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Author Topic: Ed Forum & DPF posting activity: Accurate Inaccurate Emphasized Avoided Dropped  (Read 18927 times)

Offline Paul May

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Same here, Paul, you're a rare, lucid poster on these forums, you're not worked up over Stone's and DiEugenio's "revelations," you have a sense of humor, and you keep the door ajar enough to contrast you with Dr. McAdams on his side of "the spectrum" and DiEugenio, on the other. The first time I read your reply, I thought you were saying, "if Oswald had not been killed, the case is over...."  but I can't argue with what you actually wrote. There are or were some who thought Oswald's target was solely Connally, over the USMC discharge matter.

There so many coincidences, and the "slice of life," a moment in time, presented generally by the FBI investigation, 1963 - 1964 is a fascinating but disturbing glance at the mental and criminal dysfunction generally in the entire country.

Working backwards, Bobby Hales's mother Virginia, at the TSE office sends Oswald to a job interview at Leslie Welding, Bobby and his twin allegedly briefly encountered Oswald at their high school, an FBI report in summer, 1962 observes the Hale boys "visiting" Judith Exner's FBI staked out apartment in L.A., traces the description and tag number of the car they were seen leaving in, to FBI former favorite, IB Hale, security director for Henry Crown controlled, Dallas area aircraft plant, FBI decides not to bother Hale with his sons' road trip, and the Hales and Connallys meet up at Kathy Connally's coroners inquest in Florida in 1959.

So, Virginia Hale sends a job seeker on an interview who will soon shoot Connally, four years after her son Bobby claimed he attempted to slap a shotgun away from the head of Connally's daughter, but it went off and killed her. Forty some odd years later, Bobby Hale dies in an Alaska jail.

FBI 302 included Virginia Hale's Fort Worth address, but does not link her to her son Bobby or to her estranged husband, IB Hale, formerly a favorite Hoover agent, and the WC is not shown the report of Hale's car leaving the area adjacent to Judith Exner's apartment, 16 months before the Assassination, and around the time Henry Crown would have appreciated the leverage of Judith Exner and Johnny Roselli's phone calls audio, since the TFX contract was not certain and General Dynamics had just suffered the greatest losses of any still going concern corp., in history.

Other coincidences are Fred Korth representing Oswald's former step-father in divorce proceedings, and Korth being sent back to Texas just before JFK visited, and Korth's daughter, Kathleen Connally, and George DeM. all dying of 20 gauge shotgun "disease".

So, I just don't see how CTs seperate the coincidences from the meat. Oswald, with a publicized defection returning to Texas with a Russian bride just months before the Cuban missle crisis gives one pause. It certainly was not because he wanted to be around family. If any law enforcement or Intel. shop needed a pin cushion, for whatever expediency, Oswald was on hand.

How did Webster's employer, Rand, and his close friend, Shaheen, avoid any probing press inquiry in reaction to Webster's Soviet adventure?,2450.0.html#msg80947

It does not seem like editors supervising journalists or FBI Div. 5 and DIA / CIA supervisors of investgators and informants were getting much bang for the buck when it comes to Webster or Oswald.

Since I cannot identify and eliminate coincidences, I cannot lean as far as you towards "case closed". Resolving DeMohrenschildt is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
No breakthrough in 57 years, if you are not an ideological CT, reinforces the idea there was plenty of incompetence from the DPD to Mexico City's CIA post.

It isn't resolved whether Oswald was in Mexico City or whether RFK pushed for Allen Dulles's appointment to the WC, and neither question is likely ever going to be resolved.

I think it would help CTs immensely, especially those without much to look forward to than the bed closer to the window in a long term care facility, to nurture a sense of humor. Rehashing whether it was a Mauser or an MC, or who was in the doorway of the vestibule is no longer interesting or practical, considering the calendar.

Paul, how did you find Lifton? I've always found him irritating, but he and Harold soon tired of Garrison, so Lifton once had some discernment.

Tom, email me at Will fill you in on Lifton et al.

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Bill Chapman

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'When a person says “I believe in God”, I ask them to prove God exists' -Paul May
Asking one to prove that God exists is missing the point.

Anyway, God's dead. A cowboy shot him.
Beat him to the draw, in fact.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2020, 07:54:41 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Paul May

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Asking one to prove that God exists is missing the point.

Anyway, God's dead. A cowboy shot him.
Beat him to the draw, in fact.

Quite a video. What program is that?

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Bill Chapman

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Quite a video. What program is that?

'Preacher' on AMC

Satan is also dead.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2020, 08:06:44 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Paul May

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'Preacher' on AMC

Satan is also dead.

My black lab is named Satan. Trust me, he’s alive....and well. :D

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Bill Chapman

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My black lab is named Satan. Trust me, he’s alive....and well. :D

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Offline John Iacoletti

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John, you and I will never agree on the elements of this case. We have no reason to interact. I no longer will be drawn into 50+ year old debates. I believe the WC came to the right conclusion. You do not. Our big difference? I’ve mellowed over the years. You John, are still “in your face”. That’s so unpleasant. Good luck to you.

I’m not any more “in your face” than you are. I’m just pointing out that everything you say about the beliefs of conspiracy theorists applies equally to your beliefs as well.

Good day.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2020, 10:39:14 PM by John Iacoletti »

Offline Bill Chapman

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To each his own

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