Interesting suggestion about the boxes. Today I modeled with and without the boxes and it is the window box that blocks the sunlight on that pipe at about 2:20 pm.. So far, so good. William Allen photographed Studebaker at the rest boxes at about 2:45 pm (see the photo in POTP page 536. Time estimate by me via a shadow study). Yet, the window box seems to be un-moved from it's Dillard position. A little confusing to me.
Interesting, how did you perform the shadow study on the Allen photo?
I just tried a quick and dirty eyeball with a protractor guesstimate. I compared the angle of the shadow on the brick wall as shown on this image:

I compared that angle to a similar shadow angle on the Allen photo of Gerald Hill in the next window to the west. And I got a roughly 15-degrees difference in the two angles. Testing for that difference in shadow angles on my 3-D computer model, I came up with a time difference of about 1-hour and ten minutes. Therefore if the Gerald Hill photo is around one o’clock, then the photo of Studebaker should be around two ten. If this turns out to be anywhere close to accurate, then it appears to me that Studebaker must have moved the window box sometime after the Allen photo of him in the window, but before the DPD photo was taken at approximately two-twenty.