Jerry, I was trying to communicate with "Ollie," hoping to warn him to reconsider collaborating with "Jim Di". I would be too uncomfortable to go to Dallas in last (or any) November because I have no friends attending, or any friends at all, except perhaps Mark Oblazney. IME, the more you know, the less certain you can afford to be, except about becoming increasingly cynical and disappointed.
I've been concerned since before the 2008 election that Obama is actually "deep state". If Obama's pick (the rest of the list at this link only reinforces my hunch about Obama) David Boren, didn't hire this 9/11 associated spook at the University David Boren headed, who did? BTW, I've never mixed 9/11 and Assassination of JFK in any post prior to this one. It always seemed counterproductive, but this is about names and verifiable facts associated with them, as was my comment at the link you posted (and seemed to make assumptions about me, from...) so what the hell, why not make an exception?
September 28, 2011 - by emptywheel
......But there’s something else weird about Obama’s stone-walling here. Here’s the list of people Obama has appointed to the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board, the board that oversees the IOB.
Chuck Hagel (10/28/2009), David Boren (10/28/2009), Roel Campos (12/23/2009), Lee Hamilton (12/23/2009)....
Why am I sharing this Obama speculation with you, Jerry? Maybe it is because I find your flirtation with the right in Paul May's Trump-CT thread incompatible
with your CT posture in other threads you post in on this forum.
FTR #489 2nd Interview with Robert Parry - Recorded December 5, 2004
Highlighting Robert Parry’s new book Secrecy and Privilege: The Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq, the program focuses on a series of illegal and treasonous Republican gambits conducted during Presidential election years..... The program then examines the evolution of the politicization of intelligence, from the elder George Bush’s importation of Team B to magnify and exaggerate the CIA’s estimates of Soviet strength, through William Casey’s thorough corruption of the CIA’s analytical division, and on to George Tenet’s role in heading off attempts to block Robert Gates’s nomination to head the CIA. An aide to Senator David Boren, Tenet eventually became head of the CIA himself and continued the trend of politicization of intelligence.....
May 1997: David Edger Is New CIA Chief of Station in Germany ....
David Lyle Boren, born April 21, 1941, in Washington, D.C., has served as president of the University of Oklahoma since 1994. Boren is the former United States Senator from Oklahoma from 1979-1994, and was the author of the National Security Education Act of 1991, which established the National Security Education Program (NSEP). The Academy for Educational Development (AED) offers the David L. Boren Graduate Fellowships under NSEP.[1]...
Nicholas Evan Berg (April 2, 1978 – May 7, 2004) was an American freelance radio-tower repairman[1] who went to Iraq after the United States' invasion of Iraq. He was Jewish.[2] .....Encounter with Zacarias Moussaoui
On May 14, 2004, it was revealed that Nick Berg had been investigated during the U.S. government's investigation of Zacarias Moussaoui, a 9/11 conspirator. Berg's email address had been used by Moussaoui prior to the September 11, 2001, attacks. According to Berg's father, Nick Berg had a chance encounter with an acquaintance of Moussaoui on a bus in Norman, Oklahoma. This person had asked to borrow Berg's laptop computer to send an email. Berg gave the details of his own email account and password, which were later used by Moussaoui. The FBI found that Berg had no direct terrorism connections or direct link with Moussaoui.[19]....
....Former U.S. Senator David Boren, now the president of the University of Oklahoma, is called the mentor of CIA director George J. Tenet. Boren is also interesting because during 2001 Zacarias Moussaoui spent six months in Norman, home of OU, and was taking flight lessons there before he moved to Minneapolis, where he was arrested and later charged with terrorism. He was also receiving wire transfers from the Hamburg Al Qaeda cell while in Norman. Additionally, in August 2001 Boren arranged for CIA officer David Edger to have a visiting professor appointment at OU. Edger had earlier been in charge of CIA surveillance over the Hamburg Al Qaeda cell, which included lead 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta....
Tenet's 9/11 morning |
Jun 4, 2004 - 11, 2001, CIA Director George Tenet had breakfast with former Sen. David Boren (D.-Oklahoma) at the St. Regis Hotel in Washington...
...What Tenet didn't tell Boren, Woodward said, is that the CIA had intercepted a flurry of communications over the summer of 2001 suggesting that something "spectacular" was imminent.
As the two men talked, Tenet's security guards approached their table and told Tenet that there was a "serious problem" -- the World Trade Center had been attacked....
...But before Tenet left the table, Woodward said he made one more comment -- a reference to Zacarias Moussaoui -- that suggested that the CIA Director's prescience may have fallen short when it came to preventing the attacks. "I wonder," Tenet said, "if it has anything to do with this guy taking pilot training."...
It would not have mattered if I had gone to Dallas to try to talk to Oliver Stone. The picture of him there in an embrace with Judyth, allegedly saying, "I believe you," influences me to think I have no facts that would have any influence on him.
The details I posted in the comments section at the link you posted, the ones I hoped Oliver Stone might read (before his Dallas encounter with Judyth) were found by me in an entirely open way. I posted them as I was discovering them, under the watchful eyes of both Dr. John McAdams and Photon, aka Paul May, according to DiEugenio. Jerry, I find it interesting your reaction to my research details is so similar to Dr. McAdams. BTW, was not a source I used to find anything about Garrison or the other names I posted in the comment at the link you posted, or in the image below. DiEugenio was about as appreciative as you and Dr. McAdams. At least it became clearer to me why I have difficulty making and keeping friends of the CT or LN communities....
Tom Scully - 09-01-2019, 08:51 PM
....Well, enough time has passed now to reliably observe that Jim did a "drive by" on me. (Imagine how different this might have gone down if he did not like me....)
Isn't another way of saying what Jim conveyed to me?
Tom, I like you personally.... unfortunately you are stupid enough to fall for the pronouncements of Max Holland's lackey, Donald Carpenter...
I was comments editor at that time, and I had access to the logged IPs of both Photon and Paul May. I shared with readers that DiEugenio was mistaken. Photon's IP location is conveniently close to CIA HQ, Paul posted with a different IP, associated with a location many hundreds of miles from Northern Virginia.