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Author Topic: "Kill the president will you?"  (Read 15509 times)

Online Richard Smith

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Re: "Kill the president will you?"
« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2022, 04:55:17 PM »
Then quit. Cease the effort. If something is so vexing or arduous then simply dismiss the strain. It doesn't matter anyway does it? What ever happened to that theater manager? Inconsequential right?

Or maybe you could just explain whatever point you are trying to make.  This is a discussion forum.  Why not have a discussion instead of posting a document and making a lot of vague assertations?  Are you suggesting Postal was part of some plot to frame Oswald or not?  If not, why nitpick her testimony?  It seems apparent that Oswald entered the TT, since he was arrested therein.  It seems apparent that he didn't buy a ticket etc.  Why subject Postal's testimony to scrutiny on these kinds of points?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: "Kill the president will you?"
« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2022, 04:55:17 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: "Kill the president will you?"
« Reply #33 on: March 19, 2022, 05:49:00 PM »
Are you suggesting Postal was part of some plot to frame Oswald...?
No...If you read it right I have always proposed that certain Dallas Police were.
Not all of them were in on it to be clear.
Only two Texas Theater witnesses together with Brewer were ever interviewed.
This is from lone assassin sacred scripture---
At 1:46 P.M., after an abortive raid on a public library, a police dispatcher announced: “Have information a suspect just went in the Texas Theater on West Jefferson.” Within minutes, more than six squad cars sealed the theater’s front and rear exits. Police armed with shotguns spread into the balcony and the main floor as the lights were turned up. Only a dozen moviegoers were scattered inside the small theater.

Testimony states that Brewer and Burroughs went in and searched the theater twice and did not see the suspect ...out of a dozen customers? However, when the police showed up, Brewer was able to point Oswald out straight away.
Cops came with shotguns in hand it was reported yet this was not mentioned in Postal/Burroughs/Brewer testimony.
On the other hand...Officer McDonald reveals---
Mr. BALL - What did you do?
Mr. McDONALD - Well, when I got to the front of the theater there was several police cars already at the scene, and I surmised that officers were already inside the theater.
So I decided to go to the rear, in the alley, and seal off the rear. I parked my squad car. I noticed there were three or four other officers standing outside with shotguns guarding the rear exits. There were three other officers at the rear door. I joined them. We walked into the rear exit door over the alley.
Mr. BALL - What were their names?
Mr. McDONALD - Officer Hawkins, T. A. Hutson, and C. T. Walker. And as we got inside the door, we were met by a man that was in civilian clothes, a suit, and he told us that the man that acted suspiciously as he ran into the theater was sitting downstairs in the orchestra seats, and not in the balcony. He was sitting at the rear of the theater alone.
If Oswald was sitting alone, why couldn't Brewer find him earlier?
Gerald Posner pinpoints the time 1:46 PM CST as the end of a library search and a call to the theater.
Four minutes later Oswald was thrown into a police car.
Rather snappy work there by an otherwise sloppy outfit.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: "Kill the president will you?"
« Reply #34 on: March 19, 2022, 10:55:55 PM »

BEFORE ME, Eunice Sorrels, a Notary Public in and for said County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared George Jefferson Applin, Jr., w/m [white male] 21, of 3423 Weisenberger Drive, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas who, after being by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says:

On Friday evening, November 22, 1963 at about 1:45 p.m., I was seated on the main floor of the Texas Theater on West Jefferson in Dallas, Texas. As I watched the movie I saw an officer walking down the isle [sic] with a riot gun and about that time the light came on in the theater. One of the patrolmen walked down to the front of the theater and walked back up the isle [sic] and I got up and started walking toward the front of the theater. I saw the officer shake two men down and then asked a man sitting by himself to stand up. As the officer started to shake him down, and when he did, this boy took a swing at the officer and then the next thing I could see was this boy had his arm around the officer's left shoulder and had a pistol in his hand. I heard the pistol snap at least once. Then I saw a large group of officers subdue this boy and arrest him.

/s/ George Jefferson Applin Jr.
3423 Weisenberger Drive
Dallas 12, Texas



s/ Eunice Sorrels
Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas
Mr. BALL - Then some police officers came in there?
 Then what do you remember happening?
Mr. APPLIN - I seen the officers come down the right-hand aisle.
Mr. BALL - Did he have anything in his hands?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes; I believe he had a shotgun. Might have been a rifle. 
Mr. APPLIN - Yes, sir; they started wrestling and scuffling with him.
Mr. BALL - How many of them?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, there was about five officers, I believe.
Mr. BALL - Did you see any officers strike him?
Mr. APPLIN - I seen one strike him with a shotgun.
Mr. BALL - How did he do it?
Mr. APPLIN - He grabbed the muzzle of the gun and drawed it back and swung and hit him in the back.
Mr. BALL - With what?
Mr. APPLIN - With the butt end of the gun.
Mr. BALL - Looked like a hard blow?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes, sir; it--I guess-it was. You could--yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - And he struck Oswald where?
Mr. APPLIN - In the back.
Mr. BALL - What part of the back?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, somewheres along in the middle of the back, somewheres.
Mr. BALL - With the butt end of a shotgun?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes, sir.
The time frame agrees with Gerald Posner's.
Again everything happened with a snap of a finger. In 15 minutes Brewer allegedly hears a radio report of the cop shooting [that no one can find a transcript of]...sees a 'funny/suspicious' guy cowering in front of his shoe store...observes him ducking into the theater...follows after this suspicious guy...converses with Ms Postal...who only after Mr Brewer had bravely searched twice for a guy who just might shoot him...decided to call the police. Having amazingly apparently no problem getting through to the cops Postal decides to tell them that based on her woman's intuition the suspect in the theater just might be involved in the assassination.
Squads of police arrive including downtown detective types and surround the theater bluster in and subdue Oswald.
All in 15 minutes.
Warren Burroughs said that he didn't see any shotguns but he didn't know for sure---

Early in testimony---
Mr. BALL. Were you ever in the Army?
Mr. BURROUGHS. No, sir----they tried to get me, but I couldn't pass----I passed the physical part, but the mental part----I didn't make enough points on the score, so the board sent me a card back and classifying me different.
Later in testimony---
Mr. BALL. And were the police out at the exit doors?
Mr. BURROUGHS. They came on----somehow they came in.....
Mr. BALL. Were any of the officers in the theatre armed with shotguns?
Mr. BURROUGHS. No, sir; I don't believe so.
Mr. BALL. I think that's all, Mr. Burroughs.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: "Kill the president will you?"
« Reply #34 on: March 19, 2022, 10:55:55 PM »

Online John Mytton

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Re: "Kill the president will you?"
« Reply #35 on: March 19, 2022, 11:03:22 PM »
The time frame agrees with Gerald Posner's.
Again everything happened with a snap of a finger. In 15 minutes Brewer allegedly hears a radio report of the cop shooting [that no one can find a transcript of]...sees a 'funny/suspicious' guy cowering in front of his shoe store...observes him ducking into the theater...follows after this suspicious guy...converses with Ms Postal...who only after Mr Brewer had bravely searched twice for a guy who just might shoot him...decided to call the police. Having amazingly apparently no problem getting through to the cops Postal decides to tell them that based on her woman's intuition the suspect in the theater just might be involved in the assassination.
Squads of police arrive including downtown detective types and surround the theater bluster in and subdue Oswald.
All in 15 minutes.
Warren Burroughs said that he didn't see any shotguns but he didn't know for sure---Later in testimony---

This is all very interesting but what is your conclusion? Are you accusing a shoe salesman and a woman who sold movie tickets of somehow being involved in the death of the President?


Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: "Kill the president will you?"
« Reply #36 on: March 20, 2022, 01:15:46 AM »
This is all very interesting but what is your conclusion? Are you accusing a shoe salesman and a woman who sold movie tickets of somehow being involved in the death of the President?
I don't know what you thought was interesting but you apparently did not read my earlier post when Mr Smith asked me the same thing......
...are you suggesting that Postal was '"in" on the plot?   
No...If you read it right I have always proposed that certain Dallas Police were.
There was not much love for Kennedy among the staunchly arch-conservative authorities in 1963 Dallas. Who else wanted him out has been discussed throughout the forum.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: "Kill the president will you?"
« Reply #36 on: March 20, 2022, 01:15:46 AM »