Part 1
This a rough translation of notes and recall taken over the two day period of 20191029-30. It is rough and choppy and it is what it is. Scenes are numbered post assassination. Questions are welcome.
VLC video time
Pre Assassination
00:00 Begins along the motorcade route with woman holding large sign "ALL THE WAY WITH JFK"
00:12 Police officer pushes back the crowd to right of the street
Post Assassination
Scene 01 FieldOfView 38deg = LensFocalLength 15mm
00:15 First post assassination scene. Back of Camera Car 2 (CC2) stopped on Elm, pans to TSBD doorway
00:18 Running girl with dark hair or scarf, white top, dark skirt
00:19 Fist view of (Prayer Person) PP in the doorway
00:20 Pans left past CC2 to behind Officer Smith in the street
00:22 Continues to pan left over the head of Mal Couch sitting on the left rear door of the open convertible
Begins? to dismount from CC3
00:23 Sweeps rapidly across the reflection pool and captures buses at Houston/Main intersection.
00:24 Jim Underwood has left CC3 and is running down Houston Street to find a working camera.
Pans right (again over the head of the sitting Couch) to the Thornton Freeway sign.
Pans left. Officer Smith still on the grass.
Pans right to west shelter. The pergola shows a figure (man?) about two columns right of the
west shelter moving towards that shelter.
00:27 Pans left back to Officer Smith kneeling in the grass 3-4 feet from curb
Officer Smith begins to stand from his kneeling position in the grass
Darnell's camera is swinging back and forth in-step as he jogs westward toward Smith.
00:32 Very blurry frame, likely as Darnell changes lens from 15mm to a 10mm wide angle.
Scene 02 FOV ~54deg eq. Lens 10mm Wide Angle
00:32 Darnell stands a few feet behind Officer Smith filming through him to the grassy area from about Millican's light pole to about the third column from the east pergola shelter. The scene is similar to the John Martin film and the first Cabluck photo from his bus. Millican is still standing by the light pole. Stella Jacob and Gloria Holt are together looking and inching westward, but no clear sign of Sharon Simmons.
NB We now know Jimmy Darnell had 10, 15, and 30mm focal length lenses on his B&H Filmo 70 16mm camera.,1762.msg50179.html#msg50179
00:33 Car with five seated passengers passes (Camera Car 2?). FOV 54deg eq.Lens 10mm
Front seat driver with passenger - both hatted, back seat two hatted and one hatless passenger.

Scene 03 FOV 19deg eq. Lens 30mm
00:35 Darnell moved further down the south side of Elm across from the Newmans, near Mary Moorman's position, and rotates the lens turret from 10mm wide angle to the 30mm highest magnification.
Newmans laying on the grass, Altgens on sidewalk
Three or more people in the west shelter
Bill Newman rises to his knees and starts to pound the ground with his right fist
Bus passes
Scene04 FOV 19deg eq. Lens 30mm
00:42 Darnell moves westward opposite the knoll steps, near where the Franzens stood..
Films the rush to the Stockade fence at the TUP. Ft. Worth sign.
Another bus passes
Scene05. FOV 19deg eq. lens 30mm
00:54 Last scene from south Elm, Franzens location
Dallas police car passes.
The knoll steps are in the background,
Darnell sweeps to the TUP. as the last bus enters the TUP, followed by police car..
Many people begin to cross Elm to the north side.
00:59 Darnell is now in the Railway/Parking area. Continued in next part 2