One of the most curious mini-episodes in this whole affair is this definitive statement in this 3/2/64 FBI report:

Mr Lovelady later denied having told the FBI this------------he just arrived for the photo session in any old shirt.

Unlikely! Would the FBI, with their sensitivity to the Altgens controversy, have been so casual as to drastically misunderstand Mr Lovelady-----or to fail to have communicated to Mr Lovelady beforehand that he was to wear his 11/22/63 shirt for the photographs?
Theory!The FBI gave Mr Lovelady the short-sleeved shirt to wear* because they needed him in short sleeves
------------> because the Wiegman film showed Mr Oswald's exposed right arm (he had his sleeves rolled up**) appearing to come out of Mr Lovelady's body!
Then, as soon as the Wiegman frame was... 'enhanced' and evidence of Mr Oswald's presence blackened out, Mr Lovelady's red plaid shirt could come out of the closet!
* Side Bar!:
Just wondering aloud... Did the FBI give
the same shirt to Mr Eddie Piper for
his photo?

** Mr Oswald in short sleeves would of course lend further support to the PrayerMan=LHO claim