I find it rather unlikely that it would after all be his wife that would prod him to go down there. I also think it rather unlikely that she entered the police basement also... and stood alongside when Oswald was brought down.
Where are you getting that from?
I believe that I have already posted earlier in this thread what Hugh Aynesworth wrote in his book about it. And neither one is true!
Glad you asked....
1976 :
The Man Who Saw Too Much
Hugh Aynesworth can’t escape what he witnessed in 1963.
DATE MAR 1, 1976
...converged on the Texas Theater, which was playing War is Hell; out front several Dallas police were preparing to enter. When they did, Aynesworth was with them. From the movie soundtrack came machine guns, grenades, the sounds of battle. As the police and Ayensworth gingerly went down the aisle, a thin man leaped up, pointed a pistol at the belly of Officer Nick McDonald and pulled the trigger. The gun clicked, failed to go off. After a brief struggle, the police held in their hands Lee Harvey Oswald, who shouted, “I protest this police brutality!”
Two days later Aynesworth’s wife suggested they go down to the police station to watch Oswald moved to the county jail. Aynesworth, who had been working night and day trying to piece together Oswald’s escape route, at first didn’t want to go. He was tired; there was no time for idle sight-seeing. His wife, however, prevailed, and both were in the basement when Jack Ruby lunged forward and fired that one shot into Oswald’s stomach.....
Aynesworth also, (reported under his by-line) put a little "special sauce" on William Whaley, transforming Whaley into a war hero, but could not have performed fact checking, or maybe Whaley's "Navy combat award" is classified? Whaley does not "add up". He got three years older, between his 1942 WWII military draft record and his death, and his son, William W. Whaley, Jr., claimed to be the son of Whaley, Sr.'s sister-in-law and her husband. Whaley family "lore" attributes the loss of Whaley, Jr. to "abduction," but the boy was recorded living with his aunt in the 1940 U.S. Census.
Between sketchy witness Whaley, and Mary Bledsoe having the same aunt as Russell Douglas Matthews, the Oswald "post TSBD" saga gets curiouser and curiouser!
"The aunt.":
Mary Bledsoe's uncle...his son, Jewell, Jr.,
obit link, described in his father's 1958 obit, was first cousin of both Mary Bledsoe and RD Matthews:

America Germany Webb, was widow of Joe Webb. Joe Webb was related to Clarice Webb Campbell of Ennis, TX, wife of O.V. Campbell of the TSBD.