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Author Topic: Dal Tex Roof Shooter  (Read 18958 times)

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2020, 07:42:42 PM »
No shot exited the throat.  BS:

So no shot exited the throat? That's interesting.

But a bullet did go through his back, right? Clearly something did, unless that's thumb print damage. So where exactly did the projectile go, and how did the throat wound happen? Mere coincidence, or was the photo faked?

How come you don't believe there was a throat shot? Because someone said there wasn't, and so we should believe them... because nobody had any reason to cover it up?

Weird how he grabs his throat seconds after muzzle flash from behind. If you look at the sequence of events, specifically the "Fires Again," you can see the muzzle flash. And the very next frame, he's grabs his throat.

I've fired lots of guns, even been fired upon a few times. I can say that's about the time it takes a projectile to reach its target. I guess to be fair, he could have been choking on sunflower seeds. But that's silly.

As silly as people denying what's in front of their face, or claiming 2 men holding rifles is thumb print damage. It's the kind of nonsense that muddies waters and interferes with the progress of investigations. This one hasn't gone anywhere in over 50 years, and it's easy to see why. Narrow minds and eyes wide shut.

Maybe that's why a new generation can find these things. Fresh eyes without any predetermined beliefs based on notions, which lead to stubborn mind sets and irrational bias.

To me, it's clear why the shooters behind Zapruder went unnoticed. People were too focused on the nonsense fed to them. Always searching for shooters near the fence, or in man hole covers. Never stopping to think about where the shot actually came from. In their mind it came from somewhere else or from Oswald.

Take away all the predetermined beliefs and just watch. Common sense will tell you exactly where the fatal shot came from. Follow what you can see with your own eyes. It comes from the front. Draw a line in your mind consistent with the angle. You'll think to look closer near Zapruder. 

People have pointed to the weirdest things as shooters. One points to a stain on a wall. Every shadow, tree, stain, bush, cloud, umbrella and person, except the actual shooters who can be seen with rifles. And if somebody does point them out, some pretend to know it all comes along and claims it's just thumb print damage. LOL

It's sad when the majority people feel safer believing ridiculous "official" stories from an habitual lying government than trusting their own eyes.

"Nothing to see here folks. Oswald did this all by himself with magical bullets." And people are like... "Oh, okay. Seems legit."
« Last Edit: March 05, 2020, 09:25:15 PM by Izraul Hidashi »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2020, 07:42:42 PM »

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2020, 07:54:22 PM »
Absolutely no idea what happened to it, possibly lost velocity going through the windshield and lodged in the throat ? Or fell out on route to parkland and was the bullet the secret service agent found in the limo? Parkland doctors stated it was a neat entry wound to the throat about a pinkie size opening. I believe and entry wound more than the SBT exiting the throat ! You ?

Again... amazing how the sequence of events took place. Muzzle flash from the roof behind him. Then he grabs at his throat. And the photo evidence shows an entry wound through the back and an exit wound below from the throat, below the entrance wound, as if someone were shooting from an elevated position.

If the shot came from the front (I assume you mean bridge) then the entrance wound would be higher than than the exit wound. It's a phenomenon called "angles." Furthermore, exit wounds are always larger than entrance. Look at the photo I posted. Clean through the back, out through the throat.

If Oswald had done it from the Depository window, he would need to sit on the sill and hang his body out the window.  And the exit wound would have been more to the left, between throat & left shoulder blade.

The angle seems pretty consistent with the Dal Tex roof shooter.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2020, 11:14:35 PM by Izraul Hidashi »

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2020, 08:33:00 PM »
The throat shot...which did occur, is perfectly consistent with this angle.

Sorry for posting the photos twice. For some reason the "insert image" doesn't work.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2020, 08:33:00 PM »

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2020, 09:46:44 PM »
So here's a better way to show the difference between the shooter positions and the angles involved.

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2020, 01:57:09 AM »
It's good the CTs have their own photo interpretation and trajectory experts.


That "Dal Tex Gunman" sure is persistent.

Ah, yes of course. The Dal Tex shooter doesn't exist. What your eyes can see is just a trick. What the government say's happened is what really happened. Makes perfect sense to the old timers. One man who couldn't shoot for crap simply popped off multiple shots with the spombleprofglidnoctobunstiest rifle on the planet. And then this same man was seen running down a hill and jumped into a car, where he caught the bus that took him from downtown Dallas to Oak Cliff, right through the traffic and crowds of a presidential parade. Making multiple stops along the way, all within 30 min. Sweet!

And after super shooter got out of his car, or off the bus, he managed to kill a cop with his trusty 38 revolver. Then he left his wallet, because why not... he already left all the evidence needed to catch him back at his place of work...where he brought a rifle to kill the president of the united states. What better place than your job? And because he wanted to get away, he left his finger prints everywhere. Even though he bought the rifle with a fake name, all so he could leave his evidence.

After his murderous spree, he got dressed and went to the movies. But not without his trusty cop killing 38, because why not bring that along too?

And cool as a CUCUMBER, but trying to hide from the police that no doubt identified him as the killer without even testing a single piece of evidence yet, simply waited. Then shocked that the cops found him, he pulled out his trusty cop killing 38 and yelled "It's all over now ya chee...take that copper."  But the brave cops who flooded the scene for a call about a man who snuck into the movies, thwarted his deadly attempts to kill them all too. And then they verified his identity by checking his wallet... which also happened to be found at the murder scene of the dead cop, at the same exact time.

Yeah... Conspiracy theorists are so crazy. Nothing strange about any of that. Only the really super intelligent people understand that truth. The same people who witnessed shots from the front and still believe Oswald did it from behind... with his trusty magic bullets of course. 

Yeah... super intellectual. Just like their humor.   ::)

Gee, with all these super amateur sleuths on the case it's amazing 50+ years have gone by without any progress at all. Despite all the evidence staring them right in their super smart faces!  Great job. You've only had 50 years. LOL Thumbs up.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2020, 02:08:36 AM by Izraul Hidashi »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2020, 01:57:09 AM »

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2020, 02:47:48 AM »
I guess we all should try to remember that none of these new things being found are real. Why? Because the old men that have been studying this case for 50 years can't fathom how they could of missed things that simple. Even though all of these photos and videos are the same ones they had access to.

Like these 2 men with rifles in the pergola. Just forget the fact that of all the places for an assassin to be, that was the prime spot. Hell, that's where I would have been too. Not just for concealability, but because of the ease to get in and out. But I wouldn't expect squares to understand that. And forget the fact that witnesses saw smoke in this same exact spot, or that shells were found there too. Why? Because 2 + 2 can't equal 4. Ignore Zapruders testimony about believing the shooters were behind him as well. And all the people, including cops who ran in that direction. But most of all, ignore the fact that the head shot lines up perfectly with the pergola window. The 2 men clearly holding rifles are just a figment of conspiracy theorists imagination. And all the witnesses too. What you really see is just thumb print damage.

See... this only looks like 2 men with rifles. But the super smart old people know it's just thumb print damage.

Yes, thump print damage can wear sun glasses too. Don't act like you never seen it before.

And so what if you can see them in other photos and videos... like this one here.

They still don't exist. Just a magical trick by awful mean conspiracy theorists, right? Never believe your own eyes is great motto to live by. Always listen to the people who pretend they know everything but can't even solve a puzzle, because that's how cases get solved. As we've seen with this one over the last 50+ years.

And like the last genius points out, there was no Dal Tex roof shooter. Forget the fact some worker actually found shells on that roof. Or the fact the exact camera model Zapruder was using had a million complaints due to the reflections caused by its concave lens.

Nope! This is your man right here. Posing like a genius with all the evidence so he wouldn't get busted. Which must be why he used a fake name and went all the way across town to avoid detection when purchasing the rifle he would later pose with. "Yeah...can't let anyone know I bought it, so I better pose with it, while holding up a communist manifesto too, just in case someone is too stupid to figure it out."   

1 man. 10 shots. 1 kill.

"I don't wanna get caught so I better leave my finger prints everywhere to make it easy for the cops!!"  Thumb1:

Yup. All the witnesses are wrong. Your own eyes wrong. But these funny old men who haven't found a shred of evidence on their own in 50 years time are right. Thanks for setting record straight guys. Now that you've cracked the case the rest of the world needs you.  8)

Seriously. If gullibility were a disease, America would be on lock down. To think all it takes is a few pieces of intentionally left evidence to fool a majority of the people into believing the absurd. 

"Oh it couldn't have been a conspiracy... because those things don't exist. There's no such thing as dirty copy, or bad people."  Bravo!
« Last Edit: March 06, 2020, 03:00:18 AM by Izraul Hidashi »

Offline Jim Brazell

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2020, 05:54:00 AM »
But there is no bullet hole in the windshield at the time JFK jerked his balled up hands and arms up to his chest/neck. I assume if he got shot in the throat/neck that he would react to it? Grab it? Be moved back? Something?

And what happened to the bullet that hit him in the back? Did that disappear too? I mean, two vanishing bullets is difficult to understand. And the bullet that hit Connally seemed to have been tumbling. What caused that to tumble?

When/where on the Zapruder film did this shot occur? We can see him react after he emerges from behind the highway sign, circa Z-223, and then when he is hit in the head at Z-313. Where did this shot that hit in the neck/throat take place?

Just curious how you know there was no hole in the windshield....we know there was a hole in the windshield observed at Parkland Hospital. Do we know that he was not hit in the throat when emerging from behind sign ? The picture is very hard to view for a bullet hole IMO.

Offline Jim Brazell

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Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2020, 06:02:40 AM »
I guess we all should try to remember that none of these new things being found are real. Why? Because the old men that have been studying this case for 50 years can't fathom how they could of missed things that simple. Even though all of these photos and videos are the same ones they had access to.

Like these 2 men with rifles in the pergola. Just forget the fact that of all the places for an assassin to be, that was the prime spot. Hell, that's where I would have been too. Not just for concealability, but because of the ease to get in and out. But I wouldn't expect squares to understand that. And forget the fact that witnesses saw smoke in this same exact spot, or that shells were found there too. Why? Because 2 + 2 can't equal 4. Ignore Zapruders testimony about believing the shooters were behind him as well. And all the people, including cops who ran in that direction. But most of all, ignore the fact that the head shot lines up perfectly with the pergola window. The 2 men clearly holding rifles are just a figment of conspiracy theorists imagination. And all the witnesses too. What you really see is just thumb print damage.

See... this only looks like 2 men with rifles. But the super smart old people know it's just thumb print damage.

Yes, thump print damage can wear sun glasses too. Don't act like you never seen it before.

And so what if you can see them in other photos and videos... like this one here.

They still don't exist. Just a magical trick by awful mean conspiracy theorists, right? Never believe your own eyes is great motto to live by. Always listen to the people who pretend they know everything but can't even solve a puzzle, because that's how cases get solved. As we've seen with this one over the last 50+ years.

And like the last genius points out, there was no Dal Tex roof shooter. Forget the fact some worker actually found shells on that roof. Or the fact the exact camera model Zapruder was using had a million complaints due to the reflections caused by its concave lens.

Nope! This is your man right here. Posing like a genius with all the evidence so he wouldn't get busted. Which must be why he used a fake name and went all the way across town to avoid detection when purchasing the rifle he would later pose with. "Yeah...can't let anyone know I bought it, so I better pose with it, while holding up a communist manifesto too, just in case someone is too stupid to figure it out."   

1 man. 10 shots. 1 kill.

"I don't wanna get caught so I better leave my finger prints everywhere to make it easy for the cops!!"  Thumb1:

Yup. All the witnesses are wrong. Your own eyes wrong. But these funny old men who haven't found a shred of evidence on their own in 50 years time are right. Thanks for setting record straight guys. Now that you've cracked the case the rest of the world needs you.  8)

Seriously. If gullibility were a disease, America would be on lock down. To think all it takes is a few pieces of intentionally left evidence to fool a majority of the people into believing the absurd. 

"Oh it couldn't have been a conspiracy... because those things don't exist. There's no such thing as dirty copy, or bad people."  Bravo!

Some really good pics here. Here is a close up of Records Bldg. shooter. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Dal Tex Roof Shooter
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2020, 06:02:40 AM »