But the word 'INSIDE' is not used there, Mr Von Pein, so you must have meant a different quote when you told us Mr Oswald said he was 'INSIDE' (look, you even put the word in CAPITALS).
Looking forward to hearing the quote you actually meant! 
As I said before, CTers have no ability to properly evaluate the JFK evidence. The Internet CTers are the last people on the planet who should be looking into this case.
Alan Ford now wants to argue that when Oswald said "Naturally, if I work in that building, yes, sir" when answering the question of "Were you in the building at the time?", Oswald really meant this:
"Well, yeah, sort of....I was kinda IN the building, but I was really OUTSIDE on the steps....but I guess you should consider the steps to be IN the building too (even though the steps are, of course, OUTSIDE the front door)....but I guess I was kinda IN the building....in a way....sort of....you know?"(It's always hysterical when CTers do this
IN IS REALLY OUT thing. I get a kick out of it.)