Paulene Sanders has testified ".....I noticed Sarah Stanton next to me....". Mrs Sanders was standing way over on the east side and on the top platform. The only real issue for me, regarding the front steps, is the fact that not one person said Oswald was on the front steps, and no other evidence has placed him on the front steps entrance to the TSBD during the assassination.
"next to" could have each lady on opposite sides of the landing/center handrail.
There is a distinct lack of EVIDENCE to 'prove' who PP is either way. I'm afraid that persistently repeating the same theory/theories does NOT make it fact.
Amen, brother! That's why it's relatively meaningless that Frazier and Lovelady also said that she was "next to" them.
Who is she? Is there a specific posted reply that is that is being referenced?
Stanton is the most probable candidate for the person named Prayerman by Sean Murphy.