Darnell Film at SFM - Part 3 – Back in the Plaza
FOV = Field of View
DMDFC = Denis Morissette's excellent Darnell Film Compilation (DMDFC) found in this forum at this link:
https://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php/topic,1762.msg46530.html#msg46530 Darnell left the Railroad/Parking area via the passage between the west pergola shelter and the east facing stockade fence.
Scene11 FOV 19° DMDFC 02:08
01:35 Darnell rotates the lens turret for narrow angle closeups of the stockade fence, officer, suited man with coat draped over his right arm and a girl with a dangling purse wearing a dark top with light skirt. The officer persuades her to leave the area. Still filming, Darnell pans to his left showing the sidewalk, bench and retaining wall as a crowd gathers. I believe Darnell's location is near the west side of the south entrance of the west pergola shelter..
Scene12 FOV 38° DMDFC 02:27
01:40 At or near the west side of the retaining wall somewhat behind the bench, he returns the lens to a wider field of view and films the grassy infield with the growing crowds. The girl from the last scene is now running down the grassy slope towards a group of people on the Elm street sidewalk. Most of this scene is well known.. However, the last few seconds include a tanker truck entering to its full length at left of frame. The tanker truck is new to me. At first I thought the tanker truck was an indicator that the scene in Denis' compilation was from a different cameraman, possibly Jim Underwood. However, I now realize we've only seen a slightly trimmed scene from Darnell.

Scene13 FOV 38° DMDFC 02:47
01:48 Darnell films a closeup of Marilyn Sitzman interviewed by Dallas deputy sheriff Bill Wiseman..Use the link to Denis Morissette's JFK Assassination Investigators Identification Project and search for Wiseman.:
https://jfkinvestigators.wordpress.com/2016/02/24/jfk-investigators-identification-project/ In the last few seconds of the full Tina Towner film, viewable at the Sixth Floor Museum's online collection, Jimmy Darnell scrams from his position eastward to soon reach and film three young women.
https://emuseum.jfk.org/objects/43384/tina-towner-film?ctx=89a93882-7ebb-48b7-8a2d-9c8e0db6746e&idx=5 Scene14 FOV 38° DMDFC 02:45 (very short early portion of this scene)
01:54 Darnell films closeups of those three young women walking slowly eastward on the pergola patio steps. The women are the same women in the Zapruder film at the lower left of the Stemmons Freeway sign. Only short segments of this Darnell scene are in the wild. The three young women are Stella Jacobs, Jeanie Holt and Sharon Simmons.
02:04 This scene continues as Detective “Lummie” Lewis catches up to the girls from behind as they pass the east pedestal.
02:06 The three girls stop while Lewis continues, passing them on their left side then stops and turns to face the girls.
02:08 Sharon Simmons points with her left index finger over her right shoulder to indicate where they were standing when the President Kennedy was shot.
02:10 Darnell takes a closeup of Stella Mae Jacobs. Lewis brings up a hand-sized note pad to record information from the three women. He will add their names and info to his Sheriff's Department Supplementary Investigation Report.
https://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php/topic,1901.msg50860.html#msg50860 Scene15 FOV 38° (probably) DMDFC not present
02:15 Darnell films a closeup of Jeanie Holt's face as she looks directly at the camera while speaking.
Scene16 FOV 38° DMDFC not present
02:19 Darnell positioned himself across from the TSBD doorway. He films Howard Brennan on the steps as Brennan spins to his left, twists and takes a spit near the mailboxes. In the doorway a small boy stands on low steps near the west columns. Other men are present - including officers and Don Cook of KTVT Dallas News. A car is parked in front and to the west side of the doorway may be Inspector Sawyer's.

02:24 Darnell continues the scene panning upward toward the sixth floor windows. The windows next to the corner window set are still closed.
Scene17 FOV (unknown) DMDFC not present
02:30 From the rear driver's side Darnell films a closeup of Amos Euins in the back seat of a car (Inspector Sawyer's?). Euins turns his head to his right window responding to one or two people.
02:46 End of Dealey Plaza filming. The next scene is at Parkland.