I would agree with 95% of Mr Mutton's post..... I do believe that Lee ordered the carcano ...BUT George De M actually bought the Postal MO and gave it to Lee to order the cheap old unusual rifle that they wanted to use as a photo prop for the BY photo and a throw down gun to be left for the police to find at Walker's house.
The 5% of Mutton's post that is totally wrong is the part where he actually believes that the smudge on the foregrip of the rifle is Lee's palm print. Anybody who believes that an adult man could grasp the 5/8" diameter ( the size of a AA penlight battery) metal barrel and deposit an identifiable palm print on the small cylinderical surface should visit a shrink....
That part of Mutton's post is pure BS.... The liars who framed Lee have made suckers out of gullible idiots like Mutton......
Ok. ? You have citations on any of what you've stated?
The topic is. CE 2562. Weight of the rifle. Packing. Shipping. 750 lbs.
Which suggests ..36" rifles - which is what Oswald, or someone - ordered. 5.5 lbs x. 100 = 550lbs. Plus , possibly, weight of wooden crate, plus packing materials?
Or 100 40" rifles, @ 7 or 7.5 lbs, leaving either 50lbs, or none, for packaging.
Also, inventory lists rifle as G2766.
Your contributions to this topic are always appreciated.