An hour after the shooting of President Kennedy I encountered Jack Ruby at Parkland Hospital. Ruby was someone I had known at the start of the Kennedy administration, when I had been a reporter on a Dallas newspaper. He sought me out at Parkland, called me by name and, later from jail, wrote me a warm, personal note. But he later denied that he had been inside Parkland Hospital at that critical time. As a result, the Warren Commission questioned both Ruby and me in June, 1964, about the Parkland encounter. In the end, page 336 of the Warren Report declared that "Kantor probably did not see Ruby in Parkland Hospital.
"Who Was Jack Ruby'' by Seth Kantor
The surprising thing is not that Seth Kantor testified that he saw Ruby at Parkland and the Warren Commission chose not to believe him.
It is that Ruby denied being at the hospital completely and the Commission chose to believe him ...a known felon!
There must have been some reason that Jack Ruby did not want to be identified as being at the medical center.
If there were some policemen who saw Ruby there, they were not officially produced.
At the Dallas Trade Mart... Penn Jones rushed to Parkland Hospital where he asked questions and took several photographs. One of his pictures, according to researcher John Judge, may have captured Jack Ruby going into the hospital. As was stated ---The Warren Commission later denied Ruby was ever there there at this time.
Burt W. Griffin:When did you first meet Mr. Ruby?
[Seth Kantor had testified that he knew Jack Ruby for about 3 years]
Seth Kantor: Well, it was within a very few months after I joined the Times Herald. I was a feature writer for the paper. I think by nature of the stories that I wrote, I sort of attracted Jack Ruby. He came up to my desk one day and introduced himself and said that he owned a club or clubs in town, and that he thought he might have some stories for me from time to time, and he did. Over the next several months, he provided me with maybe as many as half-a-dozen feature stories, on characters in town.
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right.....go ahead...Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, is there anything in particular about the doorway that you were in--that you were near at the time you thought you saw Ruby that sticks out in your mind?
Mr Kantor. Now, as I had told the FBI, it was either at this point or it was at a point originally when I went up behind Malcolm Kilduff that I spoke with Jack Ruby.
Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. Now, let me ask you to place on the map approximately where you were the first time that you think you might have seen Jack Ruby--if you would place a No. "3" on the map where you were the first time when you think you might have seen Ruby.
Mr. KANTOR. All right. It was inside the building, but just barely inside. It was just immediately inside the doorway. I am not sure, as I said, whether there was a small door next to the main entrance itself, or whether this occurred just inside the main entrance. But it seems to me it was--
Mr. GRIFFIN. Let me get this straight, then. The first time you saw Ruby, before you went up to Mr. Kilduff's press conference--
Mr. KANTOR. No, sir; what I am saying is I only saw him once and talked to him that time.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, is there anything in particular about the doorway that you were in--that you were near at the time you thought you saw Ruby that sticks out in your mind?
So we can see by the line of questioning that Council Burt Griffin was strongly implying that Seth Kator must be mistaken about seeing Ruby.
I wonder why they even called him to testify at all.
Still there is the nagging mystery of why was Jack Ruby at Parkland...What he doing going inside the same area that police were keeping others from entering? Why didn't he just say that he was concerned about the condition of the president? [yeah right]