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Author Topic: Dal Tex Roof Shooter  (Read 18948 times)

Offline Nicholas Turner

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2020, 03:51:06 PM »
I guess we all should try to remember that none of these new things being found are real. Why? Because the old men that have been studying this case for 50 years can't fathom how they could of missed things that simple. Even though all of these photos and videos are the same ones they had access to.

Like these 2 men with rifles in the pergola. Just forget the fact that of all the places for an assassin to be, that was the prime spot. Hell, that's where I would have been too. Not just for concealability, but because of the ease to get in and out. But I wouldn't expect squares to understand that. And forget the fact that witnesses saw smoke in this same exact spot, or that shells were found there too. Why? Because 2 + 2 can't equal 4. Ignore Zapruders testimony about believing the shooters were behind him as well. And all the people, including cops who ran in that direction. But most of all, ignore the fact that the head shot lines up perfectly with the pergola window. The 2 men clearly holding rifles are just a figment of conspiracy theorists imagination. And all the witnesses too. What you really see is just thumb print damage.

See... this only looks like 2 men with rifles. But the super smart old people know it's just thumb print damage.

Yes, thump print damage can wear sun glasses too. Don't act like you never seen it before.

And so what if you can see them in other photos and videos... like this one here.

They still don't exist. Just a magical trick by awful mean conspiracy theorists, right? Never believe your own eyes is great motto to live by. Always listen to the people who pretend they know everything but can't even solve a puzzle, because that's how cases get solved. As we've seen with this one over the last 50+ years.

And like the last genius points out, there was no Dal Tex roof shooter. Forget the fact some worker actually found shells on that roof. Or the fact the exact camera model Zapruder was using had a million complaints due to the reflections caused by its concave lens.

Nope! This is your man right here. Posing like a genius with all the evidence so he wouldn't get busted. Which must be why he used a fake name and went all the way across town to avoid detection when purchasing the rifle he would later pose with. "Yeah...can't let anyone know I bought it, so I better pose with it, while holding up a communist manifesto too, just in case someone is too stupid to figure it out."   

1 man. 10 shots. 1 kill.

"I don't wanna get caught so I better leave my finger prints everywhere to make it easy for the cops!!"  Thumb1:

Yup. All the witnesses are wrong. Your own eyes wrong. But these funny old men who haven't found a shred of evidence on their own in 50 years time are right. Thanks for setting record straight guys. Now that you've cracked the case the rest of the world needs you.  8)

Seriously. If gullibility were a disease, America would be on lock down. To think all it takes is a few pieces of intentionally left evidence to fool a majority of the people into believing the absurd. 

"Oh it couldn't have been a conspiracy... because those things don't exist. There's no such thing as dirty copy, or bad people."  Bravo!

Where is the shooter peering round the corner in the Willis slide 7? How tall would the shooters need to be to fire through the openings?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2020, 03:51:06 PM »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2020, 02:53:38 AM »
The supposed image of the DalTex shooter appears in the same spot as late as frame 481. At that point Zapruder is facing about 170 degrees away from the DalTex. It is absolutely completely impossible for any image from the DalTex to enter the lens of Zapruders camera when he is facing 170 degrees away from it. It is even more absurd to think the image would appear in the same location on the film after panning even 30 degrees let alone 170 degrees. This theory was originally about the jail and court building as it has light posts that somewhat match the shape in the Z film. Still there is no way for that image to enter the camera at frame 481. No reflection of the front housing of the lens could account for an image from Houston and Elm.

Offline Jim Brazell

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2020, 04:25:22 AM »
The supposed image of the DalTex shooter appears in the same spot as late as frame 481. At that point Zapruder is facing about 170 degrees away from the DalTex. It is absolutely completely impossible for any image from the DalTex to enter the lens of Zapruders camera when he is facing 170 degrees away from it. It is even more absurd to think the image would appear in the same location on the film after panning even 30 degrees let alone 170 degrees. This theory was originally about the jail and court building as it has light posts that somewhat match the shape in the Z film. Still there is no way for that image to enter the camera at frame 481. No reflection of the front housing of the lens could account for an image from Houston and Elm.

First of all, it is IMPERATIVE to get the correct is the Records Bldg !!!! And let me assure that it is indeed possible for the shooter shown on top of the RECORDS BLDG to be reflected of the right hand side of the Zapruder lens. It's obvious below the sprocket holes and I can even find it on Zfilm with no sprockets. Zapruder is filming BACK at the pergola and the building is on the RIGHT hand side not the left (DAL TEX) as you've stated. It is on the original Zapruder you question the entire Zapruder film as being bogus.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2020, 04:25:22 AM »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2020, 07:06:30 AM »
Yup, sorry, it was originally about the records building and I called it the jail and courthouse.
Not sure why you asked if I thought the whole Z film was a hoax. My point was the image near the sprocket is not an image of a gunman on any of the buildings mentioned. At frame 481 there is no way for any image from those buildings to end up on film. even when you consider  light rays entering by bouncing off the end of the lens housing,  that light source(The records building) could be no more than 90 degrees away from Z's line of sight to frame 481. After that there is no path for light from there too make its way into the camera.
If you draw a line representing Z's line of sight from the pedestal to the limo position in frame 481(basically the underpass), then draw a line at Z's location that is perpendicular to the first line it will denote what was 90 degrees off from Z's line of sight at frame 481. Any position west of that 2nd line(Less than 90 degrees) could conceivably hit the lens housing and bounce its way onto the film. But everything east of that line(more than 90 degrees) has no path to the lens at all. That 2nd line extends from the pedestal to the south peristyle between Main and Commerce. Any light source East of that has no path to enter the camera.
   But I think the even greater problem is the fact that while the shooter image stays in the same place as the camera pans almost 180 degrees, every other object recorded moves across the screen as Z panned right. even if the shooter image was from a stray reflection bouncing into the camera it would be impossible for it to remain stationary. 

Offline Jim Brazell

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2020, 07:53:49 AM »
Yup, sorry, it was originally about the records building and I called it the jail and courthouse.
Not sure why you asked if I thought the whole Z film was a hoax. My point was the image near the sprocket is not an image of a gunman on any of the buildings mentioned. At frame 481 there is no way for any image from those buildings to end up on film. even when you consider  light rays entering by bouncing off the end of the lens housing,  that light source(The records building) could be no more than 90 degrees away from Z's line of sight to frame 481. After that there is no path for light from there too make its way into the camera.
If you draw a line representing Z's line of sight from the pedestal to the limo position in frame 481(basically the underpass), then draw a line at Z's location that is perpendicular to the first line it will denote what was 90 degrees off from Z's line of sight at frame 481. Any position west of that 2nd line(Less than 90 degrees) could conceivably hit the lens housing and bounce its way onto the film. But everything east of that line(more than 90 degrees) has no path to the lens at all. That 2nd line extends from the pedestal to the south peristyle between Main and Commerce. Any light source East of that has no path to enter the camera.
   But I think the even greater problem is the fact that while the shooter image stays in the same place as the camera pans almost 180 degrees, every other object recorded moves across the screen as Z panned right. even if the shooter image was from a stray reflection bouncing into the camera it would be impossible for it to remain stationary.

Since we KNOW that the image is on the Zapruder film (no doubt), it would have to be a forgery to be on there. It is pretty easy to discern that it is a man ( seems to have a hat on) with his arms moving into position to fire. The shot could have taken place AT ANY TIME during the sequence. BTW, you are aware that 30.06 shells were discovered there a few years later, correct. There was some thought that the 2 bullets that hit on either side of the manhole cover that can be seem ricochetting off the cover in the Zfilm aligned perfectly with that shooter. There was also a small gun bullet found in the grass (famous picture of it being picked up with bus going by 12:39 on the TSBD clock). I have watched the Records Bldg. shooter on my 27" computer as well as my 65' TV and you can see the sky changing behind and above this shooter from frame to frame. There is a spotter (though not seen) in this same Zfilm. I did see it in another shot somewhere as the limo was coming down Houston Street in a quick roof shot of the Records Bldg. BTW there is also visual evidence of a smoke trail coming out of 2nd floor in a known film coming down Houston. And, of course the crack in the windshield top left of rear view mirror seen at Parkland. And then there is a shooter clearly seen in the left pergola in the Moreman photo, Nix and Bell films.There appears to be another shooter in that same location but he is not as obvious as the shooter with sunglasses on that I mentioned.

There are plenty of things with the Zapruder film that make you go WHAT but the Records Bldg. shooter doesn't seem particularly mystifying to me. It's on the, if the film is not a fake, how did it get there ? My understanding is that 8MM film runs til it reaches the end and then the top film spool becomes the "catch " reel as it goes back the other way.You can see the outline of the head,chest and arms coming forward to take the shot.The Blevins picture I posted is a continuous replay of an extreme closeup shot complete with muzzle blast. If you can see it, it's there...kind of like the smoke seen under the trees on the grassy knoll and the magnifying glass looking straight at the supposed Oswald gun found on the 6th floor that was described in news reports for a day and a half as a 7.65 German Mauser.         

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2020, 07:53:49 AM »

Offline Nicholas Turner

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2020, 08:11:08 AM »
More blobs being interpreted as gunmen.

Offline Jim Brazell

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #22 on: June 01, 2020, 08:17:33 AM »
More blobs being interpreted as gunmen.

Neat....with muzzle blast and all.

Offline Nicholas Turner

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2020, 08:20:21 AM »
Neat....with muzzle blast and all.

Just more interpretation of blobs.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2020, 08:20:21 AM »