Castro was LHO's idol and getting to Cuba was LHO's goal.
I cannot help but believe that LHO saw this photo in the news:

And imitation is the highest form of flattery:

Ironically, that's short, blond, very thin-faced KGB colonel / interpreter / mentor of Raul Castro and Che Guevara
Nikolai Leonov (aka Duran's and Azcue's "Blond Oswald in Mexico City") standing behind Castro's and Khrushchev's raised arms with his face almost totally obscured.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's wearing a dark blue Prince of Wales suit with red pinstripes, just like Azcue said "Oswald" was wearing at the Mexico City Cuban Consulate on Friday, September 27, 1963 ...
Leonov's diplomatic cover at the Soviet consulate in M.C. in late September-early October '63 (when the "Oswald Incident" allegedly occurred there) was "Third Secretary/ Assistant Cultural Attache". He later became a KGB general, and when Putin became president of Russia, Leonov was elected to the Duma.
-- MWT