Savage writes that not only Rusty, but Pete Barnes, H. R. Williams, and Bobby Brown also saw and compared the palm print that weekend. And it was front page news on 11/24/63.
Not only does that article say nothing about a print in a rifle, but even if it did it would tell you nothing about who saw what on 11/22.
And how did Livingston, Barnes, Williams, and Brown see something that Day didn’t tell anybody about?
The key words are: "that he had made the tentative identification." Nothing in that statement precludes Day telling Drain about a palm print on the rifle (and Livingston overhearing the conversation).
So we’re to believe that Day tentatively identified the only print evidence they had that connected Oswald to the rifle on the 22nd and didn’t bother to mention that detail to the “distracted” Drain (distracted by what, a heart attack?) or to anybody else, but that somehow 4 other guys in the office came to the same conclusion without Day telling them?
And then somehow when the rifle was in transit, it lost any evidence that it had been processed with fingerprint powder, as well as losing the traces of print that Day claimed were still there.
Seems legit.