with the tip with FBI that Oswald was not the shooter of Tippit, the WC testimony of witness Smith was published in the WR stating Smith testified his street address was 328-1/2 East Davis.  DPD Chief Curry testified he had looked into how many DPD officers under him were acquainted with and interacted with Jack Ruby, then contradicted himself about the results of that inquiry, offering only reassurance there were not many.

Troubling and suspicious examples. Trust and cooperation between DPD and FBI began to erode by the morning after the JFK and Tippit shootings, cemented a day later in reaction by the FBI to the shooting of Oswald by Ruby in the DPD's basement. The DPD developed valid suspicion of the FBI's awareness of and relationship with Oswald before November 22. The circumstances of the arrest of Oswald at the Texas Theatre were controversial and Harry Olsen, who had moved to Long Beach with his fiance by February, 1964, said during a 1967 interview DPD Det. Gerry Hill was probably the closest to Ruby of all of Chief Curry's officers, changing the description of the East 8th St. location he was guarding at the time Tippit was shot from 'an estate," to a "ramshackle house". Det. Gerry Hill was associated with recovery of empty revolver husks at Tippit shooting scene, as was witness Virginia Davis who misrepresented her age to DPD  and months later, to the WC. Key witness William Whaley told the press he had been awarded the Navy's highest combat award, had moved his own age to three years older sometime after filing his military draft registration in 1942, and abandoned his first-born son and namesake. Mary Bledsoe, a witness who described encountering Oswald on a city bus just before he approached William Whaley for a taxi ride away from the JFK shooting scene. Mary Bledsoe had an aunt identical to the aunt of notorious Dallas underworld figure and a JFK Assassination subject in his own rite, Russell Douglas Matthews.
DPD claimed after taking Oswald into custody and searching him, he was permitted to moved around the DPD, allegedly in possession of several loaded rounds
of the Tippit shooting revolver.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 10:45:51 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Tippit Shooting, 1:15
« Reply #628 on: November 27, 2019, 04:28:56 PM »
Continued from my lasr post....this smells, it REEKS OF OFFICIAL OBSTRUCTION!

Confirmation of WR (on the record) "testimony" of Helen Markham's son's friend, William Arthur Davis (address is 328-1/2 East Davis, as in my last post)"william_arthur+smith"#relPageId=243&tab=page
VS FBI report of December, 12, 1963 of interview of "witness" Davis's alleged father, Arthur T Davis:

Rating aggravating circumstances that in the aggregate, indicated corrupted intent of WC, DPD, FBI in what officials stated and published, vs actual evidence.
One to Ten rating assigned to each step or development after DPD Officer JD Tippit was shot and killed within one hour of the Assassination of JFK.
Merely suspicious details not yet assigned severity rating.

10. Suspect Oswald shot and mortally wounded in DPD basement, surrounded by DPD officers and while handcuffed to one detective escorting him.
Jack Ruby, known to many DPD officers "escaped notice" as he entered the DPD basement, made his way to Oswald, pulled his revolver shooting Oswald at point blank range.

9. The FBI reported receiving anonymous letter in 2nd week of December, 1963, stating FNU Smith said  Oswald was not the shooter of JD Tippit and address 328-1/2 East Eighth St.
Harry Olsen, a DPD officer, whose fiance was employed by Ruby for 28 months, and another DPD officer he claimed not to remember identity of, were described
by Olsen providing 24 hour security at an "estate" at unstated East 8th St. address in close proximity to address of Tippit shooting witness William Arthur Smith.
No additional details were provided by Olsen, save for an admission he and his fiance spent some minutes conversing with Ruby about 12 hours after Tippit shot.
Smith was an admitted felon on probation and his friend observing the Tippit shooting with him was an AWOL US serviceman. Smith, a friend of son of Tippit shooting witness, Mrs. Markham, claimed he discussed the shooting with her very soon after.
Despite DPD's Olsen admitting spending that day in close proximity to the address included in the anonymous tip, save for naming FNU Smith with the address FBI  reported interviewing witness Smith's father, prompted by the identical address being described in the anonymous tip, witness Smith failing to come forward to report witnessing DPD's Tippit's shooting, Mrs. Markham failing to mention to investigators her post shooting conversation with Smith, and the FBI's own confusion about Smith and his family residing at 328-1/2 8th St., an unusual street address number identical to Mrs. Markham's address on East Ninth, the FBI seems to have conducted no further follow-up in reaction to the anonymous tip saying FNU Smith, 328-1/2 East 8th, influenced the letter writer to share with the tip with FBI that Oswald was not the shooter of Tippit, the WC testimony of witness Smith was published in the WR stating Smith testified his street address was 328-1/2 East Davis.  DPD Chief Curry testified he had looked into how many DPD officers under him were acquainted with and interacted with Jack Ruby, then contradicted himself about the results of that inquiry, offering only reassurance there were not many.

Troubling and suspicious examples. Trust and cooperation between DPD and FBI began to erode by the morning after the JFK and Tippit shootings, cemented a day later in reaction by the FBI to the shooting of Oswald by Ruby in the DPD's basement. The DPD developed valid suspicion of the FBI's awareness of and relationship with Oswald before November 22. The circumstances of the arrest of Oswald at the Texas Theatre were controversial and Harry Olsen, who had moved to Long Beach with his fiance by February, 1964, said during a 1967 interview DPD Det. Gerry Hill was probably the closest to Ruby of all of Chief Curry's officers, changing the description of the East 8th St. location he was guarding at the time Tippit was shot from 'an estate," to a "ramshackle house". Det. Gerry Hill was associated with recovery of empty revolver husks at Tippit shooting scene, as was witness Virginia Davis who misrepresented her age to DPD  and months later, to the WC. Key witness William Whaley told the press he had been awarded the Navy's highest combat award, had moved his own age to three years older sometime after filing his military draft registration in 1942, and abandoned his first-born son and namesake. Mary Bledsoe, a witness who described encountering Oswald on a city bus just before he approached William Whaley for a taxi ride away from the JFK shooting scene. Mary Bledsoe had an aunt identical to the aunt of notorious Dallas underworld figure and a JFK Assassination subject in his own rite, Russell Douglas Matthews.
DPD claimed after taking Oswald into custody and searching him, he was permitted to moved around the DPD, allegedly in possession of several loaded rounds
of the Tippit shooting revolver.


Yes indeed it does....  But that shouldn't be a surprise to you....  You should have concluded long ago that the FBI was NOT looking for evidence that would  contradict their ( Hoover's )  official tale, that Lee Harrrrrvey Osssswald was a no good commie rat who deserved to be lynched without a chance to prove his innocence.

Thank you for posting the FBI memo in which William Arthur Smith told the FBI agents James J. Ward and   Robert E. Basham, that he witnessed the murder of officer Tippit and the killer was NOT Lee Oswald.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tippit Shooting, 1:15
« Reply #628 on: November 27, 2019, 04:28:56 PM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Tippit Shooting, 1:15
« Reply #629 on: November 27, 2019, 06:48:16 PM »

Yes indeed it does....  But that shouldn't be a surprise to you....  You should have concluded long ago that the FBI was NOT looking for evidence that would  contradict their ( Hoover's )  official tale, that Lee Harrrrrvey Osssswald was a no good commie rat who deserved to be lynched without a chance to prove his innocence.

Thank you for posting the FBI memo in which William Arthur Smith told the FBI agents James J. Ward and   Robert E. Basham, that he witnessed the murder of officer Tippit and the killer was NOT Lee Oswald.

Walt, I found your reply unproductive, almost to the degree of deliberately distracting from the core point of the original research in my multi-post presentation, making your reply unproductive, even if your intent was not to distract or to be condescending (i.e., a "dick") in your tone. I find NEW things ( Sorry Brian, Jean, and DVP, Banks Did Not Key-Punch 1963 P.O. Money Orders )
because, as a reasonable person, my bias is held in check. I discipline myself to reign in my bias to maintain an open mind to the degree it is even possible, and it ain't easy Walt, but i am encouraged because the result of reigning in my bias is doors open for me that will remain closed to you.


New discovery and my core point.:

The WC was interested, (crossing all of the "T's", dotting all of the "I's") certainly justified interest, until it wasn't.....

"Iris" certified the transcript of testimony was accurate, and it wasn't. Why did the WC staff not travel with it's own court stenographer?

East "Davis" unintentional error in transcription resulting in "a contribution" to a cover up that "just happened to" demphasize concern over omissions in Harry Olsen's testimony, or.....?
...Mr SPECTER. Do you recall November 22, 1963, the day President Kennedy was assassinated?
Mr OLSEN. Yes, sir.
Mr SPECTER. Tell me, as specifically as you can recollect, exactly what your activities were on that day.
Mr OLSEN. I was employed by the Dallas Police Department and I was working at an extra job guarding an estate.
Mr SPECTER. Whose estate was that?
Mr OLSEN. I don't remember the name.
Mr SPECTER. How did you happen to get that extra job?
Mr OLSEN. A motorcycle officer was related to this elderly woman and he was doing work, but he was in the motor----
Mr OLSEN. Motorcade of the President, and I was off that day and able to work it.
Mr SPECTER. Do you recall the name of the motorcycle officer?
Mr SPECTER. Where was that estate located?
Mr OLSEN. On 8th Street
in Dallas.
Mr SPECTER. Do you recall the specific address or the cross street on which it was located?
Mr OLSEN. It's in the Oak Cliff area, it's approximately two blocks off of Stemmons.....

Link to map, including highlighting of loacation of Olsen's fiance's (employed by Jack Ruby) 325 North Ewing apartment.:,+Dallas,+TX/328+E+8th+St,+Dallas,+TX+75203/@32.7508445,-96.8181274,17z/data=!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x864e99a2138d32c9:0x91361e9ebf6a2606!2m2!1d-96.8130834!2d32.751954!1m5!1m1!1s0x864e999a2a745acd:0xd135d31b5d65515d!2m2!1d-96.819036!2d32.749733!3e0

VS the "true and accurate" address of Smith and his parents, as reported in the anonymous tip mailed to the FBI from New Mexico, and, as reported by the FBI in their December, 1963 interviews of both William Arthur Smith and of his father.:

« Last Edit: November 28, 2019, 05:22:29 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Tippit Shooting, 1:15
« Reply #630 on: November 27, 2019, 09:31:53 PM »
Walt, I found your reply unproductive, almost to the degree of deliberately distracting from the core point of the original research in my multi-post presentation, making your reply unproductive, even if your intent was not to distract or to be condescending (i.e., a "dick") in your tone. I find NEW things ( Sorry Brian, Jean, and DVP, Banks Did Not Key-Punch 1963 P.O. Money Orders )
because, as a reasonable person, my bias is held in check. I discipline myself to reign in my bias to maintain an open mind to the degree it is even possible, and it ain't easy Walt, but i am encouraged because the result of reigning in my bias is doors open for me that will remain closed to you.


New discovery and my core point.:

The WC was interested, (crossing all of the "T's", dotting all of the "I's") certainly justified interest, until it wasn't.....

"Iris" certified the transcript of testimony was accurate, and it wasn't. Why did the WC staff not travel with it's own court stenographer?

East "Davis" unintentional error in transcription resulting in "a contribution" to a cover up that "just happened to" demphasize concern over omissions in Harry Olsen's testimony, or.....?

VS the "true and accurate" address of Smith and his parents, as reported in the anonymous tip mailed to the FBI from New Mexico, and, as reported by the FBI in their December, 1963 interviews of both William Arthur Smith and of his father.:

Tom, are you too damned dumb to realize that William Arthur Smith moved around frequently....  In April of 1964 he was residing with his mother at 328 1/2 East Davis....but in November of 1963 he was living with his buddy Jimmy Burt ...on 8th street.    Smith was obviously a petty criminal who moved around frequently to keep ahead of the police.

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Re: Tippit Shooting, 1:15
« Reply #631 on: November 28, 2019, 05:29:15 AM »
Tom, are you too damned dumb to realize that William Arthur Smith moved around frequently....  In April of 1964 he was residing with his mother at 328 1/2 East Davis....but in November of 1963 he was living with his buddy Jimmy Burt ...on 8th street.    Smith was obviously a petty criminal who moved around frequently to keep ahead of the police.
"Too dumb" he is, and it is simply because he has an exaggerated sense of self-importance.
I am not surprised he would then described himself as open-minded.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tippit Shooting, 1:15
« Reply #631 on: November 28, 2019, 05:29:15 AM »