If I remember correctly, the diagram by Studebaker was not drawn until Monday (11/25/63). There was reportedly quite a few press members there over the weekend taking photos, etc. Therefore, the diagram dimensions are questionable.
I disagree. Assuming those boxes were full of books (which they almost certainly were) stacks 2 and 3 (with stack 1 being the most easterly stack) would not have been moved by accident by reporters. It appears stack 1 (the most easterly stack) was moved out of the way in order to make examination of the snipers nest more easy. When it was put back is uncertain. That's what it appears to me anyway (the other scenario is that there was never a stack 1 but that Day or Studebaker moved boxes out of the corner (near the pipes) into position in stack 1s position in order to be able to get far enough into the corner to take the famous photo looking downwards at the 3 shells on the floor). Once this photo was taken, stack 1 was dismantled.This potentially created a problem with some officers who remembered seeing 3 stacks and thought stack 1 was part of the original barricade and so stack 1 was "reconstructed" for the police photos in the days afterwards. The Tom Alyea footage appears to only show 2 stacks:

This is what is creating doubt in my mind. Did Studebaker know something we don't know and that's why he only drew 2 stacks of books? If there were 3 originally, he would surely remember trying to squeeze into the tight snipers nest with 3 stacks there ...which is what is making me question did he move boxes out of the way into the position of "stack 1". He woudl have access to all the officers that saw the original snipers nest. He would have been able to get confirmation if his map was right in addition to the fact he was in the snipers nest too taking photos when it was discovered.
In any case, as stack 2 could not have been accidentally moved (due to its weight), knowing that stack 2 was 5 feet 6 inches from the east wall of the TSBD (as per Studebakers map) allows us to place the entire 3 stacks in place.