Who contests it? Loons, Smart Alecks with impossible standards of proof, soulless trolls. Delusional conspiracy theorists who figure they have no burden of proof.
LOL. A loon says what?
Worked out fine. For reasonable people. Why do people get arrested if they're "innocent until proven guilty"?
Reasonable people.

Are you suggesting by virtue of being arrested proves your guilt?
Cover-up; I don't believe so. And many Panel members had dissenting remarks about the "probable conspiracy" finding. Also the cornerstone evidence of acoustics went from 95-percent probability to a whole lot less. The Committee determined the core medical/forensic evidence showed Oswald fired three shots at the motorcade from above and behind.
The Committee could not tie Oswald to anything because the FBI and DPD totally screwed up Oswald's sheep-dipping by not getting his prints on items he supposed manhandled, such as the guns and bag. They also didn't sight-in his rifle scope, they planted a pristine bullet on the wrong stretcher, they used a frangible bullet for the kill shot when it was supposed to be a FMJ bullet. And don't get me started on the back yard photos unless you want me to expose your total lack of photo analysis skills and school you on how it's actually done.

No, the thought was that the files were restricted because they contained huge amounts of evidence of conspiracy. That critics would achieve vindication. How did that turn out?
Whose thought, yours? Why would anyone think there would be reams of files documenting the conspiracy? How stupid do you think they were? Only the last few files currently being held back, for "national security" reasons, whatever that means might contain a hint or 2. You should ask William Barr about those files. He was the one who deep-sixed all the JFK files related to GHWB and the conspiracy. Barr was a WH lawyer at the time and knows where all the files and bodies are buried...and maybe JFK's brain.