You keep forgetting the “without any evidence” part.
And, boom, yet another thread gets hijacked by you and your blob vendetta.
You can’t get anything right. I’ve never insisted that I know who your Towner blobs are.
Anyone with a pair of functioning eyes can see that the three gals by the Stemmons sign in Zapruder are the same three gals who were filmed by Towner and Darnell on the Pergola Patio a few minutes after the assassination, and filmed by Darnell as they walked across the grass, as well.
Your claiming that the three gals near the Stemmons sign are "uhh ... probably Carol Reed, definitely Gloria Cavery, and me, Karen Westbrook!" is tantamount to your saying the three gals on the Pergola Patio are ",uhh ... probably Carol Reed, definitely Gloria Cavery, and definitely Karen Westbrook," and you know it.
Your claim that those three bare-legged gals (one wearing a light-blue headscarf!) are "blobs," or maybe "three gay blades wearing Bermuda shorts," only makes you look like an in-full-denial fulsome fool.
Some rational person YOU are, "Mr. Rational".
-- MWT