Thanks for the wealth of information that poses many questions....
Brewer [who seemed more concerned about the sneaker-in than anyone else] GOOD POINT!..... Why was Brewer so damned obsessed with the sneaker? We now know that He couldn't have known about the shooting of Tippit at that time.... So what the hell was he so concerned about?
One thing...Brewer did not submit an affidavit until
two weeks after the event.
The cops had practically everybody else submitting affidavits that very day! Yet Brewer had a command position [supposedly] to ID a suspect right then and there at the theater. However, the cops made no attempt to further solicit his information at that time [apparently]
The Commission's chief bulldog [David Belin] seemed just chomping at the bit to interview this 'key' witness.
Mr. BELIN - I want to take you back to November 22, 1963. This was the day that President Kennedy was assassinated. How did you find out about the assassination, Mr. Brewer?
Mr. BREWER - We were listening to a transistor radio there in the store, just listening to a regular radio program, and they broke in with the bulletin that the President had been shot. And from then, that is all there was. We listened to all of the events.
Mr. BELIN - Did you hear over the radio that the President had died?
Mr. BREWER - I heard a rumor. They said that----one of the Secret Service men said that the President had died, and said that was just a rumor.
Mr. BELIN - Do you remember hearing anything else over the radio concerning anything that happened that afternoon?
Mr. BREWER - Well, they kept reconstructing what had happened and what they had heard, and they talked about it in general. There wasn't too much to talk about. They didn't have all the facts, and just repeated them mostly. And they said a patrolman had been shot in Oak Cliff.
I don't remember hearing any newscast about 'Secret Service rumors'

Perhaps...but I doubt that anyone connected with the government inquiry reviewed the radio broadcasts concerning the policeman's shooting.
If I somehow fell asleep while listening or had an abundance of wax in my ears I want to know..If someone can locate when & where the announcement-of the patrolman's shooting-& or death- was made-prior to 1:45 please call this to our attention.
From Myer's book on the Tippit shooting: "The exact time that Brewer heard the radio broadcast on the shooting of Office Tippit is not known, although it was very likely broadcast at about 1:31 p.m. over KBOX radio. There were five major radio stations covering the Dallas area - WFAA (570 AM), WPBAP (820 AM), KRLD (1080 AM), KBOX (1480 AM) and KLIF (1190 AM). All of them routinely monitored the Dallas police radio. Again, you wrote that he stated in his affidavit/testimony about listening to KLIF. Where did he say this? I can't find it."
Again ...I did not write that

Throw straw all over the place but you can't change the facts. The [pretty much] exact time was stated by Brewer---1:30--But that was still even before the announcement of the president's death.
Dale Myers did not have the recordings that we do now.
You do the math..beginning at the link the time was 1:37 CST [the official announcement of JFK's passing]
At 0:40 there is a suspect in custody [not Oswald] then they report a Dallas [police]
Detective DOA at Parkland Hospital [hardly a suggestion of Tippit in Oak Cliff is it?] By 15:00 he apparently became a Secret Service man.
Certainly there was confusion that day and police were swarming all over Jefferson Blvd but not before the announcement of President Kennedy's death.