You think there were two entry wounds to the neck region, one in the back and one in the front?
And that the autopsy people and the Commission just decided to "communicate" those two wound sites because a neck transit would go backwards to the Sniper's Nest window?
No.... Of course not. I posted available links that have the doctors at Parkland describing a neck wound as an entry. Where that bullet/projectile went...I have no answer. Apparently-- the doctors didn't look for it. Their priority was to try and revive the president. Again here is a sketch of the presidents wounds as they saw them....

That wound located further down into the the thoracic area was ignored and moved by the authorities...chiefly as I understand instituted by Arlene Specter and Gerald Ford so that they could account for one single bullet somehow striking two men.
I came back to modify---Where is an [authentic] autopsy picture showing a bullet wound in the back of the neck?