UN extends probe into mysterious 1961 death of secretary-general Hammarskjold
Issued on: 28/12/2019

Dag Hammarskjöld, the UN's second secretary-general, was travelling in southern Africa for a mission when his plane crashed. United Nations file photo
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The United Nations General Assembly on Friday approved a resolution extending the investigation into the mysterious 1961 death of secretary-general Dag Hammarskjold.
The Swedish diplomat had been travelling in southern Africa for a mission when his plane crashed.
The text, initiated by Sweden and co-sponsored by more than 100 countries, was adopted by consensus without a vote.
Read more at: https://www.france24.com/en/20191228-un-extends-probe-into-mysterious-1961-death-of-secretary-general-hammarskjold?ref=tw_i
It sure looks like a hit to me, we need to find out who did it. Still, this was almost 60 years ago... shouldn't this investigation be further along? I read up on this and their reviving this investigation only in the past year as well.
I think he was on the verge of bringing peace to that region. A conspiracy theory would say, some powers did not want this. I'll try to find some conspiratorial info later and add it on.