George Applin....Theater patron
It has been asked-- Why did Oswald go to the movies if he wasn't on the run as claimed. Why did any of the people that were there go to see a cartoon and a war movie? George Applin stated that before he entered the Texas Theater he had heard that JFK had been shot.
Didn't stop him.
Take a glance at his affidavit taken that afternoon...
BEFORE ME, Eunice Sorrels, a Notary Public in and for said County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared George Jefferson Applin, Jr., w/m [white male] 21, of 3423 Weisenberger Drive, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas who, after being by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says:
On Friday evening, November 22, 1963 at about 1:45 p.m., I was seated on the main floor of the Texas Theater on West Jefferson in Dallas, Texas. As I watched the movie I saw an officer walking down the isle [sic] with a riot gun and about that time the light came on in the theater. One of the patrolmen walked down to the front of the theater and walked back up the isle [sic] and I got up and started walking toward the front of the theater. I saw the officer shake two men down and then asked a man sitting by himself to stand up. As the officer started to shake him down, and when he did, this boy took a swing at the officer and then the next thing I could see was this boy had his arm around the officer's left shoulder and had a pistol in his hand. I heard the pistol snap at least once. Then I saw a large group of officers subdue this boy and arrest him.
/s/ George Jefferson Applin Jr.
3423 Weisenberger Drive
Dallas 12, Texas
s/ Eunice Sorrels
Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas
Three weeks later according to an interview with the FBI...Applin had a more vivid and damning recollection regarding Oswald---- that FBI report it was told that Applin said when the cops came down the isles ...he got up and went to the lobby. Now wasn't that action what you might think... suspicious?
But the cops didn't notice that?
Also, there is no mention of Brewer and his searching around. According to Applin there were only 5 or 6 people sitting downstairs.
So what was Brewer's problem? And also, no mention of Brewer up on the screen stage pointing out a suspect.
Applin testified Apr 2 '64....
Mr. BALL - Now, November 22, 1963, were you in Dallas?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes; I believe I was.
Mr. BALL - What were you doing here?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, I was working for the Rollform Corp.
Mr. BALL - How do you spell it?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, I have got one of their checks--check stubs here in my pocket, I believe. At least I think I have. Here it is [indicating].
Mr. BALL - What were you doing in Dallas?
Mr. APPLIN - Working.
Mr. BALL - Working here in Dallas?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - What kind of work?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, I was working as, open-head crane operator, and painter and front-end loader.
Mr. BALL - Did you go to the picture show that afternoon?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes, sir; I did.
Mr. BALL - How did you happen to be off duty that day?
Mr. APPLIN - They was installing a new cutting press for the rollers, and they did not need me, so, they let me off for 2 days.
Applin couldn't spell the name of his own company--- ROLLFORM

He "believed" he was in Dallas Nov 22. I absolutely know for sure I was. I guess he was nervous.
Mr. BALL - What time of day did you go there?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, actually, I went to---I was over in Oak Cliff, around about, I guess, about 12 o'clock, I imagine is what time it was. I was there and the show hadn't opened up, so, I was sitting in my car listening to the radio up until the time that the show opened.
Mr. BALL - You went in the show when it opened?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - Paid your way?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - And where did you take your seat? What part of the theatre?
Mr. APPLIN - About six rows down, I got in the middle aisle, about the middle of the chairs.
Mr. BALL - Middle aisle, six rows from the rear?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - And you were how far from the middle aisle into the row of seats?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, about--seemed quite a little while since I thought about this. I guess I was about four or five seats over from the aisle.
Mr. BALL - From the aisle. Now, did something happen there during that showing of that picture that you remember?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, I know this much, Audie Murphy introduced the picture.
Mr. BALL - Then some police officers came in there?
Mr. APPLIN - No, sir; the lights came on.
Audie Murphy was there?
Mr. BALL - Did he have anything in his hands?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes; I believe he had a shotgun. Might have been a rifle.
Mr. BALL - What else did you see?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, when I seen him, I was wondering what was the matter and what about the lights.
Mr. BALL - You got up and ran up to the front?
Mr. APPLIN - Went to the front to find out what was happened--was happened-- happening. As I was going up an officer passed me going down and I stopped to find out.
Mr. BALL - Did you ask him?
Mr. APPLIN - No, sir; he passed me before I got a chance to ask him.
?Mr. APPLIN - Well, he stopped and asked two boys sitting down in the front, asked them to stand up and----
Mr. BALL - Did he search them?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes, sir; they shuffled them down.
Mr. BALL - Did he search you?
Mr. APPLIN - No, sir; they came on up to Oswald, where he was sitting.
Mr. BALL - Where was he sitting?
Mr. APPLIN - I--he was sitting, I guess, about 3 or 4 rows down.
Mr. BALL - You mean from the rear of the theatre?
Mr. APPLIN - From the rear.
If the cops were looking for one guy and Applin, a young male, being perhaps who they were looking for...well, do you wonder?
And then why would the cops "shake down" a couple of kids when they were searching for this one 5'10" @30 yrs old 165 lbs guy?
Mr. BALL - Then, you were about four rows away from where Oswald was----
Mr. APPLIN - Apprehended.
Mr. BALL - And did you hear the officer, what he said?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes, sir; heard mainly what both of them said.
Mr. BALL - What did the officer say?
Mr. APPLIN - The officer said, "Will you stand up, please."
Mr. BALL - What did the man say?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, he just stood up.
Mr. BALL - Did he say anything?
Mr. APPLIN - No, sir; I didn't hear him say anything at that time.
Mr. BALL - And what happened then?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, when he stood up, the officer stepped over to search him down. The officer, Oswald, or the man, took a swing at him. When he did, the officer grabbed him.
Mr. BALL - Took a swing at him with his fist?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes, sir; he did.
Mr. BALL - With his left or right?
Mr. APPLIN - Right fist.
Mr. BALL - Took a swing at him and what happened then?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, the officer, I heard him say, "Here he is." And during the proceeding of that, I guess about 5 or 10 seconds later, there was another--I think it was two officers, or one, passed me and ran down there to him.
Mr. BALL - Did you see a gun?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, the gun didn't come into view until after about four or five officers were there.
Mr. BALL - Then did you see a gun?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes, sir; but only--there was one gun. The pistol. It came into view before any of the other officers got there.
Mr. BALL - That is what I mean. What do you say happened about that? Who pulled a gun?
"Will you stand up please"
We have a more polite altercation than was stated in the FBI report.
Well, the gun didn't come into view until after about four or five officers were there.A different reaction than was in the FBI report...where the narrative was "Oswald instantly drew a pistol and fired point blank at a cop and the pistol just clicked harmlessly"
Mr. BALL - Who pulled the pistol?
Mr. APPLIN - I guess it was Oswald, because--for one reason, that he had on a short sleeve shirt, and I seen a man's arm that was connected to the gun.
Mr. BALL - What did the officer do?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, the officer was scuffling with him there, and----
Mr. BALL - Did you hear anything?
Mr. APPLIN - Well, about the only thing I heard was the snap of the gun and the officer saying, "Here he is."
Mr. BALL - You heard the snap of a gun?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes, sir.
Once again we see that the FBI changed or someone else changed a report to further incriminate Oswald.
"I guess it was Oswald"
By testimony time it was just so much guesswork anyway.