They knew from their closest ear witness Harold Norman, that 3 shots had been fired
They examined the Z-film and identified 223 and 313 as 2 shots fired in 4.8 sec
Will Fritz found 3 shells supposedly confirming their closest ear witness Harold Norman was not mistaken In having heard three shots
They could not dismiss the vast majority of witnesses who heard at least 3 shots
They had a problem which became apparent only AFTER the test firing of the MC rifle: It was IMPOSSIBLE to fire 3 shots in 4.8 sec and especially so,given ear witness describing last 2 shots heard “back to back”, or about 1 sec apart as per Lee Bowers
Since they had already been directed by LBJ and Hoover that the public must be convinced of no conspiracy and “Oswald is our man”, there could be no 2nd gunman
They had no choice but to conjure up some alternative explanations such as
1. The ear witnesses who heard 3 shots rapidly fired and the last 2 back to back were mistaken in their perception of time
2. Because of alternative no.1, therefore it is possible 3 shots were fired over a longer span of time
3. Given no.2 is possible then the 1st shot fired must have been at least about 2.5 sec prior to Z233 which is the necessary minimal time required for the bolt action cycle to reload and squeeze trigger.
4. Following from no.3 and adding a further observation of a quick turn of Jackie Kennedy’s head occurring about Z160-Z-170, yields the final WC proposal that 3 shots were fired in about 8.3 sec
However, this led to a new problem which was to explain the 1st shot fired at closest range resulting in a complete miss