The reverse of when you're right , you're right ...(As I believe Mr Mytton is in this case. ) When you're wrong, you're wrong, as I believe you are in this case ....

It really must take heavy investment in a cherished narrative to parse a sequence of simple words so that they mean something other than their plain sense!
Perhaps you should check the accuracy of Hosty's notes...... Did Lee go to lunch at 12:00 noon?
Hosty wrote that Lee went to lunch at noon.... Lee did NOT go to lunch at noon
Hosty wrote that Lee went to the second floor to get a Coke to eat with lunch and returned to 1st floor... We know that the 1st floor lunchroom was occupied by several TSBD employees until at least 12:15....and none of them said that Lee was eating lunch while they were there in the Domino Room.
Hosty said that after lunch Lee said he went outside to watch the P. Parade..... Since Le had to have eaten his lunch after the other TSBD employees left the Domino Room, obviously he ate his lunch after 12:15 .....and he was there in the D Room when Jarman and Norman walked by at about 12 :26 Then he went to the second floor lunchroom to get a coke, and returned to the D room finished his lunch and went outside to watch the parade.
Who knows if ther was any of the parade still streaming past?.....It seems likely because photos taken several minutes after the shooting show the busses still passing down Elm street ...and they were part of the P Parade.