you do know that same-caliber ammunition from any single manufacturer weighs almost exactly the same from bullet to bullet, don't you?
Yes, Manufacturing specifications.... Which allows for the bullet to weigh a couple of grains more or less than the specification of 160 grains....
So, how do you know the weight of the bullet before it was fired?
How do you know it
didn't lose at least 2 grains of mass?
Because Marine Marksman Oswald was using a "crummy" high-powered rifle, and ... and ... and ... occasionally got "Maggie's Drawers" at 500 yards, and ... and ... and ... "WE KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THE EVIL, EVIL, EVIL, CIA HAD 23 SHOOTERS IN DEALEY PLAZA / THE TSBD THAT DAY!" ?
Do you really believe CE 399 is "pristine"?
Why would the evil bastards plant a
pristine bullet on Connally's stretcher?
-- MWT