Who knows if ther was any of the parade still streaming past?.....It seems likely because photos taken several minutes after the shooting show the busses still passing down Elm street ...and they were part of the P Parade.
'So the President's been shot, eh? And there's screaming outside. And I've just had a cop put a gun in my gut. Never mind, maybe I might catch a bus or two parading down the street!'

Let it go, Mr Cakebread, and resign yourself to
The Game-Changing Fact That Was Hushed Up By Fritz And Friends:
Mr Oswald claimed to have gone outside to watch the Presidential parade.
He broke for lunch around about noon........
He went down to the first floor.......
He went upstairs to the second-floor lunchroom......
He came back downstairs......
He saw Messrs Jarman & Norman re-enter the building......
He then went outside to watch the Presidential parade.
Here he is, just behind Mr Lovelady:

You think it's a
coincidence that the only person in all the images captured that day who gets a magic shadow on his person is Mr Lovelady? Come on!