Start with the statements on her obviously concocted and convoluted sworn affidavit....
First ..she states that a man ducked into the theater as the police drove by.
Second..Postal said that her boss [John Callahan] jumped into his car and chases the police

I have noted in the past that it was never reported that Mr Callahan ever returned to his theater that was invaded by law enforcement authorities from all over Dallas. Does that strike anyone else as odd? At least extremely curious? What ever happened to Mr Callahan?
Third...back to Julia--As she stepped to the curb [by the way not telling Mr Callahan that a man just sneaked into his theater] she "turned around and saw Johnny Brewer" [who she apparently knew] who asked "did she sell that man a ticket" to which she replied "what man?"

Well, by golly---Brewere would go look for him.
How long would it have taken for Brewer [who seemed more concerned about the sneaker-in than anyone else] to have gone in and searched around for this guy and come back out to give a
didn't see him report to Postal?
Next..the individual that Postal mused earlier "what man" becomes a likely fugitive she decided

Further...Julia takes charge and has Warren Burroughs [an usher or THE usher?] and Brewer re-enter the theater and do a thorough search this time. How long would this have taken? Brewer returns and reports that "he just wasn't there"
Taking absolute command, Postal orders Brewer and Warren to guard the exits...she would call the cops. She calls the police and "some woman answers" but then..disregarding this woman's gender equality, Postal wants to speak to an "officer". Amazing that over the probable hundreds of calls going into the police switchboard at the time she got through anyway. Maybe she had a hotline

This time it's definite...her subject is on the run. He ducked in! Why would the officer ask "did he buy a ticket?" Who buys a ticket and then sneaks in? Maybe he vanished after this. No her "woman's intuition" told her he was still there. She "called the projectionist" [I didn't get his name...did anyone?]
Mrs Postal said that she gave the officer a description of this man that she didn't see. She said that "in a minute or two" officers came in-- motorcycle officers...squad car officers...plain clothes officers...carrying rifles and shotguns. Gee that was fast

Strange but Julia didn't mention that the cops would show her this guy they nabbed and ask her "
is this your guy?"
They had their it cops intuition