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Author Topic: Back to the movies with Julia Postal  (Read 42747 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #184 on: February 14, 2020, 09:04:11 PM »
The radio broadcasts DID update the time. The radio broadcasts are linked here in the thread and on youtube. Do you have a watch? Just count the minutes. I could not locate that statement on the recordings.I have asked that if this was indeed announced on the radio recording before Oswald's arrest, that the timing be diligently pinpointed on the link. So far--no takers.Yet...according to the Dallas Police radio transcript.. no mention of any possible suspect was made around Brewer's area until @1:45
I am not saying that Brewer was part of a plot. I am just saying that his story is obviously contrived and the Warren Commission went with it anyway.

I have asked that if this was indeed announced on the radio recording before Oswald's arrest, that the timing be diligently pinpointed on the link.

Both Domingo Benavides and  Bowley  used Tippit's police band radio before 1:15.....  They spoke plain English and said that a policeman had been shot, so anybody monitoring the police radio would have heard their broadcast.  Reporters routinely monitor the police radio, so a reporter could have learned about the Tippit shooting and could have announced it over a public broadcast before 1:30.    But I don't believe there is a record of that happening.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #184 on: February 14, 2020, 09:04:11 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #185 on: February 14, 2020, 11:38:40 PM »
Nobody has ever found a radio announcement of Tippit’s shooting prior to Oswald’s arrest.

I believe that it was Brewer’s after-the-fact rationalization for why he would find this person at his store front suspicious.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #186 on: February 15, 2020, 12:24:38 AM »
Nobody has ever found a radio announcement of Tippit’s shooting prior to Oswald’s arrest.I believe that it was Brewer’s after-the-fact rationalization for why he would find this person at his store front suspicious.
Whereas I don't believe Brewer saw Lee Harvey Oswald acting suspiciously or even saw him at all.
I think Johnny Brewer was directed to follow an individual that he was told sneaked into the theater. He did not get that good of look at him and that is why he didn't find him when he he first looked around. When the cops finally came, he was prompted to point out Oswald by this same individual. I still wonder what ever happened to the manager of that theater who left to go see what the cops were looking for. Why did he never show back up when the cops were all over his theater there?


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #186 on: February 15, 2020, 12:24:38 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #187 on: February 15, 2020, 12:36:26 AM »
Whereas I don't believe Brewer saw Lee Harvey Oswald acting suspiciously or even saw him at all.
I think Johnny Brewer was directed to follow an individual that he was told sneaked into the theater. He did not get that good of look at him and that is why he didn't find him when he he first looked around. When the cops finally came, he was prompted to point out Oswald by this same individual. I still wonder what ever happened to the manager of that theater who left to go see what the cops were looking for. Why did he never show back up when the cops were all over his theater there?

I don't believe Brewer saw Lee Harvey Oswald acting suspiciously or even saw him at all.

IF??  IF??   Brewer saw Lee walk by his store, his tale about Him appearing scared simply clashes with all witnesses who recognized Lee Oswald and saw him after 12:30.   All of those who knew Lee by sight said that he acted completely normal.     Of course people like Brewer who want to convict Lee Oswald try to paint him as being scared and in flight......     

Offline Ted Shields

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #188 on: February 15, 2020, 02:06:53 PM »
I don't believe Brewer saw Lee Harvey Oswald acting suspiciously or even saw him at all.

IF??  IF??   Brewer saw Lee walk by his store, his tale about Him appearing scared simply clashes with all witnesses who recognized Lee Oswald and saw him after 12:30.   All of those who knew Lee by sight said that he acted completely normal.     

"He looked like a maniac" is not completely normal.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #188 on: February 15, 2020, 02:06:53 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #189 on: February 15, 2020, 03:57:51 PM »
"He looked like a maniac" is not completely normal.
If you choose to accept the word of a senile old busybody ( Mary Bledsoe) ....then it's your problem to wrestle with.....  Mrs Bledsoe may not have been on Mc Watter's bus...   Because she said that the bus she was on passed through the intersection of Houston & Elm AFTER the yellow barricade tapes were up ....And she saw the police taking a suspect away in handcuffs....   These events happened happened at about 1:00 O'clock.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #190 on: February 15, 2020, 05:08:10 PM »
Lee wasn't "in flight".... He knew the plan called for him to meet his  FBI handler in the Theater.   And that's where he was going.

When Ian Griggs talked to Johnny Brewer in 1996,  Griggs asked Brewer this question: So you asked Julie to contact the police and tell them what? 

Brewer replied:...Just that there was a suspicious person in there.   I still had no reason to have somebody call the police.  I'm not sure what the hell I'm doing here to start with. 

He hadn't seen the "frightened man" in the theater when he and Butch Burroughs searched the theater just minutes earlier....So why would he tell Julia Postal to call the police???

I'm not sure what the hell I'm doing here to start with. ...... John Calvin Brewer

Brewer told Ian Griggs that he was confused about "what the hell he was doing there in the theater, and telling Julia Postal to call the police....

IOW....  Brewer didn't know how he had got involved.....    We know that he didn't hear any radio report about an officer being shot in the area.   So WHAT caused him to leave his store and investigate the man that he said walked by his store.   

A theory for consideration.....  Is it possible that an FBI agent visited Brewers store on Friday morning and showed Brewer a photo of Lee Oswald and asked if he had seen this man ?      ????.....    If so.... then Brewer would have been alert to the fact that the FBI was looking for Oswald, so when Lee walked by Brewer wanted to see where he went, so he could notify the police.    I believe that Lee was supposed to meet his FBI handler in the Theater....and Lee would probably walk by Brewer's shoe store on the way to the theater.    So that FBI man could easily have alerted Brewer to be on the lookout for the fugitive  ...... 

I would remind those who doubt .... That at 2:45 pm 11/22/63,  FBI agent James Hosty told DPD Detective Jack Revill  that " A communist named Lee Harvey Oswald had killed the President"         (This happened less than an hour after Lee was dragged from the Texas theater. )  There had been NO investigation at all and yet Hosty was sent to the DPD by Hoover to sit in on the interrogation of Oswald.

It seems clear that Hoover was the puppet master who was controlling the puppets......

It should be obvious that Hosty knew that Lee Oswald was the sucker who was going to be blamed for the murder.....
« Last Edit: February 15, 2020, 09:27:50 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #191 on: February 17, 2020, 03:41:52 PM »
One thing...Brewer did not submit an affidavit until two weeks after the event.
The cops had practically everybody else submitting affidavits that very day! Yet Brewer had a command position [supposedly] to ID a suspect right then and there at the theater. However, the cops made no attempt to further solicit his information at that time [apparently]
The Commission's chief bulldog [David Belin] seemed just chomping at the bit to interview this 'key' witness.I don't remember hearing any newscast about 'Secret Service rumors' :-\ Perhaps...but I doubt that anyone connected with the government inquiry reviewed the radio broadcasts concerning the policeman's shooting.
If I somehow fell asleep while listening or had an abundance of wax in my ears I want to know..If someone can locate when & where the announcement-of the patrolman's shooting-& or death- was made-prior to 1:45 please call this to our attention. Again ...I did not write that :) Throw straw all over the place but you can't change the facts. The [pretty much] exact time was stated by Brewer---1:30--But that was still even before the announcement of the president's death.
Dale Myers did not have the recordings that we do now.
 You do the math..beginning at the link the time was 1:37 CST [the official announcement of JFK's passing]
At 0:40 there is a suspect in custody [not Oswald] then they report a Dallas [police] Detective DOA at Parkland Hospital [hardly a suggestion of Tippit in Oak Cliff is it?] By 15:00 he apparently became a Secret Service man.
Certainly there was confusion that day and police were swarming all over Jefferson Blvd but not before the announcement of President Kennedy's death. 

.Brewer did not submit an affidavit until two weeks after the event.

One would suspect that an affidavit that was taken two weeks after the event would be for the benefit of the "investigators"....   And such an affidavit would be worthless......

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #191 on: February 17, 2020, 03:41:52 PM »