Brainless when you have no curiosity as to whether Bennett meant below the shoulder line or below the shoulder body mass. And it's brainless when one believes the clothing bunching didn't compromise the level of the wound in the the base of the back of the neck, but instead thinks the clothing on a near flat plane and hanging from a hanger is a better indication of the wound level.
It's a brainless question because we can't ask him what he meant.
Because 5 to 6 inches below the shoulder body mass would mean the bullet struck the kidney. But if you're alright with that, then maybe you shouldn't be commenting on the wounds.
He said it was 5 to 6inches below the shoulder because that's what he saw. Stop making up stories.
No surprise you didn't take anything away from it.
Posting immaterial illustrations is your usual MO.
If she mentions seeing the back wound there, let us know.
If you have read her testimony you know she didn't mention it, because she wasn't asked. Usual rule of questioning by the WC, don't ask a question you don't want the answer to.
Sure. Could be other reasons why Bowron got "inspired".
So your saying Boron was lying ?
Seems pertinent to explore what Hill meant by "about six inches below the neckline".
Certainly pertinent if we could ask him but brainless question because we can't.
Given that the serious 3D studys and ballistics re-creations (you know, the kind of forensic analysis that critics can't and won't do) tend to support the salient features of the theory,
"Dale Myers" RONTFLMAO. I'm going with that for now.
Of course you are that's all you have.

"Dale Myers" ROTFLMAO.
"Err" Dummkopf can't even figure out how to get the rifle out the window.
What on earth are you rambling about now? You been at the Jack Daniels again?
How we gonna do that, Ray? X-ray specs?
Probably the same way you want answer to the questions about Bennett and Hill. Try a seance.
The jacket bunch is the only visible indication we have that the clothing was raised up at the nape area. You can figure that one out, can't you?
So typically of a Felucca you say just because we can't prove the shirt bunched up, means it did, because it must have!