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Author Topic: Assassination 3D animation by Mark Tyler  (Read 16247 times)

Offline Michael Walton

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Assassination 3D animation by Mark Tyler
« on: November 12, 2019, 09:14:27 PM »
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This is a pretty amazing piece of work. I found this over at the (un)Education Forum. I reached out to him and told him he should insert at least Lovelady and Frazier up on the steps of the building because of the *possibility* it may be Oswald up there. Some of the so-called "experts" over there (you know who you are...or maybe not LOL) are already overwhelming him with "48 FPS and not this many FPS." He's already like, "Let me make sure I understand you."


JFK Assassination Forum

Assassination 3D animation by Mark Tyler
« on: November 12, 2019, 09:14:27 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Assassination 3D animation by Mark Tyler
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2019, 10:16:54 PM »
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This is a pretty amazing piece of work. I found this over at the (un)Education Forum. I reached out to him and told him he should insert at least Lovelady and Frazier up on the steps of the building because of the *possibility* it may be Oswald up there. Some of the so-called "experts" over there (you know who you are...or maybe not LOL) are already overwhelming him with "48 FPS and not this many FPS." He's already like, "Let me make sure I understand you."


This is a pretty amazing piece of work.

Yes indeed it is....  There is so much information that it's difficult to process.... 

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Assassination 3D animation by Mark Tyler
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2019, 12:28:40 AM »
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This is a pretty amazing piece of work. I found this over at the (un)Education Forum. I reached out to him and told him he should insert at least Lovelady and Frazier up on the steps of the building because of the *possibility* it may be Oswald up there. Some of the so-called "experts" over there (you know who you are...or maybe not LOL) are already overwhelming him with "48 FPS and not this many FPS." He's already like, "Let me make sure I understand you."


Interesting! So it appears to me that the tail end of the motorcade was still just leaving Dealey Plaza as the Presidential limousine was entering the emergency entrance at Parkland Hospital! And if we had more information about the exact timing of Oswald’s exit from the TSBD we might be able to plot his escape while the tail end of the motorcade was still exiting Dealey Plaza!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Assassination 3D animation by Mark Tyler
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2019, 12:28:40 AM »

Offline Margaret Kelly

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Re: Assassination 3D animation by Mark Tyler
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2019, 01:30:30 AM »
Amazing piece of work. However you have the pilot car entering Dealey Plaza way too late. It was running about 2 minutes 30 seconds ahead of JFKs limo. That means it turned into Dealey plaza off Main street at about 12:27.

Dallas Homicide detective, B.L Senkel, was riding in the rear of the pilot car. He said that as the pilot car turned off Main onto Houston street, he looked back and saw that the motorcade was 7 blocks behind them on about Akard street. This is a distance of half a mile. JFKs limo was travelling at a speed of between 12-15 miles per hour as he drove down Main Street. That means the pilot car was somewhere between 2 minutes and 2 minutes 30 seconds ahead of JFKs limo.

I like the way you have the pilot car stopping outside the TSBD. I can't find much documentary evidence that it actually did this, but it has been suggested that it did stop briefly there and the driver spoke to a policeman.

Offline Michael Walton

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Re: Assassination 3D animation by Mark Tyler
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2019, 01:54:59 AM »
Walt - there's a button on your keyboard. It controls the playback of the video. Use it to pause and play and as you pause, read the info that's coming in. Just because the data is coming in quickly doesn't mean you have to sit there and take it all in at once.

Charles - good point. If you can somehow track down when Oswald supposedly left the building, post here and perhaps Mark can update it.

Margaret - Mark said he's trying to make this as factually accurate as possible. If you know something is incorrect, don't just say so - back it up with testimony or whatever so Mark can review and update.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Assassination 3D animation by Mark Tyler
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2019, 01:54:59 AM »

Offline Mark Tyler

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Re: Assassination 3D animation by Mark Tyler
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2019, 02:26:46 PM »
Amazing piece of work. However you have the pilot car entering Dealey Plaza way too late. It was running about 2 minutes 30 seconds ahead of JFKs limo. That means it turned into Dealey plaza off Main street at about 12:27.

Dallas Homicide detective, B.L Senkel, was riding in the rear of the pilot car. He said that as the pilot car turned off Main onto Houston street, he looked back and saw that the motorcade was 7 blocks behind them on about Akard street. This is a distance of half a mile. JFKs limo was travelling at a speed of between 12-15 miles per hour as he drove down Main Street. That means the pilot car was somewhere between 2 minutes and 2 minutes 30 seconds ahead of JFKs limo.

I like the way you have the pilot car stopping outside the TSBD. I can't find much documentary evidence that it actually did this, but it has been suggested that it did stop briefly there and the driver spoke to a policeman.

Hello Margaret.  Thanks for taking the time to check the details in the animation.  For more information about the work, have a look at the home page here:

There are tables of numbers for: the photos; events; and the actor names.  There is also a technical reference handbook which explains how I created the work, how I made my judgements, and what implications this all has for interpreting the events from 1963.

The documentation I used for the Pilot car stopping was the statement in the Warren Commission volume 21 page 579:

Thanks for mentioning the Akard Street comment, which I found in the Warren Commission volume 24 page 324:

I positioned the Pilot car assuming it was about 30 seconds ahead of the advanced motorbikes.  Here is the AMIPA film taken near the Market Street turn on Main Street:

At about 28 seconds into the video you can see something that could be lights flashing on and off just behind the crowd (possibly a motorbike), with the shadow of the Pilot car just passing the camera after the advance car turned off onto Market Street.  Upon reflection this flashing probably isn't a bike, and is more likely to be something else.  Therefore there does need to be a longer gap as you suggest between the pilot car and the motorbikes behind (about 30-60 secs more I would guess).  I shall test this out in the coming days before making a final judgement on the exact gap.

Thanks for taking an interest in the project and helping nail the facts down!

Offline Margaret Kelly

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Re: Assassination 3D animation by Mark Tyler
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2019, 07:26:35 PM »
Therefore there does need to be a longer gap as you suggest between the pilot car and the motorbikes behind (about 30-60 secs more I would guess).  I shall test this out in the coming days before making a final judgement on the exact gap.

Thanks, i'd like to see this and see what you come up with.

I got the "JFKs limo was travelling at a speed of between 12-15 miles per hour as he drove down Main Street." from Bill Greers WC testimony.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2019, 07:29:23 PM by Margaret Kelly »

Offline Margaret Kelly

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Re: Assassination 3D animation by Mark Tyler
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2019, 02:39:17 AM »
This is kind of a small point but i said i'd say it here for completeness. You have the head shot occurring at 12:30. It should actually occur at about 12:30 and 30 seconds. This is because when the vice-presidential car turned the corner onto Houston street, Rufus Youngblood noticed that the Hertz sign ahead of him (on the roof of the TSBD) was already reading 12:30. Here is the relevant WC testimony:

Mr. SPECTER. Are you able to fix the precise time of the assassination?
Mr. YOUNGBLOOD. I would say 12:30. I was to keep the times. The Vice President was asking me if we were running on time, and so forth. And so he asked me how much further, and I would call back to our followup car and ask them how many more miles and so forth.
So, for this reason, I was at that time keeping up with the time very closely. And when we turned the corner, I noticed an illuminated clock sign on this building, which I now know is the School Book Depository Building.
And that clock indicated 12:30. And the reason it is significant is because this was the time we were supposed to arrive at the Trade Mart.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Assassination 3D animation by Mark Tyler
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2019, 02:39:17 AM »