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Author Topic: Kennedy assassination bullets preserved in digital form  (Read 22403 times)

Offline Paul May

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Kennedy assassination bullets preserved in digital form
« on: December 05, 2019, 07:44:47 PM »
Kennedy Assassination Bullets Preserved in Digital Form | December 5, 2019 06:00 AM

In the palm of his hand, Thomas Brian Renegar held two small metal objects that had changed the course of history. Twisted pieces of copper and lead, they were fragments of the bullet that ended the life of President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963.

A physical scientist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Renegar was not yet born when the nation was robbed of the young, charismatic leader who fought for civil rights and set America on a course for the Moon. But he felt the weight of history. He picked up one of the fragments using rubber-tipped forceps and, with the care of a jeweler setting a stone, placed it into a housing beneath the lens of a 3D surface scanning microscope.

These artifacts are usually held at the National Archives. They were transported to NIST so that Renegar and the rest of the NIST ballistics team could scan them and produce digital replicas that are true down to the microscopic details.

Viewing the digital replicas on his computer screen, Renegar said, “It’s like they’re right there in front of you.” The National Archives plans to make the data available in its online catalog in early 2020.

Why do this, so many years after President Kennedy’s tragic death? The mission of the National Archives is to provide the public with access to artifacts such as these, and it receives many requests for access to them. This project will allow the Archives to release the 3D replicas to the public while the originals remain safely preserved in their temperature and humidity-controlled vault.

“The virtual artifacts are as close as possible to the real things,” said Martha Murphy, deputy director of government information services at the National Archives. “In some respects, they are better than the originals in that you can zoom in to see microscopic details,” she said.

In addition to the two fragments from the bullet that fatally wounded the president, the digital collection includes another bullet that struck both the president and Texas Gov. John Connally. That one is known as the “stretcher bullet” because it was found lying near Connally at the hospital. The collection also includes two bullets produced by test firing the assassin’s rifle, and a bullet that was recovered following an earlier, failed assassination attempt on Army Maj. Gen. Edwin Walker that was thought to involve the same firearm.

In the lab, the NIST ballistics team used a technique called focus variation microscopy to image the artifacts. At each location along the object’s surface, the microscope created a series of images at different focal distances. By analyzing which parts of those images were in focus, the microscope measured the distance to the object’s surface features. As the lens moved across the object, it built a 3D surface map of the microscopic landscape beneath it, like a satellite mapping a mountain range.

Renegar and NIST physical scientist Mike Stocker spent countless hours rotating the metal fragments beneath the lens of the microscope to image every facet, then stitching the image segments together where they overlapped. “It was like solving a supercomplicated 3D puzzle,” Renegar said. “I’ve stared at them so much I can draw them from memory.”

If you held one of the original fragments in the palm of your hand, you would see that the metal is warped and twisted into a complex shape. But magnified on the computer screen, it is a world unto itself: a highly complex and undulating terrain that bends, dips and doubles back. Zoom in, and you can see rifling grooves left by the barrel of the gun. Zoom in closer, and you can see the microtopography — ridges and scratches that would be far too fine to feel with your fingertip.

The focus variation scans had a horizontal resolution of 4 micrometers, about one-tenth the width of a human hair, and a vertical resolution of 0.5 micrometers, or eight times better. This allowed the scans to record the depth of minute scratches in the metallic surface of the artifacts. Other members of the team, including mechanical engineers Xiaoyu Alan Zheng and Johannes Soons, used a technique called confocal microscopy to image selected regions of the artifacts at higher resolution. Although this was an unusual project for the NIST ballistics team, its members do spend a lot of time imaging bullet surfaces. Their regular work has them researching advanced forensic techniques for identifying firearms used in crimes.

Clockwise from top left: the stretcher bullet (CE 399 FBI C1); a fragment of the bullet that fatally wounded the president (CE 567 FBI C2); a second fragment of that bullet (CE 569 FBI C3); and a different perspective of that same fragment. The exhibit numbers were assigned by the Warren Commission (beginning with “CE”) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

For more than a century, forensic examiners have matched pairs of bullets by viewing them under a split-screen comparison microscope. If the striations on a pair of bullets — or on microscopic photographs of those bullets — line up, examiners might consider them a match.

The NIST ballistics team is developing methods for comparing bullets using 3D surface maps, which can provide greater detail and accuracy than comparing two-dimensional images. It’s also developing methods so that, instead of just saying whether or not two bullets appear to match, forensic examiners will be able to statistically quantify their degree of similarity. This research is part of a larger effort by NIST to strengthen forensic science so that judges, juries and investigators have reliable, science-based information when deciding guilt or innocence.

Robert Thompson, the NIST forensic firearms expert who oversaw the project, said that the bullet fragments from the Kennedy assassination were bent and distorted in ways that made them difficult to image. “The techniques we developed to image those artifacts will be useful in criminal cases that involve similarly challenging evidence.”

The team did not conduct any forensic analysis of the bullets from the Kennedy assassination. This project was strictly a matter of historic preservation. However, once the National Archives makes the data available to the public, anyone who is interested in analyzing those bullets will be able to do so without risking damage to the originals.

Though Renegar is too young to remember the event that indelibly marked the memories of an earlier generation, he feels deeply connected to that day in history. Speaking for the entire team, he said, “It was an honor to put our expertise toward such an important project.”

JFK Assassination Forum

Kennedy assassination bullets preserved in digital form
« on: December 05, 2019, 07:44:47 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Kennedy assassination bullets preserved in digital form
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2019, 09:38:14 PM »
Like they actually know that CE 567 and CE 569 are “fragments of the bullet that ended the life of President John F. Kennedy”, or that CE 399 “struck both the president and Texas Gov. John Connally”.

Offline Paul May

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Re: Kennedy assassination bullets preserved in digital form
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2019, 09:43:49 PM »
Like they actually know that CE 567 and CE 569 are “fragments of the bullet that ended the life of President John F. Kennedy”, or that CE 399 “struck both the president and Texas Gov. John Connally”.

Same battle you continue fighting yet history, after 56 years remains the same. And always will.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Kennedy assassination bullets preserved in digital form
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2019, 09:43:49 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Kennedy assassination bullets preserved in digital form
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2019, 12:56:42 AM »
Sorry, Paul. Claims with no evidence to support them are not “history”.

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Kennedy assassination bullets preserved in digital form
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2019, 12:30:50 AM »
Sorry, Paul. Claims with no evidence to support them are not “history”.

What Paul will never understand or accept is that history books do not contain an objective record of what exactly happened in the past.

Instead, they very often give a skewed version of an event desired by those who controlled the narrative.

« Last Edit: December 07, 2019, 12:42:15 AM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Kennedy assassination bullets preserved in digital form
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2019, 12:30:50 AM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Kennedy assassination bullets preserved in digital form
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2019, 01:26:37 AM »
On Friday 21 January 2000, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) released the report of its reexamination of the tip (nose) of a military-style bullet found on the front seat of the presidential limousine shortly after JFK was assassinated. Until now, this fragment has nearly universally been considered as part of the bullet that hit JFK's head and disintegrated. About five years ago, however, a John T. Orr, Chief of the Justice Department's Antitrust Division's office in Atlanta and a conspiracy theorist about the JFK assassination, sent an "extensive analysis" of some parts of the evidence to the Attorney General, essentially proposing that the government had twice gotten it all wrong, and that JFK had been hit by two different types of ammunition from two different rifles. Shot #1 had indeed been a full-metal-jacketed bullet that passed through Kennedy's body. But shot #3, to JFK's head, had used a soft-nosed bullet that had presumably disintegrated. Orr proposed that the two large fragments (the tip and base of one or two FMJ bullets) had come from the first shot (through JFK's body) rather than from the head shot. To test this idea, he proposed, among other things, that minute fibers present on the tip fragment (CE 567) should be tested. If they were consistent with Kennedy's shirt collar, tie, or tie liner, that would prove that the bullet had passed through his body rather than through his head.
    The Justice Department bought the idea at least partly, and requested that the FBI test the fibers and some human debris in a limited way to see what it could find. If the results were sufficiently promising, they would consider further tests. (See the DOJ's letter of request to the FBI, which explains Orr's ideas.) The report of 21 January gives those first results.
The coming tests were first announced on 14 August 1998 and were described in the following Associated Press (AP) article by Joseph Schuman:
"FBI to Test JFK Bullet Fragments," by Joseph Schuman, AP 14 August 1998 ( A very brief intermediate report was issued by NARA, who was overseeing the tests, on 19 February 1999:
"Lab Test on JFK Evidence," U.S. Newswire, 19 February 1999 (
Two months later, Joseph Backes described these tests and their background in more detail in an article released by JFK Lancer:
Joseph Backes's "A New Look At CE 567," 20 April 1999 ( Joseph Backes's "Mystery Conclusions," 19 May 1999 ( NARA's final report was issued on 21 January 2000. It adds little to the previous reports, and basically states that the fibrous material was cellulose that did not come from the clothing of either Kennedy or Connally, and that the human tissue was too and too damaged old to try to trace to either man. These results did not yield any support for Orr's radical new conspiracy theory and, in fact, were consistent with the conventional view of the bullets, although weakly.

More here....
However I feel that the Warren defenders rarely look at my links. The FBI [Hoover] reported that there was an insignificant difference in the fragment analysis with respect to matching them to "Oswald's" ammo [or whatever they did] Point is--- Any difference at all whatsoever in the metallurgy testing rules out the conclusions absolutely. 

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Kennedy assassination bullets preserved in digital form
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2019, 03:26:35 AM »
In addition to the two fragments from the bullet that fatally wounded the president, the digital collection includes another bullet that struck both the president and Texas Gov. John Connally. That one is known as the “stretcher bullet” because it was found lying near Connally at the hospital.
Wrong. It is known as ''The Magic Bullet'' AKA "Bastard Bullet" and it wasn't "found" anywhere near Gov Connally even according to the Warren Report itself ::)

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: Kennedy assassination bullets preserved in digital form
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2019, 04:27:24 AM »
The FBI [Hoover] reported that there was an insignificant difference in the fragment analysis with respect to matching them to "Oswald's" ammo [or whatever they did] Point is--- Any difference at all whatsoever in the metallurgy testing rules out the conclusions absolutely.

The FBI expert who actually examined the fragments said otherwise. And he did so under oath.

Mr. EISENBERG - Did you examine this? Is this a bullet fragment, Mr. Frazier?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. This consists of a piece of the jacket portion of a bullet from the nose area and a piece of the lead core from under the jacket.
Mr. EISENBERG - How were you able to conclude it is part of the nose area?
Mr. FRAZIER - Because of the rifling marks which extend part way up the side, and then have the characteristic leading edge impressions and no longer continue along the bullet, and by the fact that the bullet has a rounded contour to it which has not been mutilated.
Mr. EISENBERG - Did you examine this bullet to determine whether it had been fired from Exhibit 139 to the exclusion of all other weapons?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. EISENBERG - What was your conclusion?
Mr. FRAZIER - This bullet fragment was fired in this rifle, 139.

Mr. EISENBERG - Can we go back a second? I don't think I asked for admission of the bullet fragment which--Mr. Frazier identified. May I have that admitted?
Mr. McCLOY - It may be admitted.
Mr. EISENBERG - The bullet fragment will be 567 and the photograph just identified by Mr. Frazier will be 568.
Mr. FRAZIER - This bullet fragment, Exhibit 569, was fired from this particular rifle, 139.
Mr. EISENBERG - Again to the exclusion of all other rifles?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Kennedy assassination bullets preserved in digital form
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2019, 04:27:24 AM »