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Author Topic: Coup D'etat in 1963  (Read 11505 times)

Offline John Pesa

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Coup D'etat in 1963
« on: February 12, 2018, 12:58:32 AM »
The Warren Commission Report framed the couple that Lee Harvey Oswald was staying with just prior to the Assassination, Michael and Ruth Paine, as some random Quaker family that were Good Samaritans, with the wife, Ruth, wanting to learn the language of our Cold War enemy as a hobby (because learning Russian must have been useful living in Texas.)

Any investigation should have started with how Lee Harvey Oswald got himself into his alleged position and if there were any unusual circumstances that put President John F. Kennedy(JFK) into his vulnerable position in Dealey Plaza (being without adequate protection in a limousine that slowed down during the shooting.) The Paine's should have been been put under the same scrutiny as Mary Surratt, the woman who John Wilkes Booth was staying with prior to killing President Abraham Lincoln.  This should be the starting point of departure of the investigation of the Assassination of JFK, how these two men's fate converged.

Today, as historians, we can connect a lot of dots.  In fact, the first background story that came to light on Lee Harvey Oswald came from Clare Boothe Luce, the wife of Henry Luce, the man who ended up purchasing the Abraham Zapruder Film showing the sequence of the limousine during the shooting.  Clare Boothe Luce was directly related to John Wilkes Booth.  Clare Boothe Luce was one of Allen Dulles's mistresses (the former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) whom JFK fired for the poorly advising JFK during the Bay of Pigs failed overthrow of Fidel Castro in Cuba.  The source Clare Boothe Luce's story was the Cuban Student Directorate, a group funded by the CIA and handled directly by the CIA's Chief of Psychological Warfare based in Miami, FL, George Joannides. This Cuban Student Directorate was the group that Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) was involved with handing out leaflets for in conjunction with Guy Banister, an FBI contract agent involved in sheep dipping and infiltrating radical groups, gun running and government black operations. In the late 1970's the US Government reopened the Investigation of the Assassination of President Kennedy in the House Select Committee on Assassination (HSCA), and the CIA (then led by CIA Director George HW Bush) put George Joannides in charge of filtering all information from the CIA to the HSCA. George HW Bush, a man with supposedly no Intelligence experience was appointed as Director of the CIA by President Gerald Ford, who was also a Warren Commission Member hand picked by Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ), the successor of JFK.  The CIA's George Joannides never disclosed that he, himself directly funded the group that LHO was involved in, that it was a CIA funded group, and this CIA funded group provided the the backstory on LHO to Clare Boothe Luce, the former mistress of former CIA Director, Allen Dulles (another political enemy of the Kennedys), the man that JFK had fired, now hand picked by LBJ for the Warren Commission to review the FBI's investigation led by J. Edgar Hoover (LBJ's close friend and neighbor, and also a political enemy of the Kennedy's). We now have a released memo by J. Edgar Hoover dated one week after the Assassination where he writes that he was informed by informants in Miami familiar with AntiCastro Cubans about their reaction to the Assassination, and that this information was furnished by the CIA's George Bush.  Again, George HW Bush, a man who used to dine with Allen Dulles and his family, and had his company Zapata Oil's oil rigs used as "listening posts" during the CIA's Bay of Pigs Invasion, denied having any prior dealings with the CIA before being appointed as Director by a former Warren Commission Member Gerald Ford, and Bush appoints the handler of the CIA front group that LHO is involved with (who is based in Miami) to filter all CIA information to the HSCA while not disclosing his dealings with the group he handled directly involving Lee Harvey Oswald. Now, on the cover of Life Magazine, which was owned by Henry Luce, a personal friend of Allen Dulles and the husband of Clare Boothe Luce (Dulles's mistress) was the cover story "The Bobby Baker Bombshell" the investigation of LBJ's bagman, Bobby Baker and corruption at the highest levels. Attorney General Robert Kennedy was investigating the dirty dealings of LBJ.  The day of the Assassination, former US President Richard Nixon was reported in the Dallas Morning News to have said that President Kennedy was going to dump LBJ in 1964.  This is important because LBJ, the successor of JFK, the man who hand picked the Warren Commission was in a situation prior to the Assassination where he not only feared being removed from the Presidential ticket in 1964, but could actually face prosecution from Robert Kennedy, a common political enemy as was his friend and neighbor, J. Edgar Hoover. And as far as the limousine driver who actually slowed down during the shooting, his former employer was the family of Henry Cabot Lodge Jr, another political enemy of JFK, the individual who JFK unseated in the US Senate as Massachusetts Senator and was Richard Nixon's running mate in 1960.  JFK had essentially taken away this man's political future at the highest levels.  Henry Cabot Lodge later becomes Ambassador to South Vietnam and a major proponent of the Vietnam War, a War that JFK was trying to prevent the United States from engaging in, a policy that LBJ reversed almost immediately after the Assassination. 

Without having to look under any rocks, what lays at our open view are major, major red flags of collusion, conspiracy where the successor to JFK, President Johnson, the primary investigator of the Assassination, J. Edgar Hoover as well as Warren Commission Member, Allen Dulles, to even the limousine driver who slowed down during the shooting were major political enemies of President Kennedy (when the limousine driver William Greer's brother was asked if his brother liked JFK, his response was "we are Methodists and he was a Catholic." Prior to working for JFK's political enemy, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr's Family, William Greer worked for Franklin Quimby Brown, a Rockefeller Associate in the railroad industry who was appointed to the National Security League, a group that promoted intervention during World War I who also laid the groundwork for the National Security Act, which created the Central Intelligence Agency later in 1947.  After World War I, the most decorated US Marine, Brigadier Smedley Butler wrote a book called "War is a Racket" where he exposed major corporations who were war profiteers and challenged the notion that the United States Military should be used for interventions overseas that had had nothing to do with our National Security or Interest and only helped investment banks and international corporations.  Brigadier General Smedley Butler also exposed a Fascist Plot to overthrow then US President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, where he was approached by JP Morgan bankers, individuals representing Remmington Arms and Dupont as well as the newly formed National Liberty League.  It seems far fetched today to believe that this was possible, but major nations like Italy, Spain, Germany and others had representative governments fall to Fascist regimes all during that same timeframe, and Brigadier General Smedley Butler was a man of the highest courage and integrity, so he certainly is a source worthy of our trust. Remmington Arms, on the other hand, sold the majority of arms to both sides during World War I.  Millions of Remmington rounds were found in the hull of the sunk Luisitania, the incident which turned the noninterventionist sentiment to active support for England during WWI.  The money lent to England during WWI was funded through JP Morgan's banks who were able to profit on the interest.  Just prior to WWI, JP Morgan (the US representative of the Rothschild interests) gathered together the most influential bankers to his private estate on Jekyl Island where they hatched out the plan to privatize and control the US Monetary system (the establishment of the US Federal Reserve.). To balance the issuance of money they would put into circulation and profit through interest, they created the Federal Income Tax to put US Taxpayers on the hook for monies borrowed and lent out by the Federal Reserve. Within 25 years of the creation of the Federal Reserve, we saw two World Wars where the enemies of this Central Banking Cartel were destroyed, and this Central Banking Cartel got rich. during the entire process and controlled the Propaganda the entire way through in buying newspapers, controlling their content i.e. the CIA's Operation Mockingbird, staging false flag attacks, organizing black operations, Coup D'etat's, etc. What their propaganda agent could not sell in the Press to the American Public, they used the CIA for in black operations.  They were experts in controlling the Press, manipulating the population through Propaganda, conducting Coup D'etats, character assassinations, etc.  This Banking Cartel had its reach into the brain trusts of major universities, the Press, and they even set up the Council on Foreign Relations which was essentially a Sphere of Influence that was used to promote individuals who supported essentially Imperialism led by this Cartel.  At the very core of the motivation to assassinate President Kennedy was President Kennedy's belief in his fellow human beings to elect leaders and to let the democratic process flourish around the Globe and to cultivate partnerships with representative governments.  In opposition of this belief was this Imperial Cartel that sought to hand pick leaders themselves and destroy any democratic leader that stood in their way.  In the time prior to JFK as President, the CIA had overthrown democratically elected leaders in Guatemala, Iran, the assassination of Patrice Lumumba in the Congo and later were involved in several others, including empowering and arming Saddam Hussein, Manuel Noriega, the Taliban, etc. President Kennedy was against Colonialism.  President Roosevelt also believed in representative governments and was against Colonialism and challenged Winston Churchill on British Imperialism in the Atlantic Charter Conference.  Because Imperialism was the interest of the most powerful in the US, the same interests that tried to overthrow FDR in a Coup D'etat, the dirty work conducted on its behalf was outside the political sentiment of the US citizens and therefore had to be conducted by the fourth branch of the US Military, the CIA.  Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty wrote in his book "The Secret Team" about how the CIA got resources from other branches of the US Military.  The CIA created cutout organizations and contractors like Air America to conduct many of their missions (one Air America Pilot, Barry Seal, worked as a CIA reconnaissance pilot who was involved in drug trafficking during the Iran Contra Affair Bary Seal.  Barry Seal was in the same Louisiana Civil Air Patrol with Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferrie, which was founded by D.H. Byrd, the owner of the Texas School Book Depository as well as the founder of CIA contractor of reconnaissance equipment, Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV). LTV was the employer of LBJ's hitman Malcolm Wallace, who's fingerprint was found on one of the boxes in the sniper's nest at the Texas School Book Depository. Lee Harvey Oswald also worked in top secret reconnaissance being stationed in Astugi, Japan, the base that launched U-2 spy planes over the Soviet Union during the Cold War. U-2 Francis Gary Powers believed that Lee Harvey Oswald was involved in passing along information to the Soviet Union that compromised him an led to him being shot down.  Today, we need to ask ourselves, how an individual stationed at one of the most sensitive top secret U-2 spy plane bases involved in reconnaissance, who later defects to the USSR would ever be able to be let back into the US, and how would he later end up working in a building owned by a major CIA reconnaissance contractor, D.H. Byrd, and then murdered by Jack Ruby, also with a history in US Military Reconnaissance?

At this point, when a critical mass of "coincidences" seems unlikely, the overwhelming sense of denial and cognitive dissonance kicks in.  How could something so powerful and out of control go unchecked for so long? One must then consider that three United States Presidents warned of the undue influence of the Central Intelligence Agency / Military Industrial Complex in a matter of three years.  In 1960, President Dwight Eisenhower warned of the Military Industrial Complex's undue influence and that the US Citizens needed to be vigilantly watchful of them.  US President John F. Kennedy said that he was going to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the wind.  Within a week of the Assassination of President Kennedy, President Harry Truman wrote a letter to the Press warning of the abuses of the CIA and how the CIA was involved in activities that were beyond its intended purposes.  Beyond that, President Kennedy spoke directly to the Press warning them of an all encompassing Monolithic Conspiracy that organized major aspects of our life.  Three contemporaries of JFK who also spoke of a grand conspiracy were Myron Fagan who wrote "The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations" which outlined the activities of the House of Rothschild led Illuminati.  William Guy Carr wrote "Pawns in the Game" in 1958 and "Red Fog over America" where he claimed that International Communism and International Capitalism are controlled by the same powers majorly controlled by the Rothschild and Rockefeller interests.  Benjamin Freedman was another individual who came forward and exposed the same cartel's conspiracy in a speech at the Willard Hotel in Washington D.C. in 1961.  The concern was that President Kennedy warned of a grand global conspiracy, while contemporaries warned about a same grand global conspiracy identifying Rockefeller and Rothschild as the head, and then we see two Rockefeller lawyers appointed to the Warren Commission.  Then, after more and more inconsistencies arose regarding the JFK Assassination, President Nixon appointed Nelson Rockefeller to conduct a Rockefeller Commission to address them.  Nelson Rockefeller, like Warren Commissioner Allen Dulles also had multiple connections to principals of the case that he did not disclose.  Interestingly, Warren Commission Member John J. McCloy, a Rockefeller lawyer taught the Rockefeller boys how to sail while in Bar Harbor, Maine.  The Rockefeller boys were close boyhood friends of George Lyman Paine, who they sailed together with off of Sutton Island (Bar Harbor, Maine.). George Lyman Paine was Michael Paine's father.  George Lyman Paine was also a close friend of Leon Trotsky.  Trotsky was funded by Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild Agent in the US.  Warren Commission member John J. McCloy was a hairdresser for the Schiff Family in Bar Harbor, Maine. The Schiff Family shared a residence with the Rothschilds in Germany.  Schiff's interest was ostensibly to overthrow the Tsar in Russia who was allegedly murdering the Jewish population, but the Tsar's in Russia had been historically enemies of the Rothschilds.  Tsar Alexander I, blocked the Rothschild's plan for World Government in the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Tsar Alexander II for siding with US President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War (using the Russian Navy for a Blockade of Confederate / British Trade), and to confiscate the wealth of the wealthiest family in the world, the Romanov's (the Rothschild's primary advisory throughout history up until 1917).  After leading the execution of the Romanov's, the Rothschilds became the wealthiest family.  They hosted the Paris Peace Conference after WWI, which Warren Commission Member Allen Dulles attended, and Lord Balfour addressed "Lord Rothschild" and granted Palestine as a homeland for the Zionists.  The Rothschilds had their own country.  President Kennedy had denied Israel from gaining nuclear technology and demanded inspections of their Nuclear Plant in Dimona.  Attorney Robert Kennedy demanded that the Israeli Lobby file as a foreign agent and prohibited them from contributing to US political elections. 

The Rothschild Cartel has been preying on the United States for generations.  Their first network in the United States were the Boston Brahmins engaged in the British East India Company including the Cabot and Lodge Families.  This network was engaged in the slave and opium trade.  The vessel the Sons of Liberty boarded in the Boston Tea Party was owned by George Cabot, who was a trader for the British East India Company (BEIC).  The BEIC was exempted from paying the Tax levied on Tea, which was found to be unfair to patriots like John Hancock who traded with the Dutch.  Later, during the War of 1812, these British Loyalists tried to sabotage the United States and were called Blue Lights providing aid to the British.  George Cabot actually led a delegation called the Essex Junto at the Hartford Conference in 1814 to have New England succeed from the Union. This plot was exposed by Matthew Carey in his pamphlet, the Olive Branch, which was the second most read publication only behind the Bible for many years. President Andrew Jackson fought with Rothschild Agents, the Biddles and was successful kicking them out, calling them a "Den of Vipers" that he vowed to rout out.  Rothschild Agents in the North and South were said to have agitated and used the slavery issue to cause Civil War. The Rothschilds then offered extremely high interest rates for borrowing to Abraham Lincoln, who described the bankers as the more evil foe than the Confederates.  President Lincoln was advised by his economic advisor Henry Carey (Matthew Carey's grandson) to not accept the Rothschild's terms and to create their own currency, the American Greenback.  Henry Carey created the American System Economy which was insulated by a protective tariff.  During this period, cities were built, the infrastructure was laid and the Nation became wealthy.  Over time, the Rothschilds used their agents in the US to work together as a cartel to control infrastructure and industry, natural resources, the Press and the representatives in Government. Their tactics were exposed when a document called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was uncovered.  This document, which was claimed to be a forgery by Warren Commission Member Allen Dulles, outlined the strategy to control populations through manipulation, propaganda, bribery, corruption, etc.   This cartel was called the Illuminati and was founded in 1776 in Bavaria, Germany by Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt who's goal was to empower the Rothschild interests through creating a permanent sphere of influence power structure.  This British East India (known as "the Company") had their arm in the United States as the Boston Brahmin became the original Eastern Establishment.  The opium business that was controlled and based in Newburyport, MA by the Perkin's Family was later sold to Russell Family of Middletown, CT.  The Russell Family founded the Skull and Bones Fraternity at Yale University based on a similar fraternity one of the Russells was exposed to in Bavaria, Germany. The majority of the founders in the CIA came from the Skull and Bones Fraternity, and the CIA later became known as "the Company".  Other Illuminati members from Newburyport, MA were Caleb Cushing, a member of the British East India Company's Opium and Slave Trade, as well as Attorney General under pro-slavery President Franklin Pierce (who the Bush Family is related to), who also was part of the "Mystic Krewe of Comus" said to have been involved in many assassinations of US Presidents, as well as Albert Pike, an illuminati member who became a Confederate General, found guilty of Treason and was pardoned by Abraham Lincoln's successor, President Andrew Johnson. Albert Pike was said to have been a colleague of fellow Illuminati Member Giusseppi Mazzini, who was said to have founded the Mafia in 1860.

This Illuminati has tried for generations to be the most powerful imperial force, create a world government and world bank financial system as well as a mentality among their power structure that they had the natural law through natural order to correct any misdirection that the masses of population caused.  They created self serving pseudosciences such as Eugenics where they went as far as pushing for sterilization of the "feebleminded".  They believed in what Plato termed "Noble Lies" where they could justify false flags, Propaganda lies, Assassinations, Coup D'etats, etc.  The Rockefeller and Dulles Families were major Eugenics supporters as were the Harrimans (who supported and partnered with both the Bush and Clinton Families). One of the character witnesses of Michael and Ruth Paine were the Osborns.  Frederick Osborn Jr, one of the witnesses was the son of the leader of the American Eugenics Society, Frederick Osborn Senior, who was a close associate of the Rockefellers and the Dulles.  Allen Dulles never disclosed his relationship with Frederick Osborn Senior as neither did the Rockefellers during the Rockefeller Commission.  Frederick Osborn Sr also was involved with his cousin Henry Fairfield Osborn who with the Rockefellers, Prince Philip of Great Britain and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, created the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).  The WWF was the parent of Permindex, the group that Attorney James Garrison identified as being involved in the Assassination of President Kennedy. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands along with David Rockefeller founded the Bilderberg Group. Currently, President Obama works in the office of the WWF, which is said to be a Rothschild concern.  Also, Lee Harvey Oswald had in his possession the address and name of Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, a leader in the American Eugenics Society, whom Allen Dulles would have known through his families support of the Society, having the Eugenics Records Office funded by the Harrimans and Rockefellers erected on the Dulles Estate.  The closeness of ideology of the American Eugenics with Nazi Germany' ethnic cleansing could not be understated.  John Foster Dulles represented Brown Brothers Harriman, Dillon Read, Kuhn Loeb, and other interests in the Rothschild Cartel in the financing of Adolf Hitler's rise to power through their networks with Nazi industrialist I.G. Farben.  Warren Commission Member John J. McCloy actually sat in the same press box as Adolf Hitler at the Munich Olympics.  Prescott Bush and Averell Harriman had their Union Banking Company seized for violating "Trading with the Enemy Act" for their dealings with Nazi's during the War  The Rockefeller's Standard Oil was caught providing patents for tetraethyl gasoline to the Nazi's during WWII.  Warren Commission Member John J. McCloy was associated with IG Farben, who's main plant was at Auschwitz.  When reports came in that Auschwitz was a death camp, McCloy blocked attempts to bomb the railways leading to it.  It is astounding that individuals who were guilty of Treason during WWII were able to preside over the Investigation of the Assassination of President Kennedy two decades later. It was amazing that this Cartel was not found guilty of Treason for trying to overthrow FDR in the Business Plot in 1933.  Eleanor Roosevelt actually wrote to John J. McCloy who was representing Nazi interests during the Nuremberg Trials asking him why he was letting so many Nazis go free.  Warren Commission Member Allen Dulles enlisted numerous ex Nazi Intelligence Officers to join the CIA ostensibly to help in efforts against the USSR. 

One major vein of connections in the JFK Assassination involved Radio Propaganda and Psychological Operations which were involved in Coup D'etats in Guatemala and the attempted Coup in Cuba as well as Radio Free Europe which was created by the National Committee for a Free Europe, founded by Allen Dulles and others including Henry Luce. Radio Free Europe was founded by Allen Dulles and Dimitri VonMohrenschildt, the brother of George DeMohrenshildt, a close friend of Lee Harvey Oswald and George H.W. Bush.  George DeMohrenshildt's family were White Russians who worked for the Nobel Family's Oil interests in Russia.  It was unrealistic that he would be friend with Lee Harvey Oswald, the self proclaimed Lenin-Marxist. Priscilla Johnson McMillan was someone with a very coincidental background including her application to the CIA where on her file, it states that she would be helpful as a propaganda tool.  On her way to Soviet Russia, she stopped at a Radio Free Europe Office, and while in Russia, randomly meets Lee Harvey Oswald and interviews him.  After the Assassination, she becomes close friends of Marina Oswald, Lee's wife. 

The vein of connections related to Radio Propaganda intertwines with that of the United Fruit Company, a CIA front company.  Warren Commissioners John J. McCloy and Allen Dulles, along with John Foster Dulles (Secretary of State) as well as John Moors Cabot and Thomas Dudley Cabot were leaders of the United Fruit Company (UFCO).  Guatemala had democratically elected Jacobo Arebenz as their President, who later expelled the UFCO, who owned 40 percent of their arable land and abused many of their workers.  The United States CIA was involved in a covert black operation called "Operation Success" where they used radio propaganda to stage a fake invasion which sent the President into exile.  The radio transmissions were organized by the CIA's David Atlee Phillips at "Radio Swan" on Swan Island (just off the coast of Honduras) which was owned by the United Fruit Company.  The United Fruit Company's Swan Island was also used for radio transmissions during the Bay of Pigs.  The boats used in the Bay of Pigs Invasion could not be US Navy because it was a black operation, they were actually UFCO's ships owned by John Moors Cabot, who was Michael Paine's older cousin / uncle.  John Moors Cabot was a personal friend and worked for Nelson Rockefeller in the CIA's InterAmerican Affairs.  Thomas Dudley Cabot was the brother of John Moors Cabot and was also a leader in the UFCO, and was a personal friend and sailing partner of David Rockefeller.  David Rockefeller, Thomas Dudley Cabot and C. Douglas Dillon were all on the Board of Overseers at Harvard University.  C. Douglas Dillon was the Secretary of the Treasury, the man whom limousine driver, Secret Service Agent William Greer reported to at the time of the Assassination.  Now, all being on the Board of the UFCO, Warren Commission Members Allen Dulles and John J. McCloy had to have been on a first name basis with two of Michael Paine's uncles, Thomas Dudley Cabot and John Moors Cabot and they never disclosed this as they should have.  In a court of law, it would have been considered legal malpractice by John J. McCloy and Allen Dulles, two lawyers who would have known the law.  Even in the Rockefeller Commission, both David and Nelson Rockefeller were very, very close with Michael Paine's older cousins/ uncles and would likewise have been required to disclose their relationship as well as their close boyhood relationship with Michael Paine's father, George Lyman Paine.  These facts point more to a cover up than a coincidence.  The coincidence is far fetched.  Another point beyond coincidence was that Allen Dulles had a long time mistress named Mary Bancroft, who was a very close friend of Michael Paine's mother, Ruth Forbes Paine.  There are simply too many connections that went undisclosed. 

The consequence of having a Coup D'etat is that the remaining power structure is poisoned with a very, very dark secret, the preservation of which becomes it's organizing principle. We have had decades of War and the Military Industrial Complex has been more enriched than anything that Brigadier General Smedley Butler or even President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about.  Since the Assassination, we have had LBJ, who hand picked the Warren Commission, President Richard Nixon, who was ousted in a political coup involving the Watergate Burglary which is said to have been influence by the JFK Assassination Coverup as alluded to in the taped "the whole Bay of Pigs".  Then you had Warren Commissioner Gerald Ford as President, who had multiple assassination attempts which would have put Nelson Rockefeller into office.  After Ford, you had President Reagan, who was a member of the Rockefeller Commission which investigated the JFK Assassination.  Then you had President George H.W. Bush who was the CIA Director who blocked the flow of information of the CIA to the HSCA by the CIA's George Joannides, the man who directly ran the group that LHO was involved in.  Then you had Bill Clinton, who had driven Warren Commission Member Hale Boggs to the airport in a flight that crashed killing him.  Hale Boggs became an outspoken critic of the Warren Commission saying he wished he had never signed it.  After Clinton you had George H.W. Bush's son, George W. Bush and after him came President Obama, who's Attorney General, Eric Holder was a former lawyer for the United Fruit Company (Chiquita Banana). Again, Barack Obama works in the office of the World Wildlife Fund, a group founded by Eugenics supporters, a group that parented the Permindex organization that Attorney General James Garrison had identified as being involved in the Assassination and a Rothschild concern. Today, we have Donald Trump, who failed to release all of the concealed government documents of the JFK Assassination even though it was over 50 years ago, on the basis of National Security. 

The Office of Psychological Warfare,which was the epicenter of this black operation began with George Joannides and David Atlee Phillips, a man that Antonio Veciana wrote in an Affidavit 50 years after the Assassination that he had been at a meeting with (David Atlee Phillips and Lee Harvey Oswald).  Twenty years ago Antonio Veciana refused to answer any questions on the matter because he said that the was shot in the head.  Psychological Operations went into a very, very dark chapter from their already dark chapters including the MK Ultra of creating mind controlled assets to Operation Mockingbird where they had plants in all the major news publications, to drug trafficking using coffins of G.I.'s.  One honest  investigator who discovered this illegal activity was Dr. Jeffrey McDonald who was stationed at the Presidio Base in San Francisco, CA.  After his discovery he was said to have been framed for murdering his wife and children.  A former FBI Chief of California, Ted Gunderson was asked to defend Dr. McDonald and through his investigation discovered that there was a satanic ritualistic abuse network at the Presidio day care facilities and through questioning of witnesses gathered that the murder of Dr. McDonald's children and wife were by a Satanic Cult operating at the Presidio. A leader in Psychological Operations at the Presidio at the time, who later became a Lt. Colonel was named Michael Aquino, who was the head of the Church of Set (or the Church of Satan.). According to former FBI Chief of California, Ted Gunderson, there was a large network of child kidnapping, child trafficking (the Finders Program), satanic ritualistic abuse involving prominent public officials, politicians, etc. who were often lured into the activity for the purpose of being blackmailed and compromised. Gunderson investigated the drug trafficking through Mena, Arkansas involving both President George H.W. Bush and then Governor Bill Clinton during the Iran Contra Affair. Gunderson spoke about the Franklin Coverup, which was a major child trafficking and abuse ring that was exposed in Omaha, Nebraska when 80 children came forward an identified Lawrence King, the man who sang the National Anthem at two Republican National Conventions as the man who abused them.  A State Senator named John DeCamp led the investigation of this major child abuse scandal and had it stopped on the grounds of National Security. 

We have had National Security used as the reason why we can not find out the details of the murder of our beloved President and for the investigation of ritualistic child abuse. 

We, today have to listen to President Kennedy's warnings about a vast conspiracy that is threatening us, and think that today, if he was murdered in a Coup D'etat, how the current power structure and line of succession since then would have have to be configured in order to preserve that very poisonous secret.  Think about how many lies have been told to us that have caused us to enter wars and invade areas around the world.  President Kennedy wanted the United States to lead the way in helping burgeoning democracies flourish so we would have more friends in the world, and we have let our CIA conduct so many black operations that have disrupted so many regions causing resentment of our Nation.  It took over 150 years before our Nation came to terms with the fact that we had conducted genocide of the Native Americans, it shouldn't take 150 years to come to terms that we had a Coup D'etat in 1963.

JFK Assassination Forum

Coup D'etat in 1963
« on: February 12, 2018, 12:58:32 AM »

Offline Chris Douglas

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Re: Coup D'etat in 1963
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2018, 01:51:25 AM »
Tremendous post Mr.Pesa... I've nothing to add to it but I do look forward to any replies to the contrary.

So many interesting points, the timeline of events is a sad narrative of our country, all the way up to and including the horrible kidnappings and killings of innocent children. I remember that case involving McDonald, there was a movie about him and his case, I didn't realize he was connected (possibly), to the other things mentioned.

Again, thank you for this post, well done..!!

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Coup D'etat in 1963
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2018, 03:50:47 AM »

A tremendous post alright. The Rothschild Cartel conspiracy theory. The good old Illuminati conspiracy theory. Tremendous is the word for it. Wacky is the word that best describes it.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Coup D'etat in 1963
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2018, 03:50:47 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Coup D'etat in 1963
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2018, 12:56:43 PM »
The Warren Commission Report framed the couple that Lee Harvey Oswald was staying with just prior to the Assassination, Michael and Ruth Paine, as some random Quaker family that were Good Samaritans, with the wife, Ruth, wanting to learn the language of our Cold War enemy as a hobby (because learning Russian must have been useful living in Texas.)

Any investigation should have started with how Lee Harvey Oswald got himself into his alleged position and if there were any unusual circumstances that put President John F. Kennedy(JFK) into his vulnerable position in Dealey Plaza (being without adequate protection in a limousine that slowed down during the shooting.) The Paine's should have been been put under the same scrutiny as Mary Surratt, the woman who John Wilkes Booth was staying with prior to killing President Abraham Lincoln.  This should be the starting point of departure of the investigation of the Assassination of JFK, how these two men's fate converged.

Today, as historians, we can connect a lot of dots.  In fact, the first background story that came to light on Lee Harvey Oswald came from Clare Boothe Luce, the wife of Henry Luce, the man who ended up purchasing the Abraham Zapruder Film showing the sequence of the limousine during the shooting.  Clare Boothe Luce was directly related to John Wilkes Booth.  Clare Boothe Luce was one of Allen Dulles's mistresses (the former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) whom JFK fired for the poorly advising JFK during the Bay of Pigs failed overthrow of Fidel Castro in Cuba.  The source Clare Boothe Luce's story was the Cuban Student Directorate, a group funded by the CIA and handled directly by the CIA's Chief of Psychological Warfare based in Miami, FL, George Joannides. This Cuban Student Directorate was the group that Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) was involved with handing out leaflets for in conjunction with Guy Banister, an FBI contract agent involved in sheep dipping and infiltrating radical groups, gun running and government black operations. In the late 1970's the US Government reopened the Investigation of the Assassination of President Kennedy in the House Select Committee on Assassination (HSCA), and the CIA (then led by CIA Director George HW Bush) put George Joannides in charge of filtering all information from the CIA to the HSCA. George HW Bush, a man with supposedly no Intelligence experience was appointed as Director of the CIA by President Gerald Ford, who was also a Warren Commission Member hand picked by Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ), the successor of JFK.  The CIA's George Joannides never disclosed that he, himself directly funded the group that LHO was involved in, that it was a CIA funded group, and this CIA funded group provided the the backstory on LHO to Clare Boothe Luce, the former mistress of former CIA Director, Allen Dulles (another political enemy of the Kennedys), the man that JFK had fired, now hand picked by LBJ for the Warren Commission to review the FBI's investigation led by J. Edgar Hoover (LBJ's close friend and neighbor, and also a political enemy of the Kennedy's). We now have a released memo by J. Edgar Hoover dated one week after the Assassination where he writes that he was informed by informants in Miami familiar with AntiCastro Cubans about their reaction to the Assassination, and that this information was furnished by the CIA's George Bush.  Again, George HW Bush, a man who used to dine with Allen Dulles and his family, and had his company Zapata Oil's oil rigs used as "listening posts" during the CIA's Bay of Pigs Invasion, denied having any prior dealings with the CIA before being appointed as Director by a former Warren Commission Member Gerald Ford, and Bush appoints the handler of the CIA front group that LHO is involved with (who is based in Miami) to filter all CIA information to the HSCA while not disclosing his dealings with the group he handled directly involving Lee Harvey Oswald. Now, on the cover of Life Magazine, which was owned by Henry Luce, a personal friend of Allen Dulles and the husband of Clare Boothe Luce (Dulles's mistress) was the cover story "The Bobby Baker Bombshell" the investigation of LBJ's bagman, Bobby Baker and corruption at the highest levels. Attorney General Robert Kennedy was investigating the dirty dealings of LBJ.  The day of the Assassination, former US President Richard Nixon was reported in the Dallas Morning News to have said that President Kennedy was going to dump LBJ in 1964.  This is important because LBJ, the successor of JFK, the man who hand picked the Warren Commission was in a situation prior to the Assassination where he not only feared being removed from the Presidential ticket in 1964, but could actually face prosecution from Robert Kennedy, a common political enemy as was his friend and neighbor, J. Edgar Hoover. And as far as the limousine driver who actually slowed down during the shooting, his former employer was the family of Henry Cabot Lodge Jr, another political enemy of JFK, the individual who JFK unseated in the US Senate as Massachusetts Senator and was Richard Nixon's running mate in 1960.  JFK had essentially taken away this man's political future at the highest levels.  Henry Cabot Lodge later becomes Ambassador to South Vietnam and a major proponent of the Vietnam War, a War that JFK was trying to prevent the United States from engaging in, a policy that LBJ reversed almost immediately after the Assassination. 

Without having to look under any rocks, what lays at our open view are major, major red flags of collusion, conspiracy where the successor to JFK, President Johnson, the primary investigator of the Assassination, J. Edgar Hoover as well as Warren Commission Member, Allen Dulles, to even the limousine driver who slowed down during the shooting were major political enemies of President Kennedy (when the limousine driver William Greer's brother was asked if his brother liked JFK, his response was "we are Methodists and he was a Catholic." Prior to working for JFK's political enemy, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr's Family, William Greer worked for Franklin Quimby Brown, a Rockefeller Associate in the railroad industry who was appointed to the National Security League, a group that promoted intervention during World War I who also laid the groundwork for the National Security Act, which created the Central Intelligence Agency later in 1947.  After World War I, the most decorated US Marine, Brigadier Smedley Butler wrote a book called "War is a Racket" where he exposed major corporations who were war profiteers and challenged the notion that the United States Military should be used for interventions overseas that had had nothing to do with our National Security or Interest and only helped investment banks and international corporations.  Brigadier General Smedley Butler also exposed a Fascist Plot to overthrow then US President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, where he was approached by JP Morgan bankers, individuals representing Remmington Arms and Dupont as well as the newly formed National Liberty League.  It seems far fetched today to believe that this was possible, but major nations like Italy, Spain, Germany and others had representative governments fall to Fascist regimes all during that same timeframe, and Brigadier General Smedley Butler was a man of the highest courage and integrity, so he certainly is a source worthy of our trust. Remmington Arms, on the other hand, sold the majority of arms to both sides during World War I.  Millions of Remmington rounds were found in the hull of the sunk Luisitania, the incident which turned the noninterventionist sentiment to active support for England during WWI.  The money lent to England during WWI was funded through JP Morgan's banks who were able to profit on the interest.  Just prior to WWI, JP Morgan (the US representative of the Rothschild interests) gathered together the most influential bankers to his private estate on Jekyl Island where they hatched out the plan to privatize and control the US Monetary system (the establishment of the US Federal Reserve.). To balance the issuance of money they would put into circulation and profit through interest, they created the Federal Income Tax to put US Taxpayers on the hook for monies borrowed and lent out by the Federal Reserve. Within 25 years of the creation of the Federal Reserve, we saw two World Wars where the enemies of this Central Banking Cartel were destroyed, and this Central Banking Cartel got rich. during the entire process and controlled the Propaganda the entire way through in buying newspapers, controlling their content i.e. the CIA's Operation Mockingbird, staging false flag attacks, organizing black operations, Coup D'etat's, etc. What their propaganda agent could not sell in the Press to the American Public, they used the CIA for in black operations.  They were experts in controlling the Press, manipulating the population through Propaganda, conducting Coup D'etats, character assassinations, etc.  This Banking Cartel had its reach into the brain trusts of major universities, the Press, and they even set up the Council on Foreign Relations which was essentially a Sphere of Influence that was used to promote individuals who supported essentially Imperialism led by this Cartel.  At the very core of the motivation to assassinate President Kennedy was President Kennedy's belief in his fellow human beings to elect leaders and to let the democratic process flourish around the Globe and to cultivate partnerships with representative governments.  In opposition of this belief was this Imperial Cartel that sought to hand pick leaders themselves and destroy any democratic leader that stood in their way.  In the time prior to JFK as President, the CIA had overthrown democratically elected leaders in Guatemala, Iran, the assassination of Patrice Lumumba in the Congo and later were involved in several others, including empowering and arming Saddam Hussein, Manuel Noriega, the Taliban, etc. President Kennedy was against Colonialism.  President Roosevelt also believed in representative governments and was against Colonialism and challenged Winston Churchill on British Imperialism in the Atlantic Charter Conference.  Because Imperialism was the interest of the most powerful in the US, the same interests that tried to overthrow FDR in a Coup D'etat, the dirty work conducted on its behalf was outside the political sentiment of the US citizens and therefore had to be conducted by the fourth branch of the US Military, the CIA.  Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty wrote in his book "The Secret Team" about how the CIA got resources from other branches of the US Military.  The CIA created cutout organizations and contractors like Air America to conduct many of their missions (one Air America Pilot, Barry Seal, worked as a CIA reconnaissance pilot who was involved in drug trafficking during the Iran Contra Affair Bary Seal.  Barry Seal was in the same Louisiana Civil Air Patrol with Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferrie, which was founded by D.H. Byrd, the owner of the Texas School Book Depository as well as the founder of CIA contractor of reconnaissance equipment, Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV). LTV was the employer of LBJ's hitman Malcolm Wallace, who's fingerprint was found on one of the boxes in the sniper's nest at the Texas School Book Depository. Lee Harvey Oswald also worked in top secret reconnaissance being stationed in Astugi, Japan, the base that launched U-2 spy planes over the Soviet Union during the Cold War. U-2 Francis Gary Powers believed that Lee Harvey Oswald was involved in passing along information to the Soviet Union that compromised him an led to him being shot down.  Today, we need to ask ourselves, how an individual stationed at one of the most sensitive top secret U-2 spy plane bases involved in reconnaissance, who later defects to the USSR would ever be able to be let back into the US, and how would he later end up working in a building owned by a major CIA reconnaissance contractor, D.H. Byrd, and then murdered by Jack Ruby, also with a history in US Military Reconnaissance?

At this point, when a critical mass of "coincidences" seems unlikely, the overwhelming sense of denial and cognitive dissonance kicks in.  How could something so powerful and out of control go unchecked for so long? One must then consider that three United States Presidents warned of the undue influence of the Central Intelligence Agency / Military Industrial Complex in a matter of three years.  In 1960, President Dwight Eisenhower warned of the Military Industrial Complex's undue influence and that the US Citizens needed to be vigilantly watchful of them.  US President John F. Kennedy said that he was going to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the wind.  Within a week of the Assassination of President Kennedy, President Harry Truman wrote a letter to the Press warning of the abuses of the CIA and how the CIA was involved in activities that were beyond its intended purposes.  Beyond that, President Kennedy spoke directly to the Press warning them of an all encompassing Monolithic Conspiracy that organized major aspects of our life.  Three contemporaries of JFK who also spoke of a grand conspiracy were Myron Fagan who wrote "The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations" which outlined the activities of the House of Rothschild led Illuminati.  William Guy Carr wrote "Pawns in the Game" in 1958 and "Red Fog over America" where he claimed that International Communism and International Capitalism are controlled by the same powers majorly controlled by the Rothschild and Rockefeller interests.  Benjamin Freedman was another individual who came forward and exposed the same cartel's conspiracy in a speech at the Willard Hotel in Washington D.C. in 1961.  The concern was that President Kennedy warned of a grand global conspiracy, while contemporaries warned about a same grand global conspiracy identifying Rockefeller and Rothschild as the head, and then we see two Rockefeller lawyers appointed to the Warren Commission.  Then, after more and more inconsistencies arose regarding the JFK Assassination, President Nixon appointed Nelson Rockefeller to conduct a Rockefeller Commission to address them.  Nelson Rockefeller, like Warren Commissioner Allen Dulles also had multiple connections to principals of the case that he did not disclose.  Interestingly, Warren Commission Member John J. McCloy, a Rockefeller lawyer taught the Rockefeller boys how to sail while in Bar Harbor, Maine.  The Rockefeller boys were close boyhood friends of George Lyman Paine, who they sailed together with off of Sutton Island (Bar Harbor, Maine.). George Lyman Paine was Michael Paine's father.  George Lyman Paine was also a close friend of Leon Trotsky.  Trotsky was funded by Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild Agent in the US.  Warren Commission member John J. McCloy was a hairdresser for the Schiff Family in Bar Harbor, Maine. The Schiff Family shared a residence with the Rothschilds in Germany.  Schiff's interest was ostensibly to overthrow the Tsar in Russia who was allegedly murdering the Jewish population, but the Tsar's in Russia had been historically enemies of the Rothschilds.  Tsar Alexander I, blocked the Rothschild's plan for World Government in the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Tsar Alexander II for siding with US President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War (using the Russian Navy for a Blockade of Confederate / British Trade), and to confiscate the wealth of the wealthiest family in the world, the Romanov's (the Rothschild's primary advisory throughout history up until 1917).  After leading the execution of the Romanov's, the Rothschilds became the wealthiest family.  They hosted the Paris Peace Conference after WWI, which Warren Commission Member Allen Dulles attended, and Lord Balfour addressed "Lord Rothschild" and granted Palestine as a homeland for the Zionists.  The Rothschilds had their own country.  President Kennedy had denied Israel from gaining nuclear technology and demanded inspections of their Nuclear Plant in Dimona.  Attorney Robert Kennedy demanded that the Israeli Lobby file as a foreign agent and prohibited them from contributing to US political elections. 

The Rothschild Cartel has been preying on the United States for generations.  Their first network in the United States were the Boston Brahmins engaged in the British East India Company including the Cabot and Lodge Families.  This network was engaged in the slave and opium trade.  The vessel the Sons of Liberty boarded in the Boston Tea Party was owned by George Cabot, who was a trader for the British East India Company (BEIC).  The BEIC was exempted from paying the Tax levied on Tea, which was found to be unfair to patriots like John Hancock who traded with the Dutch.  Later, during the War of 1812, these British Loyalists tried to sabotage the United States and were called Blue Lights providing aid to the British.  George Cabot actually led a delegation called the Essex Junto at the Hartford Conference in 1814 to have New England succeed from the Union. This plot was exposed by Matthew Carey in his pamphlet, the Olive Branch, which was the second most read publication only behind the Bible for many years. President Andrew Jackson fought with Rothschild Agents, the Biddles and was successful kicking them out, calling them a "Den of Vipers" that he vowed to rout out.  Rothschild Agents in the North and South were said to have agitated and used the slavery issue to cause Civil War. The Rothschilds then offered extremely high interest rates for borrowing to Abraham Lincoln, who described the bankers as the more evil foe than the Confederates.  President Lincoln was advised by his economic advisor Henry Carey (Matthew Carey's grandson) to not accept the Rothschild's terms and to create their own currency, the American Greenback.  Henry Carey created the American System Economy which was insulated by a protective tariff.  During this period, cities were built, the infrastructure was laid and the Nation became wealthy.  Over time, the Rothschilds used their agents in the US to work together as a cartel to control infrastructure and industry, natural resources, the Press and the representatives in Government. Their tactics were exposed when a document called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was uncovered.  This document, which was claimed to be a forgery by Warren Commission Member Allen Dulles, outlined the strategy to control populations through manipulation, propaganda, bribery, corruption, etc.   This cartel was called the Illuminati and was founded in 1776 in Bavaria, Germany by Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt who's goal was to empower the Rothschild interests through creating a permanent sphere of influence power structure.  This British East India (known as "the Company") had their arm in the United States as the Boston Brahmin became the original Eastern Establishment.  The opium business that was controlled and based in Newburyport, MA by the Perkin's Family was later sold to Russell Family of Middletown, CT.  The Russell Family founded the Skull and Bones Fraternity at Yale University based on a similar fraternity one of the Russells was exposed to in Bavaria, Germany. The majority of the founders in the CIA came from the Skull and Bones Fraternity, and the CIA later became known as "the Company".  Other Illuminati members from Newburyport, MA were Caleb Cushing, a member of the British East India Company's Opium and Slave Trade, as well as Attorney General under pro-slavery President Franklin Pierce (who the Bush Family is related to), who also was part of the "Mystic Krewe of Comus" said to have been involved in many assassinations of US Presidents, as well as Albert Pike, an illuminati member who became a Confederate General, found guilty of Treason and was pardoned by Abraham Lincoln's successor, President Andrew Johnson. Albert Pike was said to have been a colleague of fellow Illuminati Member Giusseppi Mazzini, who was said to have founded the Mafia in 1860.

This Illuminati has tried for generations to be the most powerful imperial force, create a world government and world bank financial system as well as a mentality among their power structure that they had the natural law through natural order to correct any misdirection that the masses of population caused.  They created self serving pseudosciences such as Eugenics where they went as far as pushing for sterilization of the "feebleminded".  They believed in what Plato termed "Noble Lies" where they could justify false flags, Propaganda lies, Assassinations, Coup D'etats, etc.  The Rockefeller and Dulles Families were major Eugenics supporters as were the Harrimans (who supported and partnered with both the Bush and Clinton Families). One of the character witnesses of Michael and Ruth Paine were the Osborns.  Frederick Osborn Jr, one of the witnesses was the son of the leader of the American Eugenics Society, Frederick Osborn Senior, who was a close associate of the Rockefellers and the Dulles.  Allen Dulles never disclosed his relationship with Frederick Osborn Senior as neither did the Rockefellers during the Rockefeller Commission.  Frederick Osborn Sr also was involved with his cousin Henry Fairfield Osborn who with the Rockefellers, Prince Philip of Great Britain and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, created the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).  The WWF was the parent of Permindex, the group that Attorney James Garrison identified as being involved in the Assassination of President Kennedy. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands along with David Rockefeller founded the Bilderberg Group. Currently, President Obama works in the office of the WWF, which is said to be a Rothschild concern.  Also, Lee Harvey Oswald had in his possession the address and name of Dr. H. Warner Kloepfer, a leader in the American Eugenics Society, whom Allen Dulles would have known through his families support of the Society, having the Eugenics Records Office funded by the Harrimans and Rockefellers erected on the Dulles Estate.  The closeness of ideology of the American Eugenics with Nazi Germany' ethnic cleansing could not be understated.  John Foster Dulles represented Brown Brothers Harriman, Dillon Read, Kuhn Loeb, and other interests in the Rothschild Cartel in the financing of Adolf Hitler's rise to power through their networks with Nazi industrialist I.G. Farben.  Warren Commission Member John J. McCloy actually sat in the same press box as Adolf Hitler at the Munich Olympics.  Prescott Bush and Averell Harriman had their Union Banking Company seized for violating "Trading with the Enemy Act" for their dealings with Nazi's during the War  The Rockefeller's Standard Oil was caught providing patents for tetraethyl gasoline to the Nazi's during WWII.  Warren Commission Member John J. McCloy was associated with IG Farben, who's main plant was at Auschwitz.  When reports came in that Auschwitz was a death camp, McCloy blocked attempts to bomb the railways leading to it.  It is astounding that individuals who were guilty of Treason during WWII were able to preside over the Investigation of the Assassination of President Kennedy two decades later. It was amazing that this Cartel was not found guilty of Treason for trying to overthrow FDR in the Business Plot in 1933.  Eleanor Roosevelt actually wrote to John J. McCloy who was representing Nazi interests during the Nuremberg Trials asking him why he was letting so many Nazis go free.  Warren Commission Member Allen Dulles enlisted numerous ex Nazi Intelligence Officers to join the CIA ostensibly to help in efforts against the USSR. 

One major vein of connections in the JFK Assassination involved Radio Propaganda and Psychological Operations which were involved in Coup D'etats in Guatemala and the attempted Coup in Cuba as well as Radio Free Europe which was created by the National Committee for a Free Europe, founded by Allen Dulles and others including Henry Luce. Radio Free Europe was founded by Allen Dulles and Dimitri VonMohrenschildt, the brother of George DeMohrenshildt, a close friend of Lee Harvey Oswald and George H.W. Bush.  George DeMohrenshildt's family were White Russians who worked for the Nobel Family's Oil interests in Russia.  It was unrealistic that he would be friend with Lee Harvey Oswald, the self proclaimed Lenin-Marxist. Priscilla Johnson McMillan was someone with a very coincidental background including her application to the CIA where on her file, it states that she would be helpful as a propaganda tool.  On her way to Soviet Russia, she stopped at a Radio Free Europe Office, and while in Russia, randomly meets Lee Harvey Oswald and interviews him.  After the Assassination, she becomes close friends of Marina Oswald, Lee's wife. 

The vein of connections related to Radio Propaganda intertwines with that of the United Fruit Company, a CIA front company.  Warren Commissioners John J. McCloy and Allen Dulles, along with John Foster Dulles (Secretary of State) as well as John Moors Cabot and Thomas Dudley Cabot were leaders of the United Fruit Company (UFCO).  Guatemala had democratically elected Jacobo Arebenz as their President, who later expelled the UFCO, who owned 40 percent of their arable land and abused many of their workers.  The United States CIA was involved in a covert black operation called "Operation Success" where they used radio propaganda to stage a fake invasion which sent the President into exile.  The radio transmissions were organized by the CIA's David Atlee Phillips at "Radio Swan" on Swan Island (just off the coast of Honduras) which was owned by the United Fruit Company.  The United Fruit Company's Swan Island was also used for radio transmissions during the Bay of Pigs.  The boats used in the Bay of Pigs Invasion could not be US Navy because it was a black operation, they were actually UFCO's ships owned by John Moors Cabot, who was Michael Paine's older cousin / uncle.  John Moors Cabot was a personal friend and worked for Nelson Rockefeller in the CIA's InterAmerican Affairs.  Thomas Dudley Cabot was the brother of John Moors Cabot and was also a leader in the UFCO, and was a personal friend and sailing partner of David Rockefeller.  David Rockefeller, Thomas Dudley Cabot and C. Douglas Dillon were all on the Board of Overseers at Harvard University.  C. Douglas Dillon was the Secretary of the Treasury, the man whom limousine driver, Secret Service Agent William Greer reported to at the time of the Assassination.  Now, all being on the Board of the UFCO, Warren Commission Members Allen Dulles and John J. McCloy had to have been on a first name basis with two of Michael Paine's uncles, Thomas Dudley Cabot and John Moors Cabot and they never disclosed this as they should have.  In a court of law, it would have been considered legal malpractice by John J. McCloy and Allen Dulles, two lawyers who would have known the law.  Even in the Rockefeller Commission, both David and Nelson Rockefeller were very, very close with Michael Paine's older cousins/ uncles and would likewise have been required to disclose their relationship as well as their close boyhood relationship with Michael Paine's father, George Lyman Paine.  These facts point more to a cover up than a coincidence.  The coincidence is far fetched.  Another point beyond coincidence was that Allen Dulles had a long time mistress named Mary Bancroft, who was a very close friend of Michael Paine's mother, Ruth Forbes Paine.  There are simply too many connections that went undisclosed. 

The consequence of having a Coup D'etat is that the remaining power structure is poisoned with a very, very dark secret, the preservation of which becomes it's organizing principle. We have had decades of War and the Military Industrial Complex has been more enriched than anything that Brigadier General Smedley Butler or even President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about.  Since the Assassination, we have had LBJ, who hand picked the Warren Commission, President Richard Nixon, who was ousted in a political coup involving the Watergate Burglary which is said to have been influence by the JFK Assassination Coverup as alluded to in the taped "the whole Bay of Pigs".  Then you had Warren Commissioner Gerald Ford as President, who had multiple assassination attempts which would have put Nelson Rockefeller into office.  After Ford, you had President Reagan, who was a member of the Rockefeller Commission which investigated the JFK Assassination.  Then you had President George H.W. Bush who was the CIA Director who blocked the flow of information of the CIA to the HSCA by the CIA's George Joannides, the man who directly ran the group that LHO was involved in.  Then you had Bill Clinton, who had driven Warren Commission Member Hale Boggs to the airport in a flight that crashed killing him.  Hale Boggs became an outspoken critic of the Warren Commission saying he wished he had never signed it.  After Clinton you had George H.W. Bush's son, George W. Bush and after him came President Obama, who's Attorney General, Eric Holder was a former lawyer for the United Fruit Company (Chiquita Banana). Again, Barack Obama works in the office of the World Wildlife Fund, a group founded by Eugenics supporters, a group that parented the Permindex organization that Attorney General James Garrison had identified as being involved in the Assassination and a Rothschild concern. Today, we have Donald Trump, who failed to release all of the concealed government documents of the JFK Assassination even though it was over 50 years ago, on the basis of National Security. 

The Office of Psychological Warfare,which was the epicenter of this black operation began with George Joannides and David Atlee Phillips, a man that Antonio Veciana wrote in an Affidavit 50 years after the Assassination that he had been at a meeting with (David Atlee Phillips and Lee Harvey Oswald).  Twenty years ago Antonio Veciana refused to answer any questions on the matter because he said that the was shot in the head.  Psychological Operations went into a very, very dark chapter from their already dark chapters including the MK Ultra of creating mind controlled assets to Operation Mockingbird where they had plants in all the major news publications, to drug trafficking using coffins of G.I.'s.  One honest  investigator who discovered this illegal activity was Dr. Jeffrey McDonald who was stationed at the Presidio Base in San Francisco, CA.  After his discovery he was said to have been framed for murdering his wife and children.  A former FBI Chief of California, Ted Gunderson was asked to defend Dr. McDonald and through his investigation discovered that there was a satanic ritualistic abuse network at the Presidio day care facilities and through questioning of witnesses gathered that the murder of Dr. McDonald's children and wife were by a Satanic Cult operating at the Presidio. A leader in Psychological Operations at the Presidio at the time, who later became a Lt. Colonel was named Michael Aquino, who was the head of the Church of Set (or the Church of Satan.). According to former FBI Chief of California, Ted Gunderson, there was a large network of child kidnapping, child trafficking (the Finders Program), satanic ritualistic abuse involving prominent public officials, politicians, etc. who were often lured into the activity for the purpose of being blackmailed and compromised. Gunderson investigated the drug trafficking through Mena, Arkansas involving both President George H.W. Bush and then Governor Bill Clinton during the Iran Contra Affair. Gunderson spoke about the Franklin Coverup, which was a major child trafficking and abuse ring that was exposed in Omaha, Nebraska when 80 children came forward an identified Lawrence King, the man who sang the National Anthem at two Republican National Conventions as the man who abused them.  A State Senator named John DeCamp led the investigation of this major child abuse scandal and had it stopped on the grounds of National Security. 

We have had National Security used as the reason why we can not find out the details of the murder of our beloved President and for the investigation of ritualistic child abuse. 

We, today have to listen to President Kennedy's warnings about a vast conspiracy that is threatening us, and think that today, if he was murdered in a Coup D'etat, how the current power structure and line of succession since then would have have to be configured in order to preserve that very poisonous secret.  Think about how many lies have been told to us that have caused us to enter wars and invade areas around the world.  President Kennedy wanted the United States to lead the way in helping burgeoning democracies flourish so we would have more friends in the world, and we have let our CIA conduct so many black operations that have disrupted so many regions causing resentment of our Nation.  It took over 150 years before our Nation came to terms with the fact that we had conducted genocide of the Native Americans, it shouldn't take 150 years to come to terms that we had a Coup D'etat in 1963.

Any investigation should have started with how Lee Harvey Oswald got himself into his alleged position

WHY??.....Should any investigation have started with Lee Oswald?    Recall that a DPD officer had seen Lee Oswald just seconds after the murder and that officer, Marrion Baker, dismissed him immediately as a suspect.     

Offline Mike Orr

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Re: Coup D'etat in 1963
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2018, 01:58:13 AM »
Nathan Darby had a 34 point match on the print that turned out to be the print of Malcolm Wallace. Darby did not know that the print was Malcolm Wallace's print until the 34 point match was completed and found to be a match to Wallace. A "34" point match !!!!!!!!

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Re: Coup D'etat in 1963
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2018, 01:58:13 AM »

Offline John Anderson

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Re: Coup D'etat in 1963
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2018, 12:12:35 PM »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Coup D'etat in 1963
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2018, 02:24:00 PM »
A tremendous post alright. The Rothschild Cartel conspiracy theory. The good old Illuminati conspiracy theory. Tremendous is the word for it. Wacky is the word that best describes it.

I don't know what is more bizarre: the belief that all of these powerful groups run the world or the belief that all of these powerful groups had to kill JFK because he somehow threatened their power to rule the world.

They control the world but the only way to stop JFK was to kill him?

JFK was a moderate centrist on domestic issues and a believer that communism posed an existential threat to the West. Hardly the type of person these powerful groups would be worried about (of course, assuming, for the sake of the argument, that they do exist and wield the power these people believe they do).

« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 07:24:29 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

Offline Joe Mannix

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Re: Coup D'etat in 1963
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2018, 03:32:32 PM »
I don't know what is more bizarre: the belief that all of these powerful groups run the world or the belief that all of these powerful groups had to kill JFK because he somehow threatened their power to rule the world.

They control the world but the only way to stop JFK was to kill him?

JFK was a moderate centrist on domestic issues and a believer that communism posed an existential threat to the West. Hardly the type of person these powerful groups would be worried about.

The killing of JFK was to be blamed on Castro, justifying an invasion of Cuba.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Coup D'etat in 1963
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2018, 03:32:32 PM »