Lee wasn't "in flight".... He knew the plan called for him to meet his FBI handler in the Theater. And that's where he was going.
When Ian Griggs talked to Johnny Brewer in 1996, Griggs asked Brewer this question: So you asked Julie to contact the police and tell them what?
Brewer replied:...Just that there was a suspicious person in there. I still had no reason to have somebody call the police. I'm not sure what the hell I'm doing here to start with.
He hadn't seen the "frightened man" in the theater when he and Butch Burroughs searched the theater just minutes earlier....So why would he tell Julia Postal to call the police???
I'm not sure what the hell I'm doing here to start with. ...... John Calvin Brewer
Brewer told Ian Griggs that he was confused about "what the hell he was doing there in the theater, and telling Julia Postal to call the police....
IOW.... Brewer didn't know how he had got involved..... We know that he didn't hear any radio report about an officer being shot in the area. So WHAT caused him to leave his store and investigate the man that he said walked by his store.
A theory for consideration..... Is it possible that an FBI agent visited Brewers store on Friday morning and showed Brewer a photo of Lee Oswald and asked if he had seen this man ?

?..... If so.... then Brewer would have been alert to the fact that the FBI was looking for Oswald, so when Lee walked by Brewer wanted to see where he went, so he could notify the police. I believe that Lee was supposed to meet his FBI handler in the Theater....and Lee would probably walk by Brewer's shoe store on the way to the theater. So that FBI man could easily have alerted Brewer to be on the lookout for the fugitive ......
I would remind those who doubt .... That at 2:45 pm 11/22/63, FBI agent James Hosty told DPD Detective Jack Revill that
" A communist named Lee Harvey Oswald had killed the President" (This happened less than an hour after Lee was dragged from the Texas theater. ) There had been NO investigation at all and yet Hosty was sent to the DPD by Hoover to sit in on the interrogation of Oswald.
It seems clear that Hoover was the puppet master who was controlling the puppets......
It should be obvious that Hosty knew that Lee Oswald was the sucker who was going to be blamed for the murder.....