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Author Topic: A Guilty Man  (Read 27515 times)

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: A Guilty Man
« Reply #32 on: December 28, 2019, 08:23:52 PM »
LNers are "crazy"? Compared to what?
  • CE 133-A was taken with Lee's Minox spy camera, which had a superior lens
  • CE 399 smashed through bones
  • Bullet entered at T1 and exited at C7
  • The two laser challenge
  • Autopsy haircut
  • Oswald was extracted from the fake defector program to be the patsy

It's amazing how oblivious you LNers are when it comes to evaluating evidence. You compile a list that you think paints me as a crazy CTer without contesting a single item.

  • If CE 133-A was taken with the same lens as B,C,D,E,F then why does the spherical aberration match between  B,C,D,E,F but not the money shot A? Rhetorical question because you just don't know.
  • Didn't CE 399 cause 7 wounds and smash thru Connally's rib and wrist bones?
  • Ok then, which vertebrae did CE 399 enter JFK's back? The X-ray and the autopsy photos indicated T1. What vertebrae is just below JFK's Adam's apple for the alleged exit wound? Ans: C6, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say it exited at C7. What say you?
  • So how did that 2 laser challenge work out for you, or are you too scared to even try it? Or maybe you still don't understand the concept. Better not try it or you might find out the truth and realize you've wasted all these years as a crazy LNer.
  • I was being facetious re the Autopsy Haircut because you expect us to believe there was no difference between the hair length in the 2 autopsy photos. There was also the missing "fist-sized" hole in the occipital region of JFK's head. Instead you mock anyone for noticing the obvious differences. Maybe there is a simple explanation for it, but you certainly didn't provide any.
  • Of course you don't think Oswald was a patsy because you are a crazy LNer.
When are you LNers going to learn you can't mock your way out of this one. You need to use some logic, critical thinking and forensics to support your position, which aren't your strong points. Good luck with the 2 laser challenge. Post your results and make me eat crow instead of chicken for a change.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2019, 08:28:01 PM by Jack Trojan »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A Guilty Man
« Reply #32 on: December 28, 2019, 08:23:52 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: A Guilty Man
« Reply #33 on: December 28, 2019, 08:54:22 PM »
When are you LNers going to learn you can't mock your way out of this one. You need to use some logic, critical thinking and forensics to support your position, which aren't your strong points.

That’s the Bugliosi Shuffle. If you don’t have a counter argument, try using ridicule instead and hope nobody notices.

Offline John Mytton

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Re: A Guilty Man
« Reply #34 on: December 28, 2019, 10:34:29 PM »

LNers are "crazy"? Compared to what?
  • CE 133-A was taken with Lee's Minox spy camera, which had a superior lens
  • CE 399 smashed through bones
  • Bullet entered at T1 and exited at C7
  • The two laser challenge
  • Autopsy haircut
  • Oswald was extracted from the fake defector program to be the patsy

Thanks for the Trojan summation, beyond the technical impossibilities his accusations simply make no logical sense, why use another camera? why give Kennedy a haircut? And the reason he hasn't shown us his "laser challenge" results is obvious.

Anyway, as for the backyard photos being taken with different cameras it's just more nonsense, when an Imperial Reflex camera is manufactured there is going to be edge markings and in addition where the film is dragged across the plastic to be exposed there will be corresponding scratches.

The edge markings and scratches on Oswald's camera matched Oswald's family photo and also perfectly matches CE133a and CE133b, therefore the illogical and ridiculous "Minox spy camera" taking 1 "hero" photo is thoroughly refuted.

Here's a test with a different Imperial Reflex camera and we see a different random distribution of edge markings and scratches.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A Guilty Man
« Reply #34 on: December 28, 2019, 10:34:29 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: A Guilty Man
« Reply #35 on: December 28, 2019, 11:19:37 PM »

It's amazing how oblivious you LNers are when it comes to evaluating evidence. You compile a list that you think paints me as a crazy CTer without contesting a single item.

  • If CE 133-A was taken with the same lens as B,C,D,E,F then why does the spherical aberration match between  B,C,D,E,F but not the money shot A? Rhetorical question because you just don't know.
  • Didn't CE 399 cause 7 wounds and smash thru Connally's rib and wrist bones?
  • Ok then, which vertebrae did CE 399 enter JFK's back? The X-ray and the autopsy photos indicated T1. What vertebrae is just below JFK's Adam's apple for the alleged exit wound? Ans: C6, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say it exited at C7. What say you?
  • So how did that 2 laser challenge work out for you, or are you too scared to even try it? Or maybe you still don't understand the concept. Better not try it or you might find out the truth and realize you've wasted all these years as a crazy LNer.
  • I was being facetious re the Autopsy Haircut because you expect us to believe there was no difference between the hair length in the 2 autopsy photos. There was also the missing "fist-sized" hole in the occipital region of JFK's head. Instead you mock anyone for noticing the obvious differences. Maybe there is a simple explanation for it, but you certainly didn't provide any.
  • Of course you don't think Oswald was a patsy because you are a crazy LNer.
When are you LNers going to learn you can't mock your way out of this one. You need to use some logic, critical thinking and forensics to support your position, which aren't your strong points. Good luck with the 2 laser challenge. Post your results and make me eat crow instead of chicken for a change.

If CE 133-A was taken with the same lens as B,C,D,E,F then why does the spherical aberration match between  B,C,D,E,F but not the money shot A? Rhetorical question because you just don't know.

I've always said that CE 133A ( and the De Morenschildt print) is the ONLY authentic photo....  Lee had Marina take CE 133A, he developed and  enhanced the photo and made several copies of it. ......

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: A Guilty Man
« Reply #36 on: December 29, 2019, 12:24:50 AM »

Thanks, John. As well, the RIT's focus test photo dispels Trojan's (and Iacoletti's since he sees nothing wrong with it) bizarre "spherical aberration" claim because anyone can see text is quite sharp in the focal plane. That's about the same focal plane where Oswald stood in 133-A. Oswald was further back (relative to the camera) in 133-B and 133-C, and so he is not as sharply-defined as in 133-A. Also, Oswald's body being closer to the camera in 133-A means there is more resolution available to define his image.

Sorry, you can't BS your way thru this. You either know optics and what you are talking about or you don't and you don't. 133-A does not match the others. Live with it.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A Guilty Man
« Reply #36 on: December 29, 2019, 12:24:50 AM »

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: A Guilty Man
« Reply #37 on: December 29, 2019, 12:54:23 AM »
This must be the third or fourth topic where that claim has been contested.

So Marina took all 6+ photos with the Imperial Reflex? Right.

It may have "smashed" through the fifth rib, one of the thinnest bones in the body. Or pressure from its passage may have broken the rib. It certainly didn't travel through the more substantial radius bone, much less "smashed" through it. The bullet, slowed down and probably no longer nose-on, glanced off the radius, leaving the bone fractured but with all the bone present. The radius was restored and healed with a cast.

It also smashed thru JFK's T1 vertebrae. You can call it "air" if you like.  :D

Your use of the term "smashed through bones" is to imply CE 399 should be more mutilated than it is.

You're goddamned right it should have been more deformed than it was. Only a fool would think that CE 399 would magically show up on the wrong stretcher in pristine condition with no DNA on it. Get real.

Autopsy photos show the bullet entered about C7 and exited at about T1, somewhat above the sternum.

Horsespombleprofglidnoctobuns. Stop trying to use graphics to do your work for you. Do a re-enactment like Mytton did you lazy ass.

I just tried it with a standing 3D model from "Render People". They use 250 cameras to construct a model from a living human. Bullet enters C7/T1 level, misses the spinal column and exits as in the autopsy photo. If model was sitting and his neck area slouched forward, the missile track would enter a bit higher.

When are you going to learn that graphics (especially yours) are useless. You need to know how the physics engine works and its limitations. You are over complicating everything by using graphics instead of a re-enactment. What's your problem? Oh right, you're a LNer in deep denial.

Explanations for those things have been provided here for years. Maybe we didn't cover something specific to your "research."

If you think that JFK's hair is the same length in both autopsy photos then there is no hope for you.

You must be "chicken". You have yet to post your own results.

No, you're the chicken. Even Mytton has done it and now he only does drive-by postings. Do you think if he had the goods on me he wouldn't post them faster than a speeding magic bullet? You are a crazy LNer who doesn't even have the guts to do the experiment yourself. All you got is to mock and ridicule my efforts to try and make it all go away. In for a penny I suppose.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2019, 03:11:21 AM by Jack Trojan »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: A Guilty Man
« Reply #38 on: December 29, 2019, 03:19:36 AM »
I've always said that CE 133A ( and the De Morenschildt print) is the ONLY authentic photo....  Lee had Marina take CE 133A, he developed and  enhanced the photo and made several copies of it. ......

The backgrounds in CE133A and CE133B show many parallax changes which proves that there was two photos.

Here is CE133A and CE133B in their respective original full frames.

In this rapid alternating GIF of the stationary fixed objects, the separation of 3D elements, the subsequent parallax changes and the pincushioning is plain to see.
The bush on the right is clearly in front of the wall behind.
The roof on the house behind moves independently of the stairs.
The shutters on the left are also shifting in relation to the camera movement.
The shadow on the post from the overhead wires shifts position.
Etc etc....
Btw one of these two photos was taken with a Minox Spy Camera, can you tell which one? Hehehe!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2019, 03:24:16 AM by John Mytton »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: A Guilty Man
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2019, 05:36:52 AM »
Thanks, John. As well, the RIT's focus test photo dispels Trojan's (and Iacoletti's since he sees nothing wrong with it) bizarre "spherical aberration" claim because anyone can see text is quite sharp in the focal plane.

 BS: I never said that.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A Guilty Man
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2019, 05:36:52 AM »