This must be the third or fourth topic where that claim has been contested.
So Marina took all 6+ photos with the Imperial Reflex? Right.
It may have "smashed" through the fifth rib, one of the thinnest bones in the body. Or pressure from its passage may have broken the rib. It certainly didn't travel through the more substantial radius bone, much less "smashed" through it. The bullet, slowed down and probably no longer nose-on, glanced off the radius, leaving the bone fractured but with all the bone present. The radius was restored and healed with a cast.
It also smashed thru JFK's T1 vertebrae. You can call it "air" if you like.

Your use of the term "smashed through bones" is to imply CE 399 should be more mutilated than it is.
You're goddamned right it should have been more deformed than it was. Only a fool would think that CE 399 would magically show up on the wrong stretcher in pristine condition with no DNA on it. Get real.
Autopsy photos show the bullet entered about C7 and exited at about T1, somewhat above the sternum.
Horsespombleprofglidnoctobuns. Stop trying to use graphics to do your work for you. Do a re-enactment like Mytton did you lazy ass.
I just tried it with a standing 3D model from "Render People". They use 250 cameras to construct a model from a living human. Bullet enters C7/T1 level, misses the spinal column and exits as in the autopsy photo. If model was sitting and his neck area slouched forward, the missile track would enter a bit higher.
When are you going to learn that graphics (especially yours) are useless. You need to know how the physics engine works and its limitations. You are over complicating everything by using graphics instead of a re-enactment. What's your problem? Oh right, you're a LNer in deep denial.
Explanations for those things have been provided here for years. Maybe we didn't cover something specific to your "research."
If you think that JFK's hair is the same length in both autopsy photos then there is no hope for you.

You must be "chicken". You have yet to post your own results.
No, you're the chicken. Even Mytton has done it and now he only does drive-by postings. Do you think if he had the goods on me he wouldn't post them faster than a speeding magic bullet? You are a crazy LNer who doesn't even have the guts to do the experiment yourself. All you got is to mock and ridicule my efforts to try and make it all go away. In for a penny I suppose.