... identifiable fingerprints are found on guns, knives, clubs, and the like in less than 10 percent of the cases.
That said..I wonder then why the Warren-ites on this forum constantly throw up
as fact that Oswald's fingerprints were found on the rifle.
Mr. DAY. Well, actually in fingerprinting it either is or is not the man. So I wouldn't say those were his prints.
I might construe from that statement that fingerprints
were found on the rifle but they were not Oswald's.
BTW thanks for the archives link. Found once again [click for full page] -----

That still just doesn't sound the same as everything described in the lunchroom encounter.
As I said before, CTers have no ability to properly evaluate the JFK evidence. The Internet CTers are the last people on the planet who should be looking into this case.
You would almost think that this individual did actually personally lead the JFK investigation

Move over Chief Justice Warren.