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Author Topic: Back to the movies with Julia Postal  (Read 42745 times)

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #96 on: November 09, 2019, 01:42:14 AM »

You will find..@5:25 cops say they have a suspect in custody [no idea who this might have been]
12:28 Repeats that and are looking for another guy
13:44-14:25 Shots were reported as coming from the grassy knoll...the president was shot in the right temple....a Dallas detective was dead at Parkland Hosp. of a gunshot [no other info]
24:30 MOMENTS AGO a policeman reported shot in Oak Cliff 10th and Patton [no description of any assailant was given at that time]

25:12 "The assailant of officer Tippit captured in the Texas Theater on west Jefferson".


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #96 on: November 09, 2019, 01:42:14 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #97 on: November 09, 2019, 05:15:09 AM »

A) they had no cause to arrest him when they approached him in the theater. Or even cause to search him.
"When police officers detain someone, they have not yet made an arrest. However, when someone is detained by the police, they are not free to simply walk away. Police may detain people in a variety of situations."
Law Office of John M. Helms
8100 John W. Carpenter Fwy.
Suite #201, Dallas, TX 75247
October 21, 2019 by johnhelmslaw

Oswald had his 4th Amendment right to ask why he was being detained, searched or even questioned. He could have done this calmly. Instead, he decided to duke it out for some strange reason:

Mr. BELIN - Then what did you see?
Mr. BREWER - Well, I saw this policeman approach Oswald, and Oswald stood up and I heard some hollering. I don't know exactly what he said, and this man hit Patrolman McDonald.
Mr. BELIN - You say this man hit Patrolman McDonald. Did you know it was Patrolman McDonald?
Mr. BREWER - I didn't know his name, but I had seen him quite a few times around Oak Cliff. But I didn't know his name.
Mr. BELIN - Then you later found out this was Patrolman McDonald?
Mr. BREWER - Yes.
Mr. BELIN - Did you say this man was the same man?
Mr. BREWER - The same man that had stood in my lobby that I followed to the show.
Mr. BELIN - Who hit who first?
Mr. BREWER - Oswald hit McDonald first, and he knocked him to the seat.

C) the “resisted” box is unmarked on the arrest report.
>>> Judge Johnny: Mr Oswald, were all the right boxes checked on the arrest report?
Mr. Oswald: No, sir.
Judge Johnny: Okay, you're free to go.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2019, 05:23:34 AM by Bill Chapman »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #98 on: November 09, 2019, 05:51:49 AM »
A) they had no cause to arrest him when they approached him in the theater. Or even cause to search him.
"When police officers detain someone, they have not yet made an arrest. However, when someone is detained by the police, they are not free to simply walk away. Police may detain people in a variety of situations."

Did you actually read the article or just do another one of your legendary ignorant cut and paste jobs?

Not only does “looking funny to a shoe salesman” not constitute reasonable suspicion of murder, but the reasonable suspicion standard didn’t even exist yet in 1963.

Oswald had his 4th Amendment right to ask why he was being detained, searched or even questioned. He could have done this calmly. Instead, he decided to duke it out for some strange reason:

I don’t think there’s anything in the 4th amendment that says “cops can make people do anything they damn well please”, Canuck.

C) the “resisted” box is unmarked on the arrest report.
>>> Judge Johnny: Mr Oswald, were all the right boxes checked on the arrest report?
Mr. Oswald: No, sir.
Judge Johnny: Okay, you're free to go.

Judge: why does the official arrest report not mention Oswald assaulting an officer, or resisting arrest, or that an officer was injured?

McDonald: well, your honor, at that time I hadn’t made up that particular story yet.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #98 on: November 09, 2019, 05:51:49 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #99 on: November 09, 2019, 09:08:25 PM »

Did you actually read the article or just do another one of your legendary ignorant cut and paste jobs?
>>> By all means feel free to show how my 'c&p jobs' qualify as 'ignorant'
Not only does “looking funny to a shoe salesman” not constitute reasonable suspicion of murder, but the reasonable suspicion standard didn’t even exist yet in 1963.
>>> Brewer was an alert citizen who became reasonably suspicious without needing to wait for permission from any law.   

I don’t think there’s anything in the 4th amendment that says “cops can make people do anything they damn well please”, Canuck.
>>> 'Canuck', LOL... you wouldn't be trying to claim my cite was from Canadian Law, now would you, JudgeJohhny?

My cite is from an American lawyer, Tex.
Law Office of John M. Helms
8100 John W. Carpenter Fwy.
Suite #201, Dallas, TX 75247
October 21, 2019 by johnhelmslaw   

Judge: why does the official arrest report not mention Oswald assaulting an officer, or resisting arrest, or that an officer was injured?
McDonald: well, your honor, at that time I hadn’t made up that particular story yet.

>>> JudgeJohnny: All the witnesses were lying anyway. I know that because I said so.

EDIT (TYPO): 'Damn well please'
« Last Edit: November 10, 2019, 05:25:07 AM by Bill Chapman »

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #100 on: November 10, 2019, 12:07:52 AM »
Those DPD were crackerjack alright. JFK gets shot at 12.30 and they apprehended Oswald 1 hour later in the theater. Fritz was a fricken genius!

Doesn't anyone else think the discovery of the murder weapon and converging on Oswald at the theater was a bit too expedient, especially for the Keystone Cop DPD?

ETA: How the hell did Hoover know so much about everything less than 24 hrs after the Big Event?
« Last Edit: November 10, 2019, 12:36:53 AM by Jack Trojan »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #100 on: November 10, 2019, 12:07:52 AM »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #101 on: November 10, 2019, 12:20:52 AM »
Those DPD were crackerjack alright. JFK gets shot at 12.30 and they apprehend Oswald 1 hour later in the theater. Fritz was a fricken genius!

Doesn't anyone else think the discovery of the murder weapon and converging on Oswald at the theater was a bit too expedient, especially for the Keystone Cop DPD?

ETA: How the hell did Hoover know so much about everything less than 24 hrs after the Big Event?

It must have been a conspiracy!

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #102 on: November 10, 2019, 12:41:12 AM »
It must have been a conspiracy!

Or Fritz was a genius who handled crucial evidence with his bare hands and staged the crime scene of the century...or the evil evil KGB did it. Which way are you leaning Tommy?

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #103 on: November 10, 2019, 12:49:46 AM »
Or Fritz was a genius who handled crucial uhcevidence with his bare hands and staged the crime scene of the century...or the evil evil KGB did it. Which way are you leaning Tommy?


I thought I'd posted somewhere that I believe Oswald, being more Marxist-Leninist than Khrushchev, himself, and being thoroughly fed up with life in the USSR and in America (and maybe even at being "used" by both CIA-FBI and the KGB), decided to take matters into his own hands and ... gasp ... advance "The Dialectic," which, of course, the KGB has been more than happy over the years to blame on Far-Right Southern Oilmen and The Minutemen, and/or the Military Industrial Complex, and/or the Military Industrial Intelligence Community Complex, and/or Rogue Elements In The CIA And The Whole Dallas Police Department, and/or The All-Encompassing FBI-and-CIA-Enforced "Deep State," or on Reptile Aliens and Jimi Hendrix Haters, ... or some-such thing.

Whatever could best serve the promulgation of tinfoil hat conspiracy theories in general, the concomitant dumbing down of American society, and the paving of the way to our eventually "electing" a pro-Kremlin useful idiot like Donald Trump to the Presidency so that he or she could (unwittingly, I guess) lead us into a Full-On Bump-Stocked Civil War?


--  MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: November 10, 2019, 02:04:36 AM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Back to the movies with Julia Postal
« Reply #103 on: November 10, 2019, 12:49:46 AM »