Right on, and earlier this year we saw this confused contribution by Mr. Scully addressing his pen pal Parnell as "just the facts" guy:
And from Mr. "Just the facts" himself, in case Mr. Scully's fading memory has failed to recall Parnell arriving at this "contribution":

We're drifting away from the basic question asked in the title of this thread....
Did Roy Truly and/or Marion Baker Lie?Clearly the answer is; YES..... Baker did not enter the investigation as a liar.... He was simply a patrolman trying to perform his duties.
But it wasn't long until he realized that his superiors ( those in control of his paycheck and career) wanted his cooperation in framing Lee Oswald.
Baker was made aware that Lee Oswald was a dirty communist rat who had defected to Russia so he deserved being lynched.... or at least he most certainly was not deserving of the iron clad alibi that Baker could provide. Baker knew very well that Lee was "DRINKING A COKE" when he spotted him in the lunchroom, and he knew that that FACT provided the dirty commie rat with an iron clad alibi. Originally ( when he was an honest patrolman ) he said that he saw Lee "Drinking a coke " in the lunchroom ..... Later he lied and recanted his statement.
So Did Baker Lie? There's no doubt about it....